Reverse card

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Before I get this fluff on the road, I'd like to mention that the idea of this came for @/toffeii on Instagram! They drew some adorable artwork about prinxiety and I instantly wanted to write something based off of it! Hope you guys go follow them, they make s u ch amazing art it's so cute and amazing!

Third person P.O.V
Roman tried to focus on taking deep breaths as he paced around his room. He had just had a chat with Patton, and the two of them decided it was time for him to tell Virgil how he really felt.
"Ok. I've got this, everything's going to be fine. Remember what Patton said, he has showed every sign that he feels the same, and it'll all work out great."
His mini pep-talk seemed to have failed him as his heart continued to beat out of his chest. He had to do it now, just tear it off like a band-aid. He took one more deep breath and marched out of his room and down the stairs into the living room.
He felt his breath catch in his throat as he saw Virgil laid a-cross the couch, his headphones on and his hair slightly more messy than usual, sprawled out across his forehead. He looked so at peace and happy, and suddenly this felt a lot harder for Roman to do. He was just to pretty, and funny, and nice and caring and oh my god Roman could just go on forever.
Welp.. it's now or never!
His confidence leaked out as he now walked carefully and quietly to the side of the couch. He tapped Virgil's head softly as to not scare him, and it didn't work at all.
"Holy shit! Oh my god Roman you gave me a heart attack!"
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you! I just didn't know how else to get your attention when you had your headphones in!"
"Uhh maybe walk infront of me so I can see you and NOT sneak up on me like a murderer?"
"Ok ok I'm sorry"
"It's whatever. What did you need."
"I actually wanted to talk to you about something if that would be alright..."
Virgil squinted his eyes as he sat up more, leaving more room for Roman to sit down. He did quickly, keeping his head and eyes down, not being able to hold eye contact for more than a second at a time.
"What did you do"
"N-nothing! I just need to tell you something."
Virgil, still not believing it, kept his eyes narrow and he searched Romans for a sign of anything to help him figure things out.
"Umm... so I've been uh meaning to tell you this for a while now and... I-I May kind of sort of have a really only slightly big crush on you and I have for a while now..."
Oh shit I did it!
Virgil's eyes suddenly shot open, and he felt himself stiffen up. His cheeks quickly turned beet red and he stared at Roman. He had to be kidding. Roman nervously looked up at him, finding the courage to make eye contact now that he had said it. Panic built up in his heart as he saw Virgil's expression.
"A-are you gonna say something?"
Ok come on Virgil you've practiced this in your head plenty of times... just do what you had planned.
Virgil held up his index finger and walked into the closet where they kept all their board games and such.
As he walked away, Roman took a few more deep breaths. What if Patton lied? It isn't going to go right at all...
Virgil grabbed the uno box and looked at the back of it where he has a reverse card taped just Incase. He tore it off and quickly ran back to Roman who looked more nervous than Virgil himself and sat back down on the couch. He stared off to the side when he held up the reverse card, scared of what Roman would do. Roman felt his face heat up quickly as his mind started racing
Oh my god that's so cute he really thought that all through this is why I love this man oh my god he likes me back, that's what that means right?
Everything went quiet before Roman started giggling. Virgil looked up at him, and couldn't help himself as he lunged forward and hugged Roman tightly.
"I've been waiting for you to say something just so I could use that. It's about time."
Roman hugged him back just as tight, squeezing his eyes shut and nuzzling his nose into the crook of Virgil's neck. He had always loved his hugs more than anyone else's.
"So I'm assuming that's your way of telling me you like me back?"
Virgil sat back, much to Romans disliking and smiled at him.
"Obviously idiot!"
"Oh thank god... I was so nervous!"
"I could tell, you looked more nervous than I had ever been, it was kind of scary, I don't take you as the type to get nervous."
Roman smirked and leaned onto Virgil's shoulder.
"Guess I have a soft spot just for you, my chemically imbalanced romance"
Virgil laughed and hugged Roman one more time.
"Shut up, god why did I choose to love you out of everyone else"
Roman smiled and laid the two of them down with Virgil on his chest. They stayed like that for a few minutes, just hugging, before Virgil propped himself up on his elbows and looked at Roman carefully. Roman took the chance to study his features for the thousandth time. His beautifully dark eyes that shined whenever he talked about something he liked, or when he saw something he liked. His vibrant hair that looked more soft than anything he had ever seen, his freckles that looked like stars in the night sky that you couldn't see unless you looked really close, and god did Roman love to look at those freckles, and his soft lips, that were the perfect color, perfect size; just perfect everything. God how much Roman would love to kiss him.
"I want to kiss you so much, you're so beautiful"
Virgil's face started burning as Roman softly whispered those words to him.
"Why haven't you yet?"
Roman smiled, and with that he leaned forward and connected their lips. It felt like magic, as cliche as it was. It felt like everything was right where it meant to be, just the two of them alone with their lips against each other's.
Roman felt Virgil tilt his head slightly to deepen the kiss as their lips moved softly together. His hands trailed up to hold onto Virgil's waist, and he felt Virgil's go to the back of his head.
Both of them started giggling at the same time, making them break the kiss. They kept their foreheads together and looked into each other's eyes, just admiring the person infront of them.
"I'm so glad you finally told me..."
"If I would've known this would happen I would've a long time ago"
"Shut up and kiss me again please"
Roman smiled brightly, leaning in just enough to let their lips touch, but keeping enough space so he could still talk.
"With pleasure love"
Both of them smiled brighter than ever before and connected their lips yet again.

So there's that! Like I said before, make sure you go follow @/toffeii on Instagram! They definitely deserve it!!!
I hope y'all enjoyed this, it's kind of rushed because it's late and I'm not supposed to be up, but I wanted to write it so bad lol, love you all! See you next update

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