Stay with me

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(Warning: suicide attempt. Human AU Prince and anxiety live in different houses, as they just started dating 5 weeks ago)
*Roman's P.o.V*
I had just hopped into the uber that I called as I waved at Virgil through the window. I had spent the night at his flat and was now heading home. I look out the window of the car at the city. The city was always very calming at night, the streetlights lighting the dark streets with only a few cars zipping past every so often. It was raining gently and the tapping of the drops on the widow almost lulled me to sleep. I wouldn't have to worry about waking up soon if sleep did consume me, as my hour was a half and hour away from Virgil's. Before I could doze off completely I felt a buzz from my phone. I pulled it out to see a text from Anxiety.
Emonightmare: hi
Princey: hey love!
Emonightmare: sorry I know you just left but I'm lonely.
Princey: it's alright love, no need to worry. I'm always here to comfort you and keep you company, even through a screen.
Emonightmare: I'm scared.
Princey: of what? Love what's wrong?
My breaths got quicker.
Emonightmare: I'm scared of myself.
My heart sank.
"Do you mind if I call someone? It's urgent." I asked the driver quickly.
"Yeah sure, I can pull over if you'd like?"
"Okay." He pulled over.
Princey: Anx call me right now.
I tried calling him, no answer.
Princey: Verge come on please.
I called him again.
Princey: please Virgil I love you don't do anything!
Incoming call from: Emonightmare.
I quickly answered the phone to hear muffled sobs on the other line. My heart shattered.
"Baby don't do anything ill be there soon please just don't do anything."
I told the uber driver to get back to Anxieties house as quickly as possible. He started driving quickly.
"I'm so sorry I'm so so so sorry princey, I love you."
"Virgil don't do anything please just take deep breaths I'll be there soon."
"Princey I will always love you, bye."
"VIRGIL DONT YOU DARE HANG UP! Please stay on the call baby I'll be there soon!"
20 minutes away.
"Roman you were always there for me, but I've always been a burden. I'm so sorry for dragging my problems onto you, you deserve better"
"No no no honey I love you, you are not a burden and I am more than willing to fight for you!"
15 minutes.
"I'm such a mistake, you don't love me you're saying that out of pity. I need to leave, it's right for the world if I leave." I stared sobbing. He was too.
"Anxiety please don't do anything bad just wait for me please love don't leave! You are not a mistake I love you so much baby you are meant to be here, with me! I need you here!"
I never knew 10 minutes could feel so long.
I heard him gasp and start sobbing more.
"I-I-I made a m-mistake I-I-I d-don't wan-want to Le-leave... g-get here q-q-quickly please!" I gasped and sobbed more.
"Baby oh my god stay on the phone I'll call an ambulance to your address! Keep talking to me!" The uber driver handed me his phone after I begged and I quickly called 911. I told them the situation and they said they would be there quickly.
"R-Roman...." his voice was weak. We pulled up at his house. I flew out and ran upstairs to see a weak and pale Virgil on the floor. I ran to his body and held him as he sobbed and repeatedly said I'm sorry. I sobbed more and took a shakey breath.
"Oh won't you stay with me?
Cause you're all I need.
This ain't love it's clear to see,
But darling..." I sobbed a few times.
"Stay with.. m-me.." I shakily sang one of his favorite songs. His eyes were closing and he smiled weakly at me.
"I'm so sorry." Was all he spoke. The medics ran in and lifted him onto the board. I got to ride in the back of the ambulance with him. They discovered that he had tried to overdose on sleeping pills. His heart rate was slowing. I held his hand and sobbed.
"Oh darling stay with me. Cause you're all I need." I said again. I felt him squeeze my hand gently and I gasped. The medics said his heart was getting better. They had started flushing out the pills from his system. He opened his eyes only enough to see a bit of the beautiful chocolate brown that his eyes were.
"Won't you, stay with me..." he smiled weakly before closing his eyes gently again.
-at the hospital-
It had been 4 hours and he was still asleep. I was starting to loose hope. Logan, Patton, and Thomas were informed and were now at his bed with me. I held onto his hand with both of mine and squeezed it.
"Please Virgil... I-I can't let you go... I-I-I j-just got you I can't loose you yet!" I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand. He squeezed again. The others around me gasped and started crying. I looked up at his face and saw his chocolate brown eyes looking at me. I started sobbing as I hugged him tightly.
"Why are you so emotional? No it's not a good look gain some self control."  He joked slightly in my ear as I hugged him. I chuckled through sobs as I let go of him. He weakly smiled but it quickly faded as he looked and saw all our crying faces. He started crying too.
"I'm so sorry. I don't want to leave you all, I am so so so sorry." He started shaking slightly. I quickly hugged him again.
"As long as you're here, we're happy. I love you so much honey."
"I love you too princey." I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.
"Virgil swear you will never try that ever again." He shakily agreed.
"It seems as though someone watching over him constantly would not be a bad idea, given his current state." Logan spoke through a few tears.
"He's right, I don't wanna loose my little kiddo.." Patton chimed in.
Anxiety sighed and opened his arms. We all hugged him tightly and cried. He whispered something to me  while I was hugging him.
"These nights never seem to go to plan, I don't want you to leave won't you hold my hand?"
"I'll always stay with you love."

(So that's a thing. Remember please never try to kill yourself, you are worth it, you are amazing, you are stronger than you think. You are a beautiful person who deserves to be on the planet with everyone you love and everyone who loves you, I know times may get hard, and I know people might say things, but don't believe them, you can get through the hard times. I know you can because you have made it this far in your life and you have so much more to see. Your future husband/wife you're future children and maybe even your pets, your friends your loved ones, they all want you here and need you here. So please just believe In yourself that you can get through this, tell yourself "I am strong, I've made it this far and I can make it farther." You can do it. I know you can. I love you, and so many other people do too even if it doesn't seem like it, there is always people who love and care about you.  You are perfect the way you are, don't try to change yourself, don't starve yourself, don't do anything bad to yourself because someday, someone out there is going to love you with all of their heart and will call you their husband/wife. But you need to stick around to see that day.
Please stay alive, I love you and you are beautiful and amazing, just the way you are. Don't let people make you think otherwise even if it's hard. Push through. I love you. ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤💖💝💘

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