i don't know you

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"Where is he?" Mila asked, clearly upset. It was her winter showcase, and everyone always came to watch her. But this time, Damon wasn't there to watch her. He'd been partying a lot, getting lost in the girls, drugs and drinking. This was another important showcase, and the fact that Damon wasn't there pissed her off.

"Baby sis he'll be here." Luana tried to reassure her sister, as it killed her knowing that she was more than likely lying to her.

"And how do you know that?" Mila asked as Luana knew she was right.

"You're right, I don't know that. But I still have a little faith in him that he'll show up." Luana said, hugging her sister.

"Damon or no Damon, go out and kill it like you always do baby sis. We'll still be cheering the loudest for you." Luana said as Mila began to get ready for her first out of seven dances for the night, while Bayley, Elias, Luana and Garrett went to their seats since Mila told her it was okay if he came to watch her dance.

"Luana?" Bayley asked, as Mila had just finished her third dance.

"Yeah mom?" Luana asked as she had anger in her tone, but not meaning it towards her mom.

"Have you seen or heard from Damon?" She asked, unaware of what Damon had been doing the last seven weeks.

"No I haven't. And I'm going to kick his ass when I see him next." She said, almost going off right then and there.

"Baby, please calm down." Garrett calmly said, looking into her icy green eyes.

"I'm pissed off at Damon. She's halfway through her showcase and he knew this was a big deal for her. He's so getting his ass kicked and chewed out when I see him next." Luana said, clenching her fist.

"Baby, tonight's not about Damon. It's about Mila, and she's doing a fantastic job with all her dances just like you've shown me. It's her night, focus on her. Not your brother." Garrett said, calming her down.

"You're right. Thank you baby." She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Always my love." He smiled as they shared a quick kiss.

"Hey dude what's wrong?" The small, platinum blonde headed girl, also known as Mila's best friend Ivy said, walking up to her after her performance as she saw her friend super upset.

"Damon's not here." She said, holding in her tears.

"He's not?" Ivy asked, very shocked. She knew her best friend's brother always came and the fact that he didn't was a huge shocker.

"No. He didn't show up before I began dancing and I keep glancing in the crowd and he's not there!" She yelled, a few tears sliding down her cheeks as Ivy hugged her.

"It's okay dude. I promise." Ivy softly spoke to the dark headed girl.

"I'm tired of hearing that promise! Damon knows how much these showcases mean to me and he just decides not to show up? What the heck?!" She yelled into her friend's shoulder.

"Chill Mila. Don't work yourself up over your brother being dumb. Just go get a drink of water, let's get our outfits on to do this dance with Nate and Alex. You got this, I've got this, they've got this. It's our night as a whole. Don't let anyone ruin it." Ivy said, talking about the group dance the girls were about to do with two of their guy friends who also danced at the studio. Ivy was actually dating Nate, but Mila had no intentions of being with a guy in her near future especially after being in a toxic one for six months, ending it a year ago.

"Okay. Lets go." Mila said, taking a few deep breaths.

"There's Damon." Garrett quietly said as Damon, Jax and Ryder showed up halfway through Mila's group dance, her now sixth dance of the night.

"Wow he shows up when she's practically done. Such a good brother." Luana said, rolling her eyes as they finished the dance, as her last one closed the show, two dances later.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Luana said as she got a better look at Damon, seeing something was off with him.

"What is it?" Garrett asked once they walked back to find Mila's room.

"He's fucking high Garrett." She said as she wanted to go and beat the hell out of him.

"And now we're gonna walk away and find Mila." He said, grabbing her arm while Bayley and Elias talked to other parents about the show. They then found Mila's room three hallways down.

"I'm so proud of you baby sis. You killed it." Luana gave her a sympathetic smile, knowing that although Mila appreciated that, it's not exactly what she wanted to hear.

"I'm so proud of you Mila. You're so good and that was fun watching you for my first time." Garrett smiled at the black headed girl.

"Thanks. But where's Damon?" Mila asked as she saw her brother show up halfway through her dance. She was happy and furious, with the fact that he actually showed up, but basically missed everything.

"Hopefully coming in here any minute." Luana said as almost right on cue, Damon and his buddies walked into the room.

"There's my sissy." Damon grinned, his eyes showing the high from weed with red rose colored lines going into his pupils as he hugged Mila, kissing her cheek as that was totally not like him. Sure he'd give a hug, but he definitely wasn't a clingy one, and wouldn't ever kiss their cheeks or be so lovey dovey. It was weird.

"Damon, get off you're making it hard for me to breathe." Mila slightly panicked, as she still had some breathing issues; not as extreme as they were about ten years ago.

"Baby sis I'm so proud of you, you did amazing. Here." He said, pulling out about $350 from his wallet as Mila about fainted.

"Damon, no." She quietly said, becoming very uncomfortable.

"Baby sis it's not a prob go out and buy whatever you want you deserve it." He said as Mila could smell weed and alcohol on him.

"Where's Damon?" She asked, looking her brother in the eyes.

"What? I'm right here." He asked.

"You're not Damon, you're a dick. I want my Damon back." She said as he then grabbed her arm rather harshly.

"Damon let go of me!" She yelled as she was scared of what he would do next before Luana got in the middle of them.

"Damon get you and you're little drug buddies out of here. You've done enough!" She yelled, pushing her brother before tending to Mila. She glanced one last time, seeing Damon flip them off as Mila had more tears roll down her cheeks.

"Sis, I'm sorry." Luana said before Mila cut her off.

"Luana just stop. Don't say anything." Mila said, walking away from her sister. How the hell was this going to be solved and get Damon back to normal if Luana and Mila were on two separate pages?

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