weird sickness

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"You two are way to energetic for me today." Bayley sighed as she walked outside into their backyard as the twins were jumping on the trampoline. Elias would be home soon from his live events and Smackdown show, and she was glad since she wasn't feeling well, knowing it was probably from traveling just two weeks ago.

"There you guys are." Elias sighed with relief once he got home from the road, seeing Bayley and the twins outside.

"Yeah. These two have been so energetic since their nap." She sighed as Elias sat next to her.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he could tell something was off.

"Just not feeling good. I've felt nauseous the whole day." She said, looking over to her husband.

"Then what are you doing out here? You need to lay down." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I've been waiting for you to come home. I can't necessarily leave two energetic three year olds unattended babe." She half smiled.

"True. But I'm here now so go lay down and text if you need anything since I'll probably be out here for a while with the twins." He said as she nodded her head, getting up and walking back upstairs to their room.

"Daddy?" Damon yelled from the trampoline.

"Yeah buddy?" He asked, walking to the trampoline.

"Where's mommy?" He asked.

"Mommy went to go lay down buddy. She's not feeling good." He said, looking at his son.

"Is mommy gonna feel better?" Luana asked.

"Yeah baby. She's gonna feel better. You two need to come in though so you can eat some dinner while I check on mommy." He said, helping the twins off the trampoline as they walked inside. The twins played with some toys in the living room as Elias walked upstairs and into his and Bayley's room, hearing her throwing up in the bathroom as he rushed in there to check on her.

"It's okay baby. I'm here." He said, holding her hair and rubbing her back as she emptied whatever was contained in her stomach.

"How many times have you gotten sick?" He asked once she lifted her face from the toilet, her limp body resting on Elias.

"Four times." She weakly said, tears glazed over her eyes, face unusually pale.

"Okay. Let me clean you up and grab you a sprite. You're not leaving the bed unless you throw up." He said, grabbing a warm washcloth , wiping her face down before brushing her teeth and carrying her back into their bed, carefully and gently laying her down. He quickly walked downstairs seeing the twins play with their toys, grabbing a bottle of sprite before walking back upstairs where Bayley was in and out of it.

"Here babygirl. Just get some rest and drink this. I'm downstairs if you need anything." He said, placing the sprite bottle next to her before placing a few kisses on her forehead.

"Okay." She weakly said.

"Love you baby." He smiled.

"Love you too." She said, falling asleep as he walked back downstairs. The more he thought about Bayley's symptoms, the more he felt that she could be pregnant although she said it was from traveling. His guts told him otherwise but he would rather wait to bring it up when she's not puking.

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