Perfect match

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(AU where everyone has wings that they can hide, and the only person with the same shape and colored wings as you is your soulmate. Everyone in the mind hides their wings all the time, and Anxiety only lets them out when he is alone or thinks he is. Anxieties wings are a dark shade of red with a very smooth oval like shape*
*Anxieties P.O.V*
I was sitting in my room with my headphones on and listening to MCR mama as loud as possible. I had my wings out for one, as it was painful to have them in 24/7. Sadly, I had to keep them in. I had to keep them in because what if my soulmate didn't really love me? What if it was all just a lie, all that soulmate stuff. I mean how can one person be born for another person. I paused the song because I thought I heard something. Someone was knocking on my door. I quickly hid my wings, it was just morality. I let him in.
"Hey buddy! Me and Logan are gonna go film a video and Prince is out doing prince things, okay?"
"Alright see ya later kiddo!" He walked out of my room with a small smile. Once I heard the front door click shut I took out my wings and flew downstairs on my back. Being able to stretch my wings felt nice! I was jealous of everyone else's wings. Logans and Pattons matches, both a sea blue color with a very soft half heart like shape. They were beautiful. Thomas, for some reason his wings were different from ours, and even ours were different. Thomas's wings were a grey-blue color, with a Cupid like style to them. He hadn't found his match, but we had suspicions of who it may be. Me and Roman, we were the only two that hid our wings. We were.. friends. I was closer to him than all the others. Needless to say I had adapted feelings over the years I've been around. He clearly doesn't like me though, he says it all the time. I sit on the couch after realizing I'm flying in circles. I put my headphones back and and listened to a FOB, P!atd, tøp, and MCR playlist I had made. It was full blast. I had my deep red wings out, in gaming off the couch into the floor, and the other hanging up over the couch. They were about as long as me, and pretty thin.
*Roman's P.O.V*
After I finished a few more quests in Dream mode, I decided to head back to the mind palace. It took me a while to get there, as every now and then I would stop and see a dark flower that reminded me of someone. That someone was no other than Anxiety. I don't know why, but I recently have had feelings towards the little emo cloud. Sure he can be annoying, but he really is nice and caring once you get to know him like I have. We were closer to each other than to the other two. After I finally focused on the path home, I made it there quickly. I opened the door and heard faint music. I knew Patton and Logan were filming, so who was home? Oh anxiety must not be doing anything. I walk out into the common room and see something. I see anxiety laying on the couch, headphones on and wings out. His back is to me, so he doesn't see or hear me. His wings... they match mine. A deep red oval shape, long and thin. Identical to mine. It took all my power not to run over and hug him. We were soulmates! He always talked about hating showing his wings, so I'd talk to him later tonight about it.
I was pacing my room mumbling. I had to tell Anxiety we were soulmates. How do you just do that!?
'Her Anxiety remember me? Yeah I'm your soulmate!'. I'm usually the romantic type, but I've never had to face this head on. He's your soulmate it'll be fine. I calmed down and pulled my wings out sighing in relief. I walked over to his door quickly and knocked, hoping for the others not to see. I heard a mumbled come in. I walked in after taking a breath with my wings out and heard a loud gasp. He jumped backwards and starred in shock at me.
"Y-y-yo-oure my soulmate!?" I walked over to to his bed and sat down next to him. I grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes.
"I was shocked too. I saw you on the couch." He started shifting around and avoided eye contact with me. He used his free hand to cover his face.
"It's okay! I know your scared about me not loving you, but trust me I do!" He froze and looked at me.
"Y-you love me?" His wings poked out a little bit.
"Yes and I have for a while!" They came out more.
"We-well I.. I love you too..." his wings now fully out, a perfect match.

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu