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Thank you my wonderful Child @I_Has_Died for this amazing idea!
Third person P.O.V
It was the day after Patton's birthday, which meant amazing leftovers. Those leftovers included pizza, cupcakes, cookies, and Virgil's personal favorite, ice cream cake. He had been sitting on the counter casually eating his ice cream cake happily when Roman strolled into the kitchen. Virgil sighed loudly, glaring at the taller figure as he strode over.
"What do you want sir sing a lot?" He glanced my way before looking in the fridge. He groaned and looked at Virgil angrily.
"Did you eat all the ice cream cake?"
"No, it's in the freezer genius." Roman smiled brightly and grabbed the box, setting it on the counter. Virgil went back to tuning him out as he gulped down his cake, wanting to get out of the room as quickly as possible, a weird feeling In the pit of his stomach every time he looked at Roman. Roman was in the middle of cutting a piece when he heard an odd noise from behind him. Virgil froze and glanced at Roman, quickly looking away.
Virgil groaned loudly, only to be interrupted by another hiccup.
"Nooo! I ha-hiccup- hate the hiccups!" Roman giggled as Virgil covered his face and sighed loudly.
"I know a few tricks to get rid of them! Can I help?" Virgil looked up at him, the hesitation obvious in his eyes.
"I don-hiccup... yes yes you c-hiccup- can, please..." Roman smiles at him kindly, the odd feeling going back to Virgil. He didn't know that the same strange feeling was appearing in Roman too.
Virgil's P.O.V
I sighed, continuing to hiccup as Roman lead me through things to cure my hiccups.
"First lets try the main way! Take three drinks of water slowly." I did as he said, grabbing a glass and filling it with water and slowly drinking it. After three gulps I set the glass down and waited.
"Did it wo-"
"Any other ideas, pretty boy?" He thought for a second.
"Go try and bite a lemon! I've heard that that can stop them!"
"are you just fucking with me?"
"Language! And no I'm not i swear hot topic." I glared at him, walking over and grabbing a lemon. I cut it in half quickly and bit down, wincing slightly at the bitter and sour taste. I stopped hiccuping for a few seconds, before another one came up my throat.
"God dang it!"
"It's okay, I have more! Let's try... holding your breath for ten seconds.
I groaned, growing annoyed with all the different solutions. I took a deep breath before holding, counting to ten slowly before sighing and breathing again. We both paused and looked at each other. I smiled brightly.
"They're go-hiccup- Shit!" I saw Romans face fall, making me instantly feel a little bad.
"Thanks for trying, Princy..." I saw him smile again.
"I'll try until they're gone! I'm determined to cure you!" I chuckled slightly.
"Why are you so determined?"
"Because it clearly angers you and that's not what I want! I hate seeing you mad"
"Awe Roman c-hic- cares about me" I said in a mocking tone, rolling my eyes with a smirk.
"Of course I do! I care about you and all the others too!" He spoke with a defensive tone.
"Hey hey hey I was just screwing with y-hic-you, you're good"
"I'm going to go look up some reasons, go on the couch till I'm back hot topic" he said in his heroic voice from before. He walked upstairs and I flopped onto the couch, continuing to hiccup and get progressively more annoyed at it.
It had been about 15 minutes and I hadn't seen Roman still. I really hope he didn't forget and is still looking for ways to get rid of the hiccups.   These were the worst thing ever, I hate the hiccups with all my heart. I heard a cheer upstairs before I saw Roman running down happily.
"I found more cures!" I giggled at his happy state, making him smile even more.
"Well someone's happy" he nodded before continuing to talk.
"Try hanging upside down and holding you breath for as long as you can." I listened eagerly and obliged, turning over on he couch to be upside down as I gasped and held my breath. After I felt it starting to get hard, I sat up and let my breath out. I saw Roman glance at me and blush before turning away.
"Aww Romans blushing!"
"Am not! Are they gone?" I sat for a minute before letting out a loud hiccup. I groaned loudly and flopped onto the couch, stuffing my face into a pillow. I screamed into it, before just stopping and laying there.
"Come on emo nightmare, one more thing..." I sat up and he walked in front of me, sitting on the couch.
"Close your eyes and hold your breath."
"Didn't we already do this?"
"Just trust me!"
"I don't know if I should, you made me bite a lemon earlier..." he groaned.
"Google it, it's supposed to work! I don't know why it didn't on you, maybe the lemon hates you."
"Maybe he lemon hates you Princy" we both started laughing a little at the conversation.
"But Virgil please, just do his for me, close your eyes and hold your breath, it isn't hard" he made his puppy eyes at me, making it hard if not impossible to say no to him.
"Ugh fiinneee" I closed my eyes gently and took a breath, holding in my air as I sat there, not sure what to do. I heard him take a deep breath. I almost opened my eyes but I didn't. I felt him get closer, hesitating before moving anymore. I kept my eyes closed, expecting him to just scare me or something. I felt his lips meet mine softly and nervously, holding back a lot and very obviously. I froze and held still, not sure what to do. I kissed back a little bit, out lips connecting more. We kissed for a second before he pulled away. I opened my eyes and saw him blushing and looking down. I sat there nervous for a minute, not sure what to do. I heard him giggle softly.
"I think your hiccups are gone Hot Topic..." I realized they were, making me laugh too.
"Oh thank god!"
"Wow, I must be a good kisser then" he said in his old cocky way, smirking up at me. I smirked back.
"So good I think I might just need another one.." he smiled at me and leaned forward a little.
"I'll gladly give you more" was all he said before he gently connected our lips again. It was a soft and innocent kiss, so many emotions pouring into it. We pulled away soon, smiling at each other softly.
"Thanks for your help Princy"
"No problem Virge, I'm glad to be some help"

A/N: *nervous laughter* heyyyy long time nonsee guys... I'm sorry for not updating school is being a bitch and ruining my mood and everything about me and I have a wedding to go to in 2 days so I'm not going to be able to write then either, we'll maybe in the car and at the hotel with the few hours of free time I'll have... god I really don't like big things like this, and there's gonna be people I don't know there... anyway I hope this meets your expectations or at least gets close to them! I love you all, thanks for waiting and for 74.4k reads like holy shit! What did I do to deserve you all ❤️❤️💜💜🧡🧡💛💛💙💙💚💚

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن