Just a dream

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*Angel(Anxietys) P.O.V*
(Warning!: panic attack, self harm, self hate, cussing)
Angel and roman had been the best of friends for years now. Ever since anxiety entered the mind, prince or roman was the only one to except anxiety for who he is. I have a major crush on prince, I'd even go as far as saying I love him. I can only hope that roman feels the same. I was sitting on my bed over thinking everything and on the verge of a panic attack when there was a knock my bedroom door.
"C-come in..." roman walked in with concern on his face.
"Anx, You okay?"
"Ye-Yeah... just thinking..."
"Oh sorry did I interrupt?"
"No! No actually you uhh you helped..."
"Oh no angel, are the thoughts getting bad again?"
"I'm fine roman honestly, what did you need?"
"We're gonna have a movie night, Wanna join? Tonight we're watching Mulan and Aladin?"
"Yeah, I'll be down in a second." Roman left so I could change. I took a deep breath to clear my head. I got into my grey onesie with cat ears and walked downstairs. I saw roman on one of the small couches and sat next to him. He wrapped his arm around me making me blush. I nuzzled into him curling into a ball. Morality turned the movie on and sat next to logic. I kept thinking about Prince and how much it hurt to know that our position was completely platonic. About a hour into Mulan I fell asleep.
___Dream land____
I was falling in pure blackness. I tried to grab for anything around me but there was nothing. I hit the ground hard but it didn't hurt at all. Suddenly all the other sides appeared around me, but something was off. They all had pure hatred in their eyes, making me cower backwards. I knew they all hated me...
Waste of space"
The insults wouldn't stop. Morality and Logic were insulting me relentlessly, while prince just glared at me with hate. They finally stopped as I was shaking and sobbing. Prince walked up to me and grabbed me by my shirt.
"I will never love you, I hate you more than you can imagine. All of us including Thomas would be better without you"
The sobs got worse. I knew he hung out with me out of pity. They all disappeared leaving my shaking sobbing form on the ground.
____out of dream land____
I woke up with a jolt as I was being shaken. I looked up and saw Prince,Logic, and Morality with concern on their faces. I was sobbing and shaking violently. I was definitely having a panic attack. I got up after shaking the the others off me and ran to my room. I was digging my nails into the palms of my hands, drawing blood. I felt the crimson liquid drip down my palms onto the floor. I got to my room and slammed the door shut. I sat against the head board and curled I to a ball. I pulled me knees into my chest and continued sobbing. I was shaking and hyperventilating. I'm such a fuck up. I ruined movie night, all the other sides hate me, Thomas hates me, all I do is ruin Thomas's life. I grabbed a blade from my dresser, ignoring the pounding on the door and dragged it a crossed my wrists. I deserved this. I added about 20 new cuts to my old scars and pulled my sleeves down after bandaging them. I didn't want to die yet. The banging on the door went away. I cried myself to sleep.
~a week later~
*Princes P.O.V*
It had been a week. A week since anxietys break down. A week since I had seen him. I missed him a lot, he was my best friend and...and I loved him. He hadn't come out of his room at all. I decided to go knock on his door and try to talk to him. I had before, but today I was extra determined. I walked to his room and knocked on the door.
"Anxiety let me in." I spoke with a caring but stern voice.
"No... go away.."
"Anxiety, no let me in, now." He didn't answer. I knew we had keys to everyone's room for emergencies. I grabbed anxietys and unlocked his door. What I saw broke my heart. He had red puffy eyes, the black bags under his eyes were worse showing the lack of sleep he got, he was curled in a ball with his knees to his chest, he was broken, and anyone could tell. I ran over and tackled him in a hug. He instantly gave in and hugged me, sobbing into my chest. I was on top of him so I rolled us over so he was on top. I rubbed his back reassuringly and whispered calming words into his ear. He eventually calmed down but didn't let go. I carefully sat up with him in my lap and made him look at me.
"Angel, what happened? What's wrong?"
"I-I mi-missed y-You so m-much..... I-I-I was a-afraid of g-getting h-hurt..."
"Why would I hurt you? Anxiety what was your dream about lasts week?"
He told me about it all.
*angels POV really quick*
I left out the fact of me loving him
*back to princeys pov*
I was crying too. My poor anxiety, he thought we all hated him so much. I hugged him and he nuzzled into me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist.
"Anxiety I would never say that to you, logic and morality would never say that. We all love you to much anxiety, you always take care of us making sure we're happy and calm, while you had attacks every night. You can always come to me if you need someone to talk to, cuddle with, or just if you need someone with you while you sleep. Anxiety I love you, I always have, and always will" anxiety pulled away and looked into my eyes.
"I love you too prince.... that's why te dream affected me so much, you said you would never love me... and I b-be-believed t-that..." I kissed him trying to calm him down. It was soft and caring, but full of love and passion. He kissed back instantly. He made us lay down with him on top. I gave in and bit his bottom lip softly. I flipped us over and pinned his arms above him. We continued kissing, with me giving him a few hickeys on his neck and by his ears. We eventually separated and were both blushing panting messes. We sat up and he looked at me lovingly.
"If i didn't love you would I have done that?" I saw motioning towards the hickeys. He blushed and looked away. I gently lifted his chin and kissing him softly once more.
"I love you angel, don't let anyone tell you other wise."
"I love you too princey... please don't leave me.."
" I won't baby, trust me." We fell asleep on his bed cuddling. All was right again.

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