Bathroom part 2

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Human AU high school AU, Very slight homophobic thingies. there is like one cuss word
Romans P.O.V
It was officially Saturday night. The night of my date with Virgil. My god I was so nervous, oh geez I'm gonna embarrass myself tonight somehow, it always happens. I took a deep breath as I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to calm down. I glanced at my trembling hands holding a black rose. Could I go through with this? Of course I could, I couldn't let Virgil down. I loved him to much for that. I met my own eyes again in the reflective surface. I was wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie on, bit cliche but who cares. I grabbed my phone and walked back into my bedroom, sitting on my bed and texting Virgil.
Roman: hey, dress fancy okay?
Angsty emo😘: ro that's the second time you've texted me that, I'm dressed alright? Stop worrying
Roman: im sorry...
Angsty Emo😘: you're good, be here soon lover boy ;)
Roman: heading out the door now
I smiled down at my phone and stuffed it into my pocket, getting into my car and starting it eagerly. I drove to Virgil's house, which we found out was only down the street, so I got there almost instantly. I took another deep breath as I pulled into the driveway of his house and got out of the car. I walked up to his door with the rose in my hand and knocked lightly. He answered the door instantly, and I gasped as soon as I saw him.
"Hot damn!" He laughers at my reaction. Since the incident with the bullied happened 2 days ago, the bruises were faint, and covered with makeup. He had his hair neat and was wearing an all black suit.
"Like what ya see?"
"Course I do, I can't believe I get to look at this beauty all night." He blushed, making me smile.
"You're cute when you blush."
"Shut up, let's go." I smiled and handed him the rose before walking to the car. He got in the passenger seat and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you for the rose, it's beautiful" I blushed and started the car, driving out of the driveway and to the restaurant.
Timeskip to restaurant,
We were sitting in the restaurant which was pretty fancy waiting for our waiter to come. It's been almost 20 minutes, and this place wasn't busy so it shouldn't be taking this long. Me and Virgil kept talking while I held his hand over the table, both of our hands just resting there. I looked around and saw people starring at us. This usually wouldn't faze me, but the looks they were giving weren't very nice. I was getting a little mad, but shrugged it off. I looked back at Virgil and listened to him rant about something to do with school. I listened and smiled softly, when he ranted he looked so focused, a slight red tint to his face. He was so pretty, I don't know how I got so lucky. I saw the waiter walking over and sat up right, ready to order. The waiter walked to our table, and was about to say something before she looked at our hands that I forgot we're on the table. She looked at us in disgust and walked away. I don't think Virgil noticed, but when I looked at his face and saw shame and sadness I knew he did. He pulled our hands apart and hid his under the table, looking down in shame. I could feel my blood boiling. How dare they? Love is love, who cares if I like the same gender. I saw Virgil look at me.
"Don't do anything Roman, it's f-" I stood up and walked up to the front counter and saw the waiter who looked at us. I walked up to them.
"How can I help you?"
"What's your Fucking problem?" He looked at me surprised.
"Excuse me?"
"You looked at me and my boyfriend like we were the most disgusting thing ever, and I wanna know what the fuck your issues is!"
"Being gay is wrong, the Bible says so."
"Oh that's bullshit! Fuck you, you arrogant bastard."
"How about you shut the fuck up faggot, before you say something you regret." He walked towards me trying to intimate me. Without hesitation I punched him in the jaw. I heard everyone in the restaurant gasp, and saw Virgil run up to me.
"Roman!" I could hear him holding back a laugh, but he also sounded worried. I smiled in pride at the fact that I stood up for myself.
"Let's go." I grabbed his hand and walked out of the restaurant quickly. As soon as me and Virgil left the restaurant we walked to a park near by, laughing the entire way about what I did. We reached the park and sat down on a bench. It wasn't to late, 8:40, 9 at the latest. There was only a few people at the park, and they seemed to be couples too. All boys and girls, at least the ones I could see. I held Virgil's hand as we sat and talked about random stuff. I looked over and saw people starring at us again, the same look as the people in the restaurants. I smirked and looked at Virgil. He was still talking. I grabbed his face gently and kissed him. It was gentle, but held all the love in the world. He froze, but soon melted into the kiss as he got more comfortable. I heard people gasp and held up my middle finger. I heard two people laugh as we pulled apart, and saw two guys walking up to us holding hands.
"Hey! We saw what you did and I just wanted to say thank you for standing up for the lgbtq community, we're a part of it ourselves." Me and Virgil stood up and smiled.
"It's nice to see some people of the same group, I'm Roman, this is my..." I looked at him.
"Boyfriend. I'm his boyfriend." I smiled brightly.
"This is my boyfriend Virgil." We shook one of their hands, the one wearing black with blue jeans. The other one wearing light blue and tan jeans hugged us instead.
"I'm patton, this is Logan, my boyfriend."
I smiled at them.
"As he said, I'm Logan. What you did was quiet... brave I must say, I respect you for that." I smiled in pride and held Virgil's hand, squeezing slightly.
"You guys seem nice, we should hang out sometime!" Patton beamed, a bright smile on his face.
"We should! What school do you guys go to?"
"We both go to insert school"
"Really? We do to!"
We continued talking for a while before saying our goodbyes and exchanging phone numbers. We waved as me and Virgil walked away towards our houses. Halfway through we remembered the car and walked back to the restaurant and got into my old Toyota corolla and drove to our houses.
"I had fun... I don't want this night to end..."
"Who says it has to Vee?" He looked at me confused.
"It's to late to go anywhere else, everything's closed?"
"Why don't you sleep over? No bad or dirty intensions, just cuddle and watch movies till late at night?"
"That sounds fun... I'm in!"
Another time skip
It was now 3 a.m and me and Virgil were in my room, cuddling on my bed. We were watching the office for the 2nd time tonight. I felt him lean his head against me and yawn. I put my arm around him and kissed his head.
"We should sleep, it's really late..." I spoke softly.
"You're right..." I adjusted so we were both laying down, I left the office playing softly in the background. I faced him and wrapped my arm around his waist and leaned my forehead against his.
"I had an amazing night Vee..."
"So did I, thank you for everything." I smiled and kissed him softly and quickly. Closing my eyes and feeling him nuzzle closer to me after I pulled away.
"Goodnight Virg"
"Night Roman"

A/N I hope you enjoyed it! I hope it's okay

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