I adore you

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College AU because I want them to be humans :)
Virgil's P.O.V
We all know how bad college is right? Everyone knows it's overly stressful, you always have to worry, you stay up all night doing work, it's not fun. I think the only thing that could make it worse is being room mates with your crush since high school. Guess what happened to lucky old me? I've had the biggest crush on Roman Sanders since 9th grade, ever since I first met him. We're best friends, so I guess it's not all that bad. I'm usually able to control it and act natural, but it's slowly getting harder and harder to control myself and not just tackle him and hug and kiss him all over. I've started separating myself from him, hiding in my room 24/7 to see him as little as possible. When I do see him, it's so hard. He's so handsome, happy, adorable, just all around perfect. It's even worse when he decides that we randomly need to cuddle. We've done it for a while, just him hugging me as tight as he could, wrapping his arms around my waist, innocent things like that. He may not realize it but it really makes my heart melt, hell even him looking at me makes my heart melt.
I was currently doing what I always did, hiding in my room and spacing out, hoping my problems just disappear. There was a gentle knock at my door, so I hurriedly got up and rushed to my door, preparing myself to face him. I opened the door and saw just who I expected, Roman, standing there and smiling softly.
"Hey Virgil! Neither of us have class tomorrow, and I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me?" That was random, he never really asks me to do things like that, it usually just kinda happens.
"Uhh... before I agree why do you want too?" He looked away and rubbed his neck.
"Well... you've been a bit distant lately, I thought we could spend some time together and catch up...?" I couldn't tell if I should smile or cringe at the fact that he noticed. On one hand, that means he pays attention to me, on the other it means I could've been hurting his feelings or worrying him.
"Yeah... sure that'd be nice. In the family room?" He smiled brightly when I agreed.
"I was thinking my room, it's more comfortable there and I have a bigger TV." I could feel myself almost start blushing. God dammit Virgil he just invited you to watch a movie in his room, calm down! But that meant we could cuddle... no god dammit you're only friends!
"Okay, lead the way princy." He giggled at He nickname and grabbed my hand, gently pulling me to his room. When we entered his room down the hall he made me sit down while he put in the movie. I watched him as he moved around the room, making the simplest tasks look graceful and elegant. I smiled softly, just realizing how much I actually missed hanging out with him. He glanced back and saw me watching and flashed me a small smile.
"What are you smiling about?" I blushed, luckily not to dark.
"N-nothing... just realizing how much I missed hanging out with you recently..." he put the movie in and sat next to me on the bed, pulling me into a gentle hug.
"Aww I missed hanging out with you too Vee!" We both giggled and curled up, leaning against the headboard of his soft and neatly made bed. As we watched the movie, we slowly cuddled up more and more to each other, ending with his arm around my shoulders, my arms wrapped around his torso, and our legs tangled up under the covers. I was blushing a deep red the entire time, feeling my heart ache a little knowing that he did this in a completely platonic way. I slowly grew more and more tired, letting out multiple yawns in a few minutes. He chuckled quietly.
"You tired Virg?" I nodded against his chest, yawning yet again.
"You should go to bed then" I moved to get up, but he stopped me.
"Wanna just sleep in here? You're already so comfortable..." I blushed even harder if possible. We've only slept in the same bed once and it's because I got wasted and pasted out, holding him with me against his will. He was laughing the entire morning after that at my embarrassment. I nodded, laying back down. We were both conveniently already in pajamas, so we didn't have to change. He turned the lamp and TV off before laying down fully, staying in the same position we were in while watching the movie.
"Goodnight Vee..."
"Night Ro."
It had been about an hour or two since we laid down, but I couldn't stop thinking. Mainly about how I'm gonna survive with such a big crush on Roman. I started gently tracing random shapes on his side and stomach, watching my finger move the cloth of his shirt around. I eventually started drawing little hearts with my finger, not even realizing. The hearts slowly got bigger, and the bigger hearts slowly turned into words. I didn't even realize I was spelling out
"I like you" and "I love you" I forced myself to stop and shifted around, trying to roll over. I panicked when Roman woke up, yawning before looking down at me.
"Why are you still up Virgil?"
"Couldn't s-sleep?" It came out more of a question than a statement, making me cringe eternally. He softly sighed, pulling me closer.
"What are you thinking about?"
"How did you know my thoughts were keeping me up?"
"Virgil, I've known you long enough. What were you thinking about that kept you up so late?" I had to bite my tongue and mentally kick myself for even thinking about shaking 'you'
"We both know that's not true, you can tell me I won't judge you."
"Yeah you will." He pulled away slightly and looked down at me with concern.
"Virg, what is it?"
"I...I...Ugh I cant tell you!" I groaned in frustration. He rubbed my back softly, trying to calm me down.
"I won't make you, but you really should talk about it if it's working you up so much..." his voice was dripping concern. I looked into his hazelnut eyes. They had drops of gold in them, and when the light hit them they shined brighter than any star. It was only one of the reasons I loved him.
"I... god Roman I have a crush on you, I like you, I like you so much and it's eating me alive! That's the reason I was distant, I didn't want to slip up and say something and just ruin our entire friendship, because if I couldn't have you, I had to settle for friendship! And everyday I see you it hurts more and more knowing you'll never feel the same way that I do towards you, because I'm head over heals. Every little thing you do, it all drives me crazy! The way you smile when you see me, the way your eyes glow in the light, your laugh when Patton or even you tell a joke, the way you always see the good in freaking everyone! All of it just drives me crazy, because I absolutely adore you!" I hadn't realized that I was now sitting at the end of the bed, tears rolling down my face as I took a deep breath after my long speech. I glanced at him from he corner of my eye and saw him just starring, shock covering all his features.
"I'm sorry. I should've kept my mouth shut..." I felt the tears streaming down my face at a steady pace.
I stood up and started walking towards the door, but his soft hand grabbing my wrist so gently, yet strong enough to hold me still stopped me in my tracks. He pulled me back to the bed so I was sitting down, and I curled up in a ball, not looking in his direction.
"Vee..." I didn't move at all.
"Virgil, look at me please." I shakily looked at him, surprised when I saw a smile painted on his face. He gently cupped my face with his hands and wiped my tears away before he engulfed me in a tight hug.
"Don't cry, please. You have nothing to be sorry for, I feel the same way you do. I adore you so much, your laugh, your gorgeous almost black eyes that look like a dark night sky, the way the corners of your eyes crinkle when you smile, your faint dimples, the freckles thay I sadly rarely ever see because you insist on hiding, even though I think their absolutely adorable, just everything about you Virgil, I have for a while now." I felt myself tearing up again, but this time in pure bliss. I hugged him back, holding back the tears in my eyes as I nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
"God I can't believe this... all these years of worrying about it and you liked me back, why didn't you say something Princy?" He giggled and squeezed me tightly.
"Hey don't pin this on me! You liked me just as long!" I giggled and pulled out of the hug.
"Did you really mean it? Or were you just trying to comfort me..?" I instantly regretted asking, fearing the respond I would get. He smiled at me, his eyes holding nothing but love.
"I've never meant anything more Virgil.... hey, to prove it how about I take you out tomorrow, neither of us have classes?" I smiled and nodded my head, hugging him again. He hugged back and moved so we were both laying down. I was still sniffling slightly, so he squeezed me as tightly and as close as he possibly could, wiping my cheeks one last time to try and rid my skin of the stains from crying. I felt a smile creep onto my face when I felt him start tracing words in my side and back. I focused on finding out what they were, and managed to get 'I really like you' I giggled, leaning up and kissing his nose gently.
'I really like you too, Ro..."  he smiled back at me and kissed all over my face, leaving one last kiss on the top of my head before cuddling up again so I couldn't see his face and he couldn't see mine. I nuzzled into his chest as much as I could, before letting out a tiny yawn. The yawn was apparently loud enough for Roman to hear, because he cooed at me and kissed my head again.
"God you're so adorable!" I blushed and shook my head. He kissed my head multiple times again.
"Yes you are, don't fight it."
"Fine find you win" he giggled and pulled me closer if that was even possible.
"Goodnight again, Vee"
"Goodnight again, Princy"

A/N I suck at endings can't you tell? Their always the same someone p l e a s e give me tips on how to make better endings, I need it.

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin