Sick days

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Idk if this is a warning but throwing up and crying does happen, not much though. No it is definitely not 3 a.m on Sunday and no I definitely didn't just randomly get this idea while falling asleep.
Romans P.O.V
I woke up groaning loudly as the sun shown in through my window directly into my eyes. I rolled over and hid my face instantly, to tired to function right now. After a few minutes of composing myself, I glanced at the clock on my wall. I saw it only read 6 a.m, making me groan loudly yet again. Just as I rolled over and covered my head with my quilts, trying to go back to sleep, someone ran into my room, not knocking. I uncovered my head quickly and saw a panicky Patton. I shot up in bed and looked at him.
"Patton? What's wrong?" I got up and put a shirt on quickly, ready to fight whatever scared him.
"Thomas took anxiety meds not knowing what would happen, Virgil needs you, he won't listen to me or Logan." My eyes went wide as I ran past Patton quickly towards Virgil's room. Oh god I don't want to imagine what's happening. I saw his door already wide open and ran in, instantly hearing a barfing noise from the bathroom. I ran towards it but saw Logan standing in the doorway, facing Virgil.
"Logan, move please, let me get to him!"  Without question Logan stepped out of the way, letting me reach Virgil. I sat by him as he crouched over the toilet. I shot Logan and glance and he took the hint, leading himself and Patton out of the room. I put my hand on Virgil's back, rubbing up and down. He was crying too, the poor thing... my heart broke at the sight.
"Shh Virgil it's okay, it'll be over soon..."
"M-m-make I-it s-stop.." he sobbed as he threw up more. I winced and continued rubbing his back.
"Let it out okay? I'm right here I won't leave" he continued to cry, throwing up a few more times before he finally stopped. I stood up, making him look at me with a worried expression.
"Don't worry, I'm just getting a towel real quick cause you don't have any in here.." he nodded and stayed put on the bathroom floor, still crying a little. I came back with a soft towel and crouched next to him, gently wiping around his mouth. I set the towel down and put my hand against his forehead. He was burning up, a lot.
"Want me to carry you to your bed?" He nodded shyly. I smiled weakly at him, picking him up bridal style and carrying him out of the bathroom and setting him gently in his bed. I didn't have to worry about him getting me sick, as he didn't have a virus. Thomas just took anxiety meds, that's what caused this. I'm sure he didn't mean to, he didn't know how much it could affect Virgil. He just wanted to calm down, I'm not mad at him. I made Virgil lay down and I covered him up with 3 blankets. He was felt hot, but shivering a lot. I quickly walked out of his room to grab a wash cloth, coming back and going to his bathroom. I got the wash rag wet in cold water, ringing it out and carrying it back to Virgil.
"Are you cold, or hot?"
"R-really h-hot..." I sighed and set the rag on his head, hoping to cool him off. I took off a few blankets, only leaving the thinnest one over him to make him comfortable and give him something to cuddle with. I wiped his wet cheeks with my thumb, wiping away the tears he had shed earlier. He slowly stared falling asleep, still shivering but his eyes closed gently. I got up quietly and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle and filling it. Patton came in just as I finished.
"How's he doing?"
"He stopped throwing up, he just has a fever now, but he should be fine soon. I put a cold towel on his forehead to cool him down, I'll take it off soon..." Patton smiled softly and nodded.
"You really love him don't you?" I stood shocked for a second. How did he know, was it that obvious?
"Don't worry kiddo, I won't tell him, just take care of him, okay?" I smiled at him.
"Of course I will, I'll do anything to make sure he's comfortable."
"Good, take a pack of saltines with you for him." I nodded, grabbing a pack and going back upstairs. I set the water bottle and crackers on his nightstand and removed the wet rag from his forehead, setting it on the bathroom counter Incase he needed it again. I sat down on the edge of his bed. I couldn't stop myself from looking at his peaceful state, his eyes gently shut, his mouth partially open as he breathed slowly. I reached forward and felt his forehead again, he was cooling down slightly. I sighed and stood up, deciding to leave him be. As I turned to walk away, I felt his hand reach up and intertwine his fingers with mine. He pulled me back slightly. I looked down at him, seeing his eyes half open.
"Can you stay, please?" I smiled softly down at his smaller figure. I nodded and he scooted over, lifting up the blanket to let me in. I scooted into the bed next to him. He put the blanket over me and turned over, curling up into a ball. I wrapped my arm around him, pulling him closer. He melted into my touch, sighing in content. I intertwined our fingers once again, my arm still staying around him.
"Sleep well Virgil..."
"You too roman..."

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