unlike you

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"Are you okay?" Damon's best friend, Clay asked as the two walked to their 5th period class together. Damon's anger hasn't gotten any better, still was shutting people out. It angered him more that he wasn't sure why he felt like this.

"I don't know. I'm just so pissed and I don't know why." Damon shrugged. They were about halfway to class, when a random guy stopped them.

"Can I help you?" Damon asked as he and Clay were both confused on who this kid was.

"Are you Damon Samson?" The boy asked. He was about 5'7, brown hair, blue eyes, a little chubby with some Nike clothes on.

"Yeah? Why?" Damon asked, still confused.

"You're the son of the WWE wrestlers Bayley and Elias Samson, right?" The kid asked.

"Yeah why? Who are you?" Damon asked, furrowing his brows.

"Huh, no wonder not everyone likes you. You're the son of two suckass people." The kid laughed before Damon immediately shoved this kid down, getting on top of him and punching him in the face repeatedly. It wasn't the first time someone had noticed he was Bayley and Elias's son. But he wouldn't dare let anyone disrespect them and his anger was getting the best of him.

"Damon get off!" Clay yelled, trying to pull his friend off before Damon shoved him. Damon continuously punched his guy in the face, his nose all bloody as well as his mouth, two black eyes and bruises already forming on his face.

"Damon Samson get off!" The principal yelled, as he and about five or six other people separated the two boys before Damon was taken into the principal's office.

"Damon! What were you thinking?" Luana yelled once she saw Damon in the hallway.

"Leave me alone." He sighed before he walked to the principal's office.

"Okay, because of your actions you will be suspended for one week and we've already called your parents to let them know and they're on their way to pick you up." The principal informed Damon although he wasn't necessarily surprised.

"Great." Damon sighed to himself. He then walked to his locker, grabbed his bag and other things he needed before walking back to the main office, where Bayley and Elias had arrived to pick him up. Not one word was exchanged between the three of them from the minute they picked him up until they got home. Damon immediately went upstairs to his room, slamming the door shut.

"What could be up with him?" Bayley asked as she and Elias sat down in the dining room.

"I don't know. All I know is we need to get him figured out and fast." Elias sighed.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Where stories live. Discover now