No youre not

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Warning: panic attacks and anxiety attacks, crying, self deprecation yelling crying little cursing
Virgil's P.O.V
I sat calmly on my bed, my headphones on and my music playing at half volume as I also listened to the soft rain tapping on the roof and the window. I took a deep breath, smiling softly. I thought I heard something, something not normal so I took my headphones off and put them around my neck. It was quiet except for the gentle taps of the rain. I went to put my headphones back on, but I heard the noise again. What was it? Was it laughing? No... one of the sides downstairs? No... the noise echoed through the halls to my room again and I suddenly realized what it was. It was an all to familiar sound, one I had heard from myself many times before. It was crying, or more so sobbing. I instantly got worried, taking off my headphones fully and quickly standing up. I ran to my door and opened it, listening again. It came from.. oh no, it came from Romans room. I ran to his door, knocking quickly. I took a few deep breaths to calm down so I didn't scare him more.
"Can I Please come in?" It went silent for a while, I heard him sniff and let out another sob.
"P-please..." With that I quickly opened the door. I saw him curled up, rocking back and forth slightly. He was obviously trembling and the sobs hadn't stopped. I ran over and sat next to him, gently removing his hands that were pulling on his hair from his head, holding them with a gentle squeeze.
"Roman look at me, look at me please" he moved very slightly and I saw his honey eyes meet mine.
"Can you please tell me what's wrong?" He shook his head no.
"N-n-not n-n-now"
"That's okay! I won't rush you, you're alright okay?" I moved to hug him, but he flinched away. I didn't push him, some people don't like contact during these, so I just had to be there verbally. I squeezed his hands again, and get him squeeze back.
"It'll all be okay, I'm here for you, alright? You don't need to worry." He nodded, letting out another sob.
"Roman, look at me and focus, okay?" He looked up at me, his eyes bloodshot and glassy.
"Copy my breathing, alright?" I forced myself to take deep breaths, in, hold for a few seconds then out. He tried to copied it, but couldn't at first and panicked more.
"No no no don't panic you'll be okay! It's going to take a few tries, please keep copying me" I continued breathing calmly, and eventually I saw him successfully take one breath, then two, then three and so on. I smile at him brightly.
"See, there ya go! I told you you would be okay" he calmed down slowly as he continued doing the proper breathing. He stopped shaking now and he wasn't crying as much. A few tears still escaped but he was way calmer, not in a ball anymore either.
"Want to tell me what's wrong now?"
"Yo-y-you're gonna judge me..."
"I will not, please Princy? I just want to help you, and I can't unless you talk to me...
"You swear you won't judge me?"
"I'm so sure." I saw him look down and go silent again, so I took his hands yet again and squeezed lightly.
"I'm here for you, okay? I care and I really do want to help." He looked at me again with sad eyes, his eyes looking like liquid gold mixed with honey. Any time he looked at me my heart just did flips. I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused on his issue again, and just as he started talking.
"I-it's j-just... I haven't been able to think of any good ideas for Thomas recently, I'm supposed to be his creative side and I should be thinking of all the ideas. I failed him, I failed all of you..."
"No you didn't Roman, you didn't fail anyone. Thomas would think nothing less of you if you didn't think of an idea soon, he understands that everyone needs time. We don't mind waiting okay?"
"But it's disappointing! I'm a disappointment to you all, a failure and a waste of s-" I quickly moved so I was closer to him, more in front of him suddenly, making him instantly catch my stare.
"Don't you dare finish that sentence Roman sanders. You are NOT. Disappointing in any way possible, you help us all so fucking much and you don't understand that clearly, we need you here and you're anything but a failure, do you know where Thomas would be without you? He would be in bed wallowing over the fact that vine died, hell he might not even know vine ever existed. Do you want to live in a world like that? Cause I know him and all the fanders don't, you mean so so so much to all of us and we would be no where if it wasn't for you." He starred at me for a while longer, before I saw his eyes gloss and he smiled brightly. He hugged me suddenly, making me gasp.
"Thank you Virgil... t-th-that m-meant al-a lot to me..." I smiled and relaxed into the hug, hugging him back slowly but tightly, nuzzling into his neck. I didn't realize how much I needed and wanted this hug.
"No problem Princy, it's all true..." I felt my neck get slightly wet. I pulled away quickly, holding his shoulders.
"W-what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He smiled softly.
"I-I'm not sad don't worry-" I relaxed as he said that realizing I didn't mess up again.
"It's just, hearing that, e-especially from you I-it j-just means a-a-a lot..." I opened my arms again and he instantly hugged me way tighter than before. I fell backwards from the sudden impact, landing softly on the bed. I hugged him back, nuzzling into him as much as I could. He didn't know it, but these hugs were helping me a lot too. I never truly felt... appreciated by any of the other sides but Patton sometimes. I smiled brightly and hugged him a little tighter. I couldn't help myself as my mouth spike before my mind could process what I was saying.
"I love you so much Roman..."
"What'd you say Virge?" He sat up looking at me. I sat up to and shied away from him a little.
"Nothing, it doesn't matter right now, what matters is that you're okay. How are you feeling?" He looked at me confused for a few more seconds before shaking it off.
"A lot better now, you helped me, like a lot... god you have to go through that so often don't you...?" He looked at me, worry lacing his eyes.
"I mean yeah... but that's fine, I'm more used to it then your are, it's always worse the first time." He gasped at me.
"Does it happen nightly?"
"Yeah But Roman this isn't about m-"
"I'm okay now, this is the first time for me but you go through it every night! Why don't you ever get me? Or even one of the others?" He was sitting closer now, and now he grabbed one of my hands. I didn't answer, instead I looked down at our hands.
"Virgil, talk to me!"
"I didn't want this turned onto me Roman, I wanted to make sure you're okay, I don't give a shit about myself, but I care about you so much!"
"Virgil I get that, you matter just as much as me, please answer my question!"
"Because I don't want to bother you guys with my dumb ass issues, I can deal with them alone."
"But you don't have to! Let me help you next time okay?"
"Why do you even care, it's not like you love me."
"How do you know that?" I froze.
"How do you know I don't love you? Cause I sure do." I went silent.
"I love you too... that's actually what I said earlier, that I love you so much."
"Aww... wait no we can't get off topic, next time you have an attack you have to swear you'll text me, or call me so I can come to you or you come to me, deal?" He held out his hand to shake on it.
"Deal." I grabbed his hand and pulled him in, kissing the corner of his mouth. He blushed as I pulled away, making me smile. I yawned tiredly and got up.
"I'm gonna go to be-" he suddenly got a horrified look and grabbed my hand tightly.
"Please don't leave!" I stared for a second before sitting back down next to him.
"Why...?" He stopped talking.
"3 reasons... one I don't want to have another panic attack, I want to cuddle with you and 3..."
"I-I'm scared of the storm..." I didn't realize that the rain had gotten harder and there was thunder and a bit of lightning too now.
"Awww little princy's scared!" I spoke giggling. He giggled and tackled me to the bed, weakly punching my arm.
"Shut it emo nightmare." He wrapped his arm tightly around me and pulled the blankets over us. I curled up and snuggled into his chest. He snapped and changed us both into pajama pants and a tee-shirt. I smiled up at him, and he smiled back down at me.
"Love you Virgil, thank you so much for helping me, it means a lot..."
"Yeah you're welcome, I love you too.."

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeWhere stories live. Discover now