Please dont flinch

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(Human AU high school AU warnings, mostly the same as always, panic attack, hitting, cussing, bullying,self harm mentions suicide thought mention. Anxietys name in this is gonna be angel.)
*Anxietys P.O.V*
Me and the gang were hanging out outside during lunch. Well more they were sitting at a table talking while I was on the other side of a tree next to the table. I never liked talking very much, and people often bullied me because I was a 'depressed emo shit'. The words hurt, of corse they did. I was weak and I let them hurt me more than they should however. I had cuts tracing my arms and thighs. No one knows, not even Roman. Romans my closest friend and he doesn't know about the thoughts I have about suicide nightly, about the constant panic attacks. I hadn't realised that a group of certain people were standing above me. I hesitantly look up and see the dreaded faces of my bullies. I flinched when I saw the leader smirk at me evilly. He looked back at my friends, Roman, Logan, Patton and Thomas were all oblivious to them and me. Of corse they were, no one liked me anyway. I sighed and looked down.
"Oh come on angel get up so we can go somewhere more closed off." The leader spoke with a growl. I flinched and the others laughed, grabbed me by the arms and forcing me to stand. I knew that if I fought back it would be worse than normal. I let them lead me behind the school. I started shaking and having trouble breathing as they through me against a wall. I started crying slightly trying to hide my face.
"Look at how pathetic he is!" I got a kick to my stomach making me fall and lay down completely.
"He won't even fight back! Piece of emo scum!" The leader shouted and started kicking me repeatedly. I screamed as I got a kick to the ribs. I don't think they broke, but it hurt like a motherfucker. I started sobbing and shaking even more, an attack coming on. Oh god please not a panic attack right now. That will just make my current situation worse. I suddenly heard a familiar voice, a nice familiar voice.
"Get away from him!" I didn't listen to anything after that. It was Roman. He came to help me. I continued shaking and hyperventilating. I don't want him to get hurt over me! I have a massive crush on him I can't let him get hurt because of me! I started sobbing and I pulled my knees to my face and hid in them.
*Romans P.O.V*
I was talking with my friends when I suddenly heard a scream from behind the school. I instantly went into alert and I ran behind the tree where Angel used to be. He was gone. That scream sounded like his. I only know because of me scaring him tons of times, since we live together. I run towards the scream and see a horrible scene. Four dudes have Angel on the ground and are kicking him mercilessly. I can tell by Angels shaking and his face that he's having a panic attack.
"Get away from him!" They stop and look at me.
"Or what pretty boy?"
"Yeah what will you do to us?" I kick what I believe is the leader in the balls. He falls to the ground. The others look at me furiously.
"Let's get him." One of them leaps at me as I swiftly moved out of the way and spun around punching him. He stumbled back and jumped forward again and hit my stomach. I winced and kicked his knee harshly. He stumbled over hissing in pain and suddenly ran off. One of the ones I haven't even hit runs off too. I hit the other one multiple times, he hits my face and stomach a few times too. He eventually gives up and drags his leader away. I'm not sure how people arnt gathered around watching, but I ignore that and rush over to Angel. He's curled up against the wall sobbing and shaking. He's hyperventilating badly. I reach down and put a hand on his shoulder. He flinched roughly and scoots away from me a little. I gasp. He's so terrified. Usually when he has an attack, he lets me hug him and touch him. Physical contact usually helps him. He's so traumatised from the beating that he thinks I'll hit him. One beating wouldn't do this to him, he usually doesn't let things get to him easily. This must be a regular thing for him. My heart breaks at the thought. He goes through this normally and me and the others never realised it. I sat down in front of him and tried to gently rest my hand on his knee. He tensed up but let me without flinching.
"Angel, please don't flinch it's just me." I spoke in a soft voice trying not to scare him. When he didn't answer I stood up. The person I love, my closest friend, my crush since childhood, was now afraid of me. I saw him hesitantly look up with fear and pain in his eyes. He sees me and the emotions in his eyes change to something else. The emotion changes to comfort and safety. My heart warmed up when I saw this. He isn't afraid of me. He gasps and jumps up, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I sit back down holding him so he can relax more. He sobs into my neck and whispers I'm sorry over and over.
"Angel shh it's okay why are you sorry?"
"Be-b-because y-y-you g-got h-hu-hurt protecting m-me!" I gently move his head so I can face him.
"Angel I would take a beating for you anyday. You mean the world to me and I don't want you blaming yourself for this at all okay?"


Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ