Car ride pt.2

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Virgil's P.O.V
After another hour or two of driving, we finally arrived at our destination. It was a beautiful beach with a few hotels near by. Thomas drove to the parking lot of one of the hotels and parked. We all got out of the car and followed Thomas as he started speed walking, almost running towards the beach. He started running and laughing out loud. It was like when he was a little kid. Every summer him and his parent would go to the beach. He would run into the sand laughing loudly, looking happier than ever. I was brought back into reality as Roman grabbed my hand.
"Come on Virgil!" He laughed excitedly and started running in front of Thomas. I sighed and ran with him, a huge smile on my face. Eventually we were both laughing and running together. I didn't notice him suddenly stop, so i bumped into him making both of us fall. I landed on top of him and almost started panicking before I realized he was still laughing. I smiled again and started laughing too, rolling off of him into the sand.
"Y-you klutz!" He jokingly yelled.
"Hey am not!" I lightly punched his shoulder. He laughed again and stood up, offering me his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up easily. I thanked him just as the others finally reached us.
"Guys, you should probably get changed into your swim trunks so you don't ruin your clothes." Thomas spoke, panting slightly from all the running. We all sank down back into the mind space and quickly got changed. Luckily no one was at he beach, so they didn't see us. As I sank down I saw Roman already in the water splashing Thomas happily. I sat on the sand instead of getting right in, enjoying seeing the others so happy. Roman looked over and saw me, swimming over to me.
"Ve, come on get in!"
"I'm okay right here"
"Come on! I'll carry you in if I have to!" He got out of the water completely and stood next to me. I hated having to look up at him, so I stood up to.
"I'm okay here." Bad choice of words. He shrugged and picked me up bridal style.
"Roman put me down right now!" He did nothing but laugh as I flailed in his arms, trying to get out of his grasp. He continued walking into the water until it was up to his waist, almost touching his stomach.
"Put me down!"
"As you insist!" He dropped me into the water, making me yelp. I came back up to the surface and glared at him. All he did was laugh. I smirked and started splashing him. He stopped laughing and smirked back at me.
"Oh it's on."
An hour later-
It was currently 7, and the sun was starting to set. We all had dried off by now, and me and all the other sides had changed. We started making our way to the hotel we would be staying at. Thomas checked us in and we went to our room. When we walked in, I saw only two beds and a couch.
"Okay, as you can see there are only two beds. I'll take the couch, you guys can sort out who's sleeping with who." I blushed. Would I have to sleep in he same bed as Roman. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He was completely calm.
"I can share with Ve, if he's alright with that." He spoke like it was no big deal. They all looked at me, waiting for an answer. I shrugged and nodded.
"O-okay sure.." he smiled at me, making me blush more if possible.
Another time skip
It was 12 now, we had been playing video games, since Thomas had brung his console. We were all super tired after 5 rounds of Mario cart, and 6 rounds of call of duty zombies. I yawned and looked at the bed. It looked so comfortable right now.
"I'm going to bed... g'night guys." I flopped onto the bed and curled up under the covers. I heard the others tiredly talking for about another 20 minutes, before Patton and Logan decided to call it a night. After that it was Thomas, and last Roman. He layed down next to me, covering himself up with the blankets. I was so tired I didn't even care that I had I share a bed with him.
Roman's P.o.V
I layed down in the bed next to Virgil, covering myself up. His back was facing me as I closed my eyes. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt his arms wrap around me suddenly. I opened my eyes and saw him looking almost asleep.
"You're warm..." he spoke tiredly. He was obviously half asleep. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him too. I honestly didn't mind him cuddling into me. As I wrapped my arms around him, he nuzzled into my chest, smiling softly. I ran my hand through his hair gently.
"Goodnight Ro..."
"Night Vee." I smiled as I drifted off and finally fell asleep.

Bonus scene
I woke up to a squealing song. I opened my eyes and saw Patton taking pictures with his phone, squealing loudly. I realized why he was talking pictures. Virgil was nuzzled into my chest, curled up in a small ball. I forgot he cuddled up to me lasts night. He looked so peaceful. Patton was going to wake him up, so I gently covered Virgils ears.
"Patton stop! You're gonna wake him up!"
"I'm sorry it's just so cuttteee!" Thomas came out of the bathroom in his swim trunks again.
"We're going down to the beach, wanna join us?" I looked at Virgil again. He was so adorable, I couldn't wake him up!
"No, I'll stay behind today, have fun guys!"
They all left, leaving me alone with Virgil. I smiled softly and ran my hand through his hair again. He smiled in his sleep and nuzzled closer if even possible. I kissed his forehead gently. He opened his eyes suddenly, making me flinch.
"Wasn't asleep Ro.." he smiled softly as he spoke, making me a little less nervous.
"I-umm-s-sorry.." he smiled and gently kissed me on the lips. I was shocked, but soon realized what he was doing and kissed him back. He pulled away soon, making me almost let out a wine.
"It's okay Ro don't worry.." he looked around.
"So the others did go to the beach?"
"Yeah.. I'm assuming Patton woke you up."
"Yep. What time is it?"
"9, 10 maybe? Why?"
"Can we go back to sleep please? I'm so comfortable and you're so warm." I smiled and nodded.
"Sure." He closed his eyes and cuddled back up to me. I hugged him tightly and ran my hand up and down his bare back softly, making him almost purr. Suddenly a thought hit me. Obviously he liked me, I liked him, we kissed. What are we?
"What... what are we? Now that... I mean.. I'm not sure but you seem to like me... and I like you..."
"Well, we can be whatever you want us to be..."
"Co-could we.. be b-boyfriends...?"
"That sounds great to me." I smiled and gently tilted his head up to face me. I kissed him gently. Quickly pulling away. He smiled up at me, but soon went back to his old position. I closed my eyes.
"Night Ve."
"Night Ro."

Bonus bonus scene
Virgil's P.O.V
It was a few hours later, me and Roman were awake and active. Well he was anyway, he was in the shower currently. Thomas walked into the room suddenly, by him self which was weird.
"Hey Thomas, where are the others?"
"Still down at the beach..."
"Why arn't you there too?"
"Patton told me something... umm look I...I'm really sorry for what I said to you in the car... I was just really nervous and overwhelmed I really didn't mean it. That was completely uncalled for and you didn't deserve it... it was really f'ing mean of me to say..." I smiled slightly.
"It's okay Thomas... I understand, it was really stressful, and no one is happy when they're lost." He smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back before he pulled away.
"You forgive me then?" I smirked when an idea came to mind.
"On one condition. You go buy me and Roman a bunch of snacks and then I'll 100% forgive you." He smiled brightly.
"Okay, I'll go get some food for the lovebirds~" I blushed deeply.
"Nope not forgive anymore. I still want Jose snacks though." I pushed him out the door as he laughed at my reaction. Roman walked out just as I did this.
"What happened?"
"Thomas cane and apologized for what he said in the car, I told him I'd forgive him if he got us snacks, then he teased me about being with you, so I shoved him out the door." I stated like it was no big deal. Roman smiled and kissed me gently.
"You're amazing, I'll have to thank Thomas for the snacks."
"Hey it was my idea!"
"Okay okay, thank you Ve."

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