Do you?

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Human and highshool AU
Virgil's P.o.V
It was another boring ass Friday at school, but I was more excited than usual. For the first time ever, my boyfriend Roman was coming over for the weekend. Did my parents know? No they didn't. Were they going to? No, because they left this morning for a trip till Monday afternoon. It was currently nearing the end of 4th period, right before lunch. This was the one class I didn't have with Roman, so needless to say I was excited to go say hi to him. The bell rang and I was the first one up and out of the class. I walked quickly to the lunch room, knowing he would be there because of how close his class was to the cafeteria. Once I reached it, I instantly stopped in my tracks. I should expect this by now, it happened every other day. He was surrounded by a bunch of girls and boys, flirting and laughing casually. He had his arm around a guy and a girl too. I felt tears prick my eyes, a little in sadness, but mainly anger. I gritted my teeth. He was my man. Did he even love me? That thought made me cringe. Well, he hasn't broken up with me so until then, he's my boyfriend and no one else's. I walked up to the crowd. Pushing my way through. I got to his side and he looked down at me, obviously embarrassed and guilty. He blushed.
"Hey Vir-" I cut him off, standing on my tippy toes and running my hand through his hair and grabbing onto some of it, pulling him into me. He kissed back and wrapped an arm around my waist. I pulled away and dropped onto my flat feet again.
"Fuck off, he's taken." The crowd all gasped and walked away slowly, clearly embarrassed.
"Virgil I'm so-"
"Shut it. I'll see you after school. Just come over I'm leaving."
"Virgil!" I was already walking off school campus before he could get me. sneaking behind bushes the entire way to not get caught. I ran home, which fortunately was close by and into my room. Flopping onto my bed and crying instantly.
Le time skip to that night.
Roman has been over for a while now, we acted like that thing at lunch never happened. Well, he did... its all I really thought about though. We cuddled and watched movies, but I couldn't help but worry that he didn't truly love me or mean anything he's done for me. It was finally time that we both got tired and decided to go to bed. I changed In my room quickly, changing my black skinny jeans out for loose fitting black cat pajama pants. I finished before Romans who was changing in the restroom. I laid on my bed, starring at my ceiling and thinking about everything. I heard the door to my room open and close gently, and felt someone lay next to me. Roman wrapped his arm around me, but I shoved his arm off. He sat up worried instantly, as I usually loved cuddling with him.
"What's wrong baby?" I sat up next to him, looking at him seriously.
"Dont play dumb Sir sing a lot!" I snapped harshly, making him flinch and whimper slightly. I didn't even feel bad as he quickly regained his composure.
"Is this because of that thing at school?" He sounded like an annoyed adult.
"Don't Fucking talk like that! Yes it is! You do it everyday!"
"Do what everyday?" He was so much calmer than me. I laughed dryly.
"You know what you do. You flirt with everyone at school as soon as they even say a simple hi! You literally had a group of people surrounding you today at lunch!"
"They didn't mean anything, it's a force of habit I don't mean to honestly! I only love you." I sighed and laid down, facing away from him. All my anger was replaced with sadness.
"Do you?" My voice got weak and shaky.
"Do I what?" He laid down next to me, rolling me over to face him.
"Do you even love me?" He looked hurt, sad, and oddly enough, scared. Maybe scared at the fact that I ever doubted him, but how could I not.
"Are you kidding?" He spoke so softly, if anyone was in this room, it wouldn't sounded like wind blowing through the grass in a field. When I stayed silent, I saw his face fall even more.
"Virg, of course I love you! I've been dating you for 5 months, I could tell anyone everything about you, you're the most special thing in my life!" His voice was laced with care. I looked away from him, still not completely convinced. I could feel tears along my lash line, threatening to spill over any second. He straddled me innocently, softly grabbing my chin and making me look at him.
"Listen to me, alright?" I nodded at him, getting lost in his eyes.
" I love you and only you, and it will be that way forever. Never once have I questioned myself about that, that's the truth. I honestly don't realize when I flirt with others, but I am so so so so so so so sorry for doing it, I never realized I was hurting you. I knew as soon as I came over you'd been crying, I know you to well. You mean the fucking world to me baby boy, and the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you. I'll stop doing it okay? If you see me doing it don't hesitate to slap me-" I giggled softly, making him smile.
"-that's the smile I like to see! But I'm super serious, actually slap me if I do that, not on the Face if you don't want to, just like in the arm or leg or something! Or do what you did today, tell them I'm taken by kissing me or something! But back on track, I really do love you with every inch of my being. You're everything to me baby boy." He leaned down and kissed me softly, and I instantly kissed back, holding his waist gently. He pulled away and the planted kisses all over my face. He placed one more kiss lightly on my lips, whispering close to my ear
"I'm so fucking lucky to have someone like you, no one can replace you."
before rolling off me. I decided to roll on top of his stomach, laying my head on his chest and looking at him lovingly.
"I really do love you Virg"
"I really do love you too Roman... this is gonna be an amazing weekend." I smiled at him, making him smile back brightly.
"I'm looking forward to cuddling with you all weekend. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and rolled on to his side, wrapping his legs around mine and clinging to me like a koala onto its mom. I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly, nuzzling my face into his shoulder and neck area. He ran his hand through my hair soothingly. I sighed in content with the moment. I've never trusted anyone with my shirt off, hell this is the first time Romans seen me with my shirt off, and he had his off, too. This is the most trust I've put in to someone, and I didn't feel scared at all. All I felt was joy and his arms wrapped around me with one hand in my hair. I felt truly loved in this moment and it's something I've never really felt before, except for my parents when they weren't in business trips, which wasn't very often. I didn't realize I let a tear slip out of my eye. He instantly pulled away enough to see my face, but when he saw me smiling he looked even more confused.
"You okay Vee?" He sounded almost scared. The only way I replied was by kissing him, more lovingly than ive ever kissed him before. He was shocked. But kissed back just as lovingly. I pulled away breathless and panting just like him.
"I love you so much, thank you so much for being here with me and doing what you do." I went back to my old position, and so did he.
"I love you to Virg, you're more than welcome, thank you for putting up with me being a flirty ass motherfucker." I giggled at him. I let out a tiny yawn as he continued playing with my hair, running it between his fingers and twirling it.
"G'night Ro..."
"Goodnight darling..." he placed a soft kiss on my head, causing a subtle smile on my face as I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें