Breakups then makeups

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Virgil's P.O.V
"Oh my god Roman you're so unbearable!" I screamed angrily.
"Me? You're the one constantly complaining if and weighing us all down!" I yelled back in my face.
"Jesus Christ sometimes I wonder why I'm even dating you!"
"Maybe we shouldn't date then!" We both stopped and stared at each other. We both had regret hidden behind our glares but hid it for our reputation and pride.
"What are you saying sir sing a lot?" I remarked back rudely.
"Maybe... maybe we should take a break." I froze, I didn't want this to end. I couldn't say that though, I'd look weak.
"Maybe you're right." With that we both walked away, not saying anything else. I went to my room and saw patton and Logan in the hall.
"Hey kiddo... you okay? I heard what happened."
"Yep, I'm fine." I could feel my voice break.
"You s-" I pushed pasted him into my room, falling onto my bed and crying. Little did I know he was doing the exact same.
Roman P.O.V
It's been a week. A week since our fight, a week since the breakup, a week of dealing with awkward glances and sad looks at each other. It was torture, and I was starting to regret my choice. I missed him so much. I sat at the table alone, no one else around. They were all upstairs sleeping like a normal person at 3 a.m. I starred sadly down at the table, a overwhelming feeling of guilt and dread washing over me in waves getting slowly worse each time. It felt like my happiness was a beach and the waves of sadness were slowly shifting it around, making all the little things that made me happy wash away slowly into a pit of nothing. I didn't realize that I had started crying, small tears at first slowly dropping down off my chin onto the dark wood table below my hands. It went from little tears every now and then, to full blown sobs. My chest heaving with a new sob every second. I crossed my arms and planted my face straight into them, hoping to drown out the sobs and sniffles. It didn't work, as Patton came downstairs quickly.
"Roman? What's wrong?" I hid my face more.
"Kiddo come on, talk to your dad!" He sat down next to me. I uncovered my face and wiped my nose.
"N-nothing it's just... I-I m-miss v-v-Virgil..." Patton smiled sadly.
"He misses you to."
"How do you know?" I said doubtfully.
"O-of co-course..."
"I've been up all night hearing him cry... he hasn't stopped once and he still is..." my heart broke.
"A-a-and I-it's m-m-my f-fault... oh g-god..." I sobbed again.
"It may be, but you can fix it now. Go talk to him." I sniffed and rubbed my eyes, wiping away the tears.
"O-okay..." I got up and followed him upstairs. He walked me to Virgil's room. He hugged me softly then walked to his room.
"Good luck kiddo." He walked back into his room. I took a deep breath and knocked softly.
"G-go away..." I walked in anyway. I saw him cuddled against his body pillow, tear stains on his body pillow and his face. He looked up at me for a second before hiding again, whimpering loudly.
"G-g-get o-out..!" I walked over slowly.
"V-Virgil please... let me talk to you.."
"W-w-why? I t-thought I j-just w-w-weighed you d-down."
"I didn't mean that... it was in the heat of the moment, I would never mean something like that Virgil..." he sobbed more, hugging the pillow tighter. I hesitantly sat on his bed, looking at his small frame cowering away from me.
"I really regret my decision, and everything I said. I really miss you, and I'm really sorry about everything..." he sat up and hugged his knees a little, but managed to look at me.
"I-I miss you too...but h-how d-do I k-know you m-mean it?"
I felt tears prick again. I missed him so much and I would never forgive myself if he didn't forgive me.
"I love you, if you don't believe me, okay... but just know I truly regret everything, and a part of me breaks every time I remember it. I miss you with every fiber of my being." He cried a little more. I looked down my hands, waiting to hear the words I anticipated. 'Get out'. But they never came. All that happened was Virgil wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. I froze, but melted into the bug quickly, hugging his waist and nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. He did the same, sobbing into my shoulder. I held him tighter as a few tears slipped out of my eyes too.
"I-I l-l-love you too R-R-Roman.. I fo-forgive you..." I cried even harder. He squeezed my waist gently.
"W-why are y-you crying?" He asked, finally seeming to calm down somewhat, not crying as much.
"I-I was so-so sca-scared y-you wou-wouldn't forgive me..." he kissed my neck softly.
"I couldn't stay mad... god I missed you so much Roman."
"I missed you so much more... Virgil-" I pulled out of the hug. He looked worried by the action, but hid it as quick as possible.
"Will you take me back...?" My voice came out more scared than I wanted it to. He smiled softly at me and nodded, kissing my cheek. I smiled brightly, kissing him instantly while holding his face gently. He kissed back, but we had to stop because of us both giggling. We smiled at each other, resting our foreheads on each other's.
"Virgil I can't express how much I missed that..."
"Neither can I roman..." I saw him glance at the clock behind me and lean away, pulling me down onto the bed with him.
"It's so late but... I'm not tired anymore..." he chuckled slightly.
"I'm not either Virge... wanna just stay up, watch movies and cuddle?"
"I would love nothing more than that."

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