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Roman's P.O.V
(Sorry logic x Anxiety shippers)
Want to know what sucks? Having to see the love of your life getting super close to someone else. Wanna know what else sucks? Having to deal with it for months now. Logan and Virgil have been getting way to close for my liking recently. I know Virgil doesn't even know I like him, but seriously have some respect gosh! I was currently sitting in my bedroom drawing while listening to Disney songs. I realized I hadn't eaten all day and sighed, putting my pencil down and getting off my desk chair and slowly making my way downstairs. When I reached the bottom I saw Logan and Virgil cuddling on the couch. I groaned loudly in annoyance and walked into the kitchen, quickly grabbing a snack and running back upstairs. The last thing I wanted is to be around them while they're like this. I could hear their faint voices through my door since I hadn't started my music yet. I listened closely to what they were saying.
"What's his problem?"
"I don't know but he acts like that anytime we're around each other."
"" I blushed as I thought about what he could be saying. They didn't know I liked Virgil right? I stopped listening as they got too quiet for me to hear and continued drawing. I realized I had drawn something I had seen on the internet that was me and Virgil almost kissing. Yes I'll admit I looked at 'prinxiety, art when I'm bored. I sighed and decided to go talk to Patton. Maybe he could get my mind off Virgil. I walked to his room and knocked on the door.
"Patton! Can we talk?"
"Why of corse kiddo come on in!" I walked into his room and sat on his bed. He was in his car onzie.
"What did you want to talk about?" I know I wanted to get my mind off Virgil but it was too hard.
"My feelings towards Virgil..."
"Aww kiddo do you have a crush?"
"Yeah... a big one.. but I think he and Logan are a thing. They're always cuddling or holding each other's hands!"
"You don't see it do you?"
"See what? There's nothing to see."
"The way he looks at you."
"What about it?"
"It's different from how he looks at Logan. He looks at you like the moon and the stars shine out of your eyes, like you're the only one that matters as soon as you're in the room."
"You can't be right..."
"Believe what you want kiddo, but I don't lie..."
"Alright.... thanks Patton... I'm gonna go back to my room, I'm tired... after all it is 10 and a prince needs his beauty sleep"
"Alright night kiddo!"
I walked out of his room and slowly walked back to mine. I stopped and considered going and telling Virgil how I felt, but changed my mind. I walked into my room and flopped face first onto my soft bed. Just as I was about to doze off into a deep slumber I heard a knock on my door. I sat up and fixed my hair, since it was messy from laying down.
"Come in." I watched as Logan walked in straight faced as always.
"What do you need Logan?"
"I came here out of curiosity. Recently me and Virgil have been growing rather close and any time you see us together you seem annoyed, may I ask why this is?"
"It's nothing."
"It does not seem like nothing, it happens quiet often."
"It's nothing okay?!"
"There is no need to sh-"
"ITS NOTHING!" He flinched slightly and I could see surprise in his eyes. I sighed and looked down in shame.
"I-I'm sorry Logan it's...I'm okay, alright?"
"Okay. If you say so." He walked out of my room and shut my door. Why did I yell at him, he was simply asking a question. I rubbed my eyes and layed back down curling into a ball. I quickly fell asleep and was left to my peaceful dreams. Mostly filled with Virgil.
The next morning
I woke up to soft sunlight shined into my room through my red curtains. I got up and stretched my back out, earning a few pops. I got up and walked into the bathroom, fixing my hair. After about 20 minutes of getting ready I walked downstairs. I saw Virgil and Logan again. Virgil was practically sitting on Logans lap. I got a burning sensation in my heart and walked over. I tried to be as gentle as possible.
"Virgil, could I talk to you? Alone?"
"Uhh... s-sure..." he was blushing bright red. He got up and we both walked upstairs into the hallway. It wasn't near any of the rooms so it was fine. I couldn't control myself as I pushed him against the wall. Not hard but gently. He looked into my eyes blushing even darker. I looked back into his eyes and leaned closer.
"I don't want to share you..." I whispered softly. I leaned in closer, our lips practically touching.
"Do I have to share you Vee?"
"N-n-no.. you don't...." I closed the gap between us and kissed him softly. I softly bit his bottom lip making him gasp. I depend the kiss slightly. After a minute or two I pulled away and looked back into his eyes.
"Wow I really love you..." was all he said. I smiled softly and leaned my forehead against his gently.
"I love you too..."
"You were jealous weren't you?" I pulled away from him and let him off the wall.
"Yeah... j-just a lot a bit.."
"Because you're always all over Logan and it looks like you love him..."
"There's a reason..."
"What's that may I asked?"
"I didn't know you cared about me at all.. I didn't know Patton cared. Logan was the only one I knew really cared about me, and when I was having a panic attack his logic would calm me down by proving I'm okay and safe... I grew close to him and trusted him... but now I trust you and I have you to calm me down and to be there for me always right?"
"Right. I'll always be here for you when you're panicking or scared or just when you need a hug or cuddles or a kiss. Im not going to make you stop hanging out with Logan though because he clearly makes you happy."
"Thank you... and you make me just as happy. Actually you make me happier. I'll still hang out with him but I won't cuddle with him okay?"
"Okay. I'm here for you to cuddle though."
"Okay good... so... what are we now?"
"I you want to be my boyfriend?"
"Obviously Ro..."
"Then I guess we're boyfriends!" He giggled and kissed me again.
"You know I really do love you Vee"
"And I really do love you too Ro.. should we tell Patton and Logan?"
"Yeah.. we sh-"
"Roman! Virgil! Me and Logan need to tell you something!"
"Oh? Let's go Virgil." We both walked downstairs and saw Logan and Patton holding hands. Me and Virgil were too. I leaned over and whispered.
"Logicality is real." He whispered back.
"So is prinxiety" I giggled and we both looked back at the other too.
"What did you need to tell us?"
"So.. while you two were talking I came downstairs and decided to tell Logan something while I had he chance... I told him that I have feelings for him. Romantic feelings, and he told me he returned them!"
"So you two are dating? Logicality is real?" I could hear the joy in Virgils voice.
"Yes. We are now... I guess boyfriends."
"Well, good news! So are we!" I said excitedly. Patton looked at me and smiled.
"See! I knew he returned your feelings Roman!"
"Patton! You told him?"
"Not exactly..." I laughed as Virgil groaned loudly.
"Me and Virgil are going to go to my room, okay?"
"Alright kiddos!" I led Virgil up to my room.
"So what did Patton tell you Ro?"
"He told me something about the way you looked at me.. how you looked at me like.. I think it was the stars and the moon shined out of my eyes..." he blushed.
"So he did tell you. Wow."
"Wait.. you said that?"
" I mean yeah... I've had a huge crush on you for such a long time... I talked about you a lot to him... sorry that's weird.."
"No! No no! It's okay I did the same honestly!" We both sat on the bed. I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me down so I was laying down with him. I rolled over and faced him, wrapping my arms around him too. I kissed his nose and put my forehead against his again.
"I love you."
"I love you too"

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeWhere stories live. Discover now