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One Month Later

"Babe?" Bayley asked as she walked into her and Elias's bedroom.

"Yeah?" He quietly asked.

"Can you watch the twins so I can feed Mila?" She asked as he nodded his head, walking downstairs without another word said. Over the last month ever since Mila was born, Bayley noticed that Elias began to be colder and a little meaner. He wouldn't talk much and would only help with the kids occasionally; really distancing himself off. It confused Bayley because she wanted to help him, but he wouldn't allow her to help with whatever was causing him to be this way.

"Hi angel. Mommy's gonna feed you baby." Bayley smiled as she picked Mila up from her crib, getting a blanket out before sitting in the recliner in the corner of the pink and grey room; latching Mila on to feed her. About a half hour later, Bayley carried Mila downstairs to check on Elias and the twins as she saw the twins watching some cartoons while Elias was trying to cook something for their dinner. She carefully placed Mila down in her rocker swing by the couch where the twins were sitting, checking on them before heading into the kitchen.

"Stop. I can handle this." Elias said as Bayley began trying to help cook their dinner so it'd get done quicker.

"I was just trying to help." She said as he turned around, seeing her look him straight in the eyes as she was concerned.

"I don't need your help." He said, turning back around to the skillet as she furrowed her eyebrows at him in confusion.

"What's going on?" She asked as she was very worried about him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, not even looking at her.

"Elias, you know what I mean. I know you're not an always happy go lucky guy and very private about our life, but I know you. This isn't you. Tell me what's going on." She sighed.

"It's nothing." He said, glancing at her.

"It's obviously not nothing Elias." She said, not dropping the conversation.

"Bayley, it's nothing. I'm done talking about it." He said as she walked out of the kitchen. She knew he was lying, but what could he be so upset about?

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