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Warning; involves blood and cursing, mentions of bullying and abuse.
Human AU, high school AU
Virgil's P.O.V
Today has been to much. It was Friday afternoon right after school. I had just gotten off the bus and didn't even bother going home. It would just lead to more hitting, and I think I've had enough of that today. The entire school day was full of people pushing me, tripping me, and I even got thrown up against the lockers a few times. I had bruises littering my back and knees from being thrown to the floor or tripped so many times. I didn't feel like having to explain another black eye that I got from my jackass father to my teachers, or the school councilor if I got sent there again for having another breakdown in class. I dropped my backpack off in the same bush as usual as I made my way into the forest, as always. I got bored of my usual route and decided to go a different way. The road I took instead had more houses scattered around than usual, making me worry that I was lost. I almost started panicking before I saw the familiar oak trees in huge clusters just down the street. I glanced around the neighborhood, it was pretty nice. My attention was pulled to an oddly familiar house. I stopped to examine it more, to see if I could identify who's it was. After a few more seconds I realized who owned it. It was Roman, one of my very few friends from school, and one of the only people who knew about what my dad did to me. We've hung out a few times after school, and he had such a better life than me. I scoffed at how lucky he was and continued walking to the forest. I eventually reached it and continued at a slightly slower pace as I walked through the trees. I heard twigs snapping behind me, making me panic and speed up my walking a little more. After a few minutes of this, I swore I heard footsteps and growling, causing me to break into a full sprint. As I was running, I didn't realize the fallen tree in front of me. My foot got caught on one of the branches, causing me to flip forward and hit my head roughly on the rocky forest floor. I groaned loudly in pain, and forced my eyes opened. My vision slowly started getting blurry and darker, before it was all absorbed by the empty black void. The last thing I heard was my name faintly being called from far away.
Romans P.O.V
I smiled as I walked in to my house and saw my parents getting ready. They had been planning for a trip for a week now, and were finally going on their very deserved break.
"You guys leaving soon?" My mom smiled back at me.
"Yeah, a few minutes. You'll be okay alone, right?" I nodded at her.
"Yep! I'm gonna go upstairs, bye mom and dad!" I hugged both of them goodbye before making my way upstairs. I sat at my desk in my bedroom, pulling out my homework. The sun shown perfectly through the window placed right in front of me. I heard my parents start their car and saw them pull out of the driveway, driving down the street. I looked up at the sky, a calm wave washing over me. I smiled as the beautiful, yet slightly setting sun slowly disappeared into the green ocean of the forest. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure stop in front of my house. I looked down and realized it was one of my close friends, Virgil. I saw him stare for a few seconds, before turning and walking away towards the forest. Panic flushed over me as he made his way into it. It was so dangerous in there, he would get hurt! I couldn't let him do that, I'd never forgive myself if that beautiful guy got hurt. I quickly rushed downstairs and put my shoes on, flying out the door and getting more and more concerned as I ran down the sidewalk. I had to stop him! I slowed down to a walk as I saw him enter the forest, I was right behind him. As I walked into the forest too, he started walking faster. Did he hear me? No, impossible I had made no noise. I had heard a few branches snap from far off though, maybe that scared him. I sped up slightly too, trying to match his pace to catch him once he stopped. The only reason I didn't run up to him is because I knew how easily scared he was, he would run away. He glanced around before starting to sprint, as if something was chasing him. I ran after him, I needed to stop him soon. I gasped as I saw him trip and flip over a fallen tree, slamming his head onto the ground. I picked up my pace, sprinting as fast as I possibly could to get to him.
"Virgil!" I got to his side just as his eyes closed. I saw blood pooling into the fresh green grass and leaves below his head, making me instantly start freaking out. I took off the red jacket wrapped around my waist and tied it around his head. I picked him up bridal style quickly and rushed out of the forest back towards my house. I reached my door and carefully opened it, still holding Virgil tightly in my arms. I was holding back tears of worry and guilt as I made my way to the bathroom. I set him down on the surprisingly big counter and rushed around to find the first aid kit and a wash rag. I ran back to him, looking at his hardly moving frame. I lifted his limp head to face me.
"Virgil? Virgil come on, wake up!" Nothing.
"Fuck! Virgil please I need you to wake up!" I stared crying now, what if he died because I didn't stop him! I forced myself to focus on the deep cut on the back of his head. I turned him around and wet the wash rag, gently dabbing off the gash. When I finished, the rag was covered in blood. I put it down on the counter and grabbed the peroxide and started slowly pouring it over the gash. Luckily, it wasn't a very long cut, just deep. I grabbed another wash rag and placed it on to the cut to dry it off. After a second of doing that, I grabbed the band aids from the first aid kit and wrapped them slowly around his head, covering the cut in many layers, also having to wrap it around his forehead. After I finished, I turned him back around and held his face gently, looking at his closed eyelids. He was breathing well, just knocked out. I didn't want to take him to the hospital, I don't think he needed to go. The cut wasn't deep enough to cause any permanent damage, and the bleeding has stopped mostly.
"Virgil, you need to wake up, I need to know you're okay..." nothing. I started crying more, what if I was wrong? What if he really was going to die?
"V-Virgil, p-please..." I leaned backwards against the wall, sinking down and hugging my knees. I sobbed quietly into them, shaking lightly. After a few minutes, I heard shuffling around on the counter. I looked up and saw Virgil sitting up straighter, looking around with a terrified expression. I shot up and hugged him tightly. I sobbed into his shoulder.
"Oh my god Virgil I thought you were gonna did oh my god!" I hugged him even tighter. He sat confused for a second before hugging me back hesitantly. He eventually gave in and held me just as tight back.
"I-I'm Okay Roman... what happened?" I pulled away from the hug and looked at him, smiling as I realized he truly was fine and here with me. I held his hand, wanting to be reassured that he was okay and alive. He blushed, but didn't seem to mind as he held my hand too.
"What do you remember?" He thought for a second.
"I r-remember going into the forest, and I heard twigs snapping and something growling, then I started running and I fell... but nothing else..." I calmed down a little bit, he hasn't forgotten everything.
"Well, I was behind you, trying to stop you and make you turn back but I didn't want to scare you so I stayed behind until you stopped. You tripped over a fallen tree and hit you head, it cut pretty deep, but not enough to cause permanent damage... that's why you have bandages around your head..." he looked scared.
"Don't worry! The bleeding stopped I took care of it, it'll be healed in a few days, or at least enough to not have to wear bandages around you head. We don't have school Monday so it's an extra day for healing." I squeezed his hand, causing him to squeeze back. I sighed and hugged him again, not as tight as before, but still tight.
"I'm so Fucking glad you're okay..." he hugged me back instantly this time, tighter than I held him before.
"Why... why do you care so much? You've only known me since the beginning of this year..." I pulled away just enough to see his face. Was I seriously gonna tell him? Fuck it, yeah I was.
"B-because.... because I really like you Virgil, I've had a crush on you for a while now and I blame myself for you getting hurt, I wouldn't never forgiven myself if you d-di-died..." I started tearing up at the thought of him dying. he froze for a second before embracing me lovingly.
"I have a crush on you too... and don't think about that, I'm hear and alive right now and it's not your fault, it's mine for going in there in the first place, so shush about that..."
"B-but I could've lost you.. I don't think I wouldn't been able to handle that..." I pulled away, holding his face in both my hands softly.
"I don't want you to leave me, ever."
"I'm not leaving you Ro, don't worry..." He put his hands on top of mine. Without thinking I leaned in and kissed him softly. I smiled slightly when he kissed back. I pulled away after a few seconds.
"Y-yeah.. you're still here." I wiped my eyes to get rid of the few left over tears. He giggled at my comment.
"Ya freaking nerd..." he suddenly looked really sad, making me concerned. I held his hand lightly.
"What's wrong Virg?" He looked down.
"I-i d-do-don't wanna g-go home..." I stopped for a second. Would my parents let him move in? Probably, then love him so much after all.
"Then don't." He looked up in shock.
"What? What do you mean?" I smiled.
"Come live with us, my parents love you and would take you with open arms! We could take him to court and get him arr-"
"No! None of t-t-that p-please? I'll move I-in if it's not to much trouble, but I don't w-want t-to take h-him to court... not yet anyway, not now..." I nodded.
"Okay, we'll go to your house on Monday when my parents get home and get your stuff, Okay? He won't hurt you while we're all there."
"O-okay... t-thanks..." I kissed his nose.
"You're more than welcome sweetheart, let's go to bed, I don't know about you, but I'm tired as fuck..." he laughed softly.
"Okay... can you carry me?" I sighed and picked him up, carrying him to my room and laying him down on my bed. I laid down next to him and covered us both up. I wrapped my arms around his waist, cuddling into him. He wrapped his arms around mine, scooting against me. He was the little spoon while I was the big one.
"Goodnight Virgil..." he yawned tiredly.
"Night ro..."

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