Just "friends"

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(Warning: crying, cussing.)
*Third persons P.O.V, after the accepting anxiety video*
Roman and Virgil were closer than ever after the 'Accepting Anxiety' videos. Roman was very protective of anxiety, and they were always near each other now. If you saw them, you would think they were a couple. They sure act like one. Whenever the Sides have movie nights, Roman and Virgil are always cuddling, Roman has his arms wrapped around Virgil's waist and Virgil is holding onto his hand. They kiss each other on the cheek all the time. If you ask them if they're a thing, they always just say "we are nothing more than friends!" In a very defensive manor. Neither of them realized, that feelings were quickly developing between them. Big feelings too.
*Anxieties P.O.V*
Me and Patton were in the kitchen, he was making dinner while I sat at the table and we talked back and forth over pointless things. I suddenly felt two arms wrapped around my shoulders and someone lean their head on me. I froze for a second, but then realized it was Roman and rested my head on his.
"Hey Roman, what do you need?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to hug you." I giggled slightly. I saw Patton smile and started giggling slightly. He's always shipped us. I don't know why. I ignored Patton and stood up, wrapping my arms around Roman. Ever since he made that speech in 'Accepting anxiety' he has been so much nicer to me. He always protects me and we've grown super close. Everyone always asks if we're dating, but our answer stays the same 'we're just friends!'. But since the video, I've felt different around Roman. He makes me happy, makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. I ignore the feeling I get around him, it's nothing. I only feel like that because he is my best friend. I felt Roman pull away from me, making me snap back to reality.
"Anxiety, are you alright? You spaced out." I blinked for a second.
"Yeah, yeah no I'm fine sorry.."
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go watch a Disney movie? Patton says dinner won't be ready for a while."  All of me wanted to, but just to be argumentative, I put up a fight.
"No thanks."
"Aww come on don't do that! I know you want to, and you're just trying to be stubborn. We can watch nightmare before Christmas?" I got even more happy.
"Okay I'm in!" He laughed, grabbed my hand and pulled me to his room. I plopped onto his bed as he turned on to movie. He came and sat down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled slightly and cuddled into his side. I was really into the movie, when about a half and hour in, Roman started kissing my check slightly, over and over. I started giggling, but trying to hide it. I turned to him to tell him to stop but before I could, a pair of lips met mine. I froze for a second but kissed back instinctively. We both realized what we were doing and pulled away. We went back to watching the movie in silence.
-Time skip to later that night, after the movie and dinner-
I was sitting in my room, listening to my music through headphones full blast. I wasn't thinking about me and Roman kissing. Who was I kidding, yes I was. It felt amazing, it felt right. I have no clue why but when we kissed, it felt like fireworks. Fuck. The feelings I've had around Roman were me getting a crush on him! I paused my music and let out a loud sigh. Suddenly there was a knock at my door. I jumped but weakly said to come in. I saw Roman walk in blushing, making me instantly blush too.
"H-hey Roman.."
"Hello Virgil... uhh could we talk..?-"
"Sure abo-"
"About the kiss..." I tensed up. He was going to tell me he didn't want to be my friend anymore. He was gonna say the kiss meant nothing to him, and just made things awkward. I was gonna loose my best friend. I felt a dip in the bed snapping my back into the moment. I didn't realize that I was crying. He hugged me tightly and pulled me into him. I obliged and hugged him back instantly, crying into his shoulder. After I finally calmed down, I pulled out of the hug. I could've sworn I saw disappointment in Romans eyes when I did so, but is disappeared instantly.
"O-okay whatever j-just say it..." I heard him take a shaky breath. He was hesitating a lot.
"D-did t-the kiss mean anything to you?" He wasn't making eye contact, and I could see him fidgeting. I processed the question and had to hold back from smiling. Did he like me back? Did he actually not hate me because of this? Wait... no he couldn't like me back. How could prince like me.
"I...I mean.... I-it felt like there was fireworks in my stomach... it felt...nice.." I heard him let out a breath. I tried to hide the fact I was shaking, pretty badly too. He was gonna reject me. That's why he wanted to know, so he could tell me he doesn't like me and that we can't be friends anymore. I was looking down when suddenly I felt a hand gently lift me head by my chin. He looked me in the eyes and all I saw was love. I blushed deeper than before if possible and started fidgeting with my hands. He leaned his forehead against mine, I could feel his breath against me.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt it." He suddenly closed the gap between us and kissed me again. I tensed up in surprise but soon melted into the kiss. I felt him wrap one arm around my waist and put his other hand on my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck. After a while, oxygen started to get in the way. He pulled apart and just starred at each other in shock. We both started giggling at each other's red faces. I hugged him suddenly, knocking him over onto my bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck again and my legs around his waist. I heard him laugh slightly.
"I love you, Virg." I smiled brightly.
"I love you too nerd. Now how are we gonna answer the 'are we dating' question?"
"With a simple yes."

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ