Sleep overs part 2

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Continues from last chapter
"I love you."
"I love you too"
Virgil's P.O.V
We walked downstairs together hand in hand, and saw Julia and Jonathan sat together on the couch, Julia was crying and Jonathan was trying to comfort her.
"Mom? What's wrong?" She darted her eyes yo to us and ran over, hugging us both tightly.
"A-awww boys I heard everything you said to each other, then I heard Virgil start crying and I got so worried but I didn't want to interrupt you guys!" Jonathan walked over and smiled sadly at me. I smiled back, and he nodded for me to follow him, which I did. Explaining that he wanted to talk to me to Roman and Julia. I walked with him into the hallway. He hugged me softly and quickly.
"What Roman said was true, I did freak out for 2 days but it's only because I panicked, I didn't know how to react because I've never gone through this before, but I soon realized I was wrong and calmed down. If your father is anything like me, he'll come around soon. I promise things will be okay, kid. And worse case scenario, you have us. I can be your new dad if he gives up, cause let's be honest, I hope to be your father in law one day." He smiled softly at me. I felt tears prick in my eyes before I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and patted my back softly.
"It's okay Virgil why are you crying?" I pulled away from he hug, wiping my eyes and looking up at him.
"I-I've always thought of you as a father, you guys are my second family and hearing that you want me to be your son in law is just such an honor. I hope to be your son in law one day, too." He smiled down at me before ushering me back to the others.
"What was that about baby?" Roman asked once I was back at his side.
"Nothing, it's alright Ro don't worry." He nodded, not pushing any further.
"Oh, Virgil by the way you're of course welcomed to stay the night, don't worry." Julia spoke softly with a smile on her face.
"Thank you so much, you guys are to nice to me, I don't deserve it!"
"None sense, of course you do!Now, I haven't made dinner, do you wanna just order pizza kids?" We both modded.
"Good, cause Jonathan already ordered. It'll be here any minute" she smiled and went back to the kitchen, Jonathan following her and sitting at the table.
"Oh boys, me and your mom won't be home tomorrow, she works all day and I have a business meeting in LA"
"Alright, thank you again for letting me stay."
"No problem Virgil, you're always welcome."
Time skip to later that night after dinner
Me and Roman sat on his bed in the same position as before. I was sat between his legs as his arms tightly held my waist. Our legs were tangled together under the thin sheet on us. I smiled softly and leaned my head back against his chest. We both watched Steven Universe happily as we cuddled, but I could feel myself growing more and more tired as I got more comfortable. I let out a small yawn, which made Roman lay us down more.
"You tired baby?" I shrugged.
"Eh kinda, you?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty tired actually." He adjusted so we were fully laying down.
"Even if you're not gonna sleep, can you please cuddle with me, Vee?"
"'Course Roman, you don't have to ask." He smiled at me and I smiled back. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing my neck softly. I giggled and kissed his cheek, wrapping my arms around him but making sure I can see the tv and him.
"Good night Roman..."
"Goodnight Virgil, I love you" he added quietly, already almost fully asleep.
"I love you too, so much more than you know... you've helped me through so much and I'll never be able to thank you enough, you basically saved my life, but I could never let you know that you'd get to worried..." I rambled, only catching myself at the end.
"Did you say something baby?"
"No... get some sleep." He nodded and quickly fell asleep while holding me. I watched the show for a little bit until I could hardly keep my eyes open. I turned the TV off and curled up against Roman, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He must've felt me do this because he fidgeted and pulled me closer.
"I love you Roman..."
"Mmm love you too..." I giggled, not expecting a responds to my comment. I kissed his nose and closed my eyes, finding it easy to fall asleep.
Time skip to the next morning
I woke up to feel a weight right above my butt on my back. I groaned softly in annoyance at the person who had woken me up. I knew it was Roman when I heard him giggle.
"Morning Vee!" He rubbed my shoulders softly. I smiled and opened my eyes, stretching to the best of my ability.
"What're you doing Ro?"
"Waking you up cause it's 11:30..."
"It's still early Roman, lemme sleep!" He giggled at my wining, making me whine more.
"Stop laughing at me! That's mean." I poured and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. He leaned down and kissed my temple before climbing off my back. I rolled over and stretched fully, sitting up in the bed.
"My parents aren't home~" I smirked at the comment, knowing exactly what he meant.
"You know what that means"
"Listening to panic! At the disco full blast while baking?"
"Of course! But I don't wanna have to walk all the way downstairrrrrs" I dragged out the R, trying to hint at him to carry me. He groaned.
"Do you want me to carry you, Your majesty?" He stated sarcastically.
"Yes I would, peasant." He scoffed and picked me up bridal style. I put my arms loosely around his neck and looked up at him.
"Love you"
"Love you too..." I smiled happily and giggled a little bit, still so happy to hear that. When we got downstairs instead of putting me down on the couch, he tossed me like I was weightless as a feather, making me land with a soft thump on the cushion.
"He sticks the landing!" I jokingly cheer, making him laugh.
Another time-skip brought to you by: the fact that I haven't slept today!
Me and Roman decided to just skip the baking for once when we found waffles already made downstairs, sitting on the table in a perfect stack. I smiled happily.
"I love your mom, she's freaking awesome."
"She really is, but I think I love you more" he hugged me from behind and kissed my temple. I giggled and shoved him off me.
"Before we eat, do you have a pair of shorts I could borrow? These jeans are starting to get uncomfortable and to hot"
"Yeah, in my dresser, top drawer."
"Thank you!" I ran upstairs and searched his drawer until I found a pair of basketball shorts. They looked to small for Roman so they should fit me, right? I quickly changed into them, and as expected they fit perfectly. I walked downstairs and saw Roman sitting at the table eating a waffle. He stopped when he heard me and looked over at me. A small smile spread across his face and he walked over to me (after swallowing the waffle in his mouth of course) he kissed me gently. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"
"Only every day..."
"Well it's true, you're Fucking stunning" I smiled and giggled, blushing at his sudden lovey dovey personality.
"Jeez, you said the F word for me! You never say that, why are you suddenly being so lovey dovey?"
"Because! You're so amazing, and you've grown so much. I remember when we first started dating you would never wear any shorts around me, or anyone really. I'd try to offer you a pair to sleep in and you'd get nervous and say no, and now look at you! You're so much more confident and comfortable with your body and it makes me so happy, because it makes me believe one day you'll be able to love yourself as much as I love you." I stared into his eyes for a second before I felt tears start pooling up in my eyes. I hugged him tightly, but he pulled me away to look at me.
"What's wrong? Did I say something?"
"N-no it j-just m-means a-a lot to me that you've n-noticed that I've g-gained more confidence, n-no ones ever d-done that, paid enough a-attention to notice b-but my f-family..."
He smiled at me and kissed my nose.
"Well they don't deserve you then, no one deserves you cause you're just so amazing.."
"All my confidence is because of you, you're the one who makes me like myself at all, without you I'd still be that old insecure price of shit I used to be..."
"Hey! You were never a piece of shot, don't say that! And I'm glad I could help you, but you did that all yourself, you're the only one who can control that, not me, not anyone else, just you." I smiled and leaned in to kiss him, but my phone started ringing just as I did. I groaned and grabbed my phone from the counter.
"It's" Roman walked up behind me and rested his head on my shoulder. He did that a lot.
"It'll be okay, I'm right here if things get bad..."
"Okay..." I answered the phone after taking a deep breath.
"Virgil. I wanted to apologize."
"For what?"
"For freaking out like that, it was wrong of me, you're my son and I freaked out when you needed me the most, when you needed to know I was there I wasn't. I failed as a father..."
"No no no dad it's okay... I understand, I forgive you, it's okay seriously..." I heard a small chuckle come from the line.
"You really are your moms son, you're so forgiving. I'm really sorry though, you're welcome home whenever."
"Okay, I love you dad"
"I love you too Virgil." I hung up the phone. I hadn't realize I was crying until Roman stood in front of me and wiped my cheeks with his thumbs.
"Hey baby it's okay, see I told you everything would be alright!" I smiled and nodded, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back, rubbing my back softly.
After I calmed down, we sat and ate for a few minutes before I decided I should head home.
"You sure I can't come with?"
"Roman, I'll come back over tomorrow okay? I know you're worried but I'll be okay, I promise." He nodded and kissed me, mumbling goodbye against my lips. I kissed his cheek and opened the door.
"Bye Ro"
"Bye Virg! I love you"
"I love you too." I walked home quickly, having to pause and take a few deep breaths to calm down when I reached the door. I opened it, yelling I'm home before I was engulfed in a tight hug. Two, actually. My mom was crying, and my dad was apologizing. I hugged them back.
"It's okay guys, I'm okay..."
"Were so sorry Virgil, we both love you very much."  My mom spoke between her cries.
"I know, I know... it's okay, I love you guys too..."
"Well always support you no matter what" my dad spoke surprisingly clear.
"I know, thank you for that."
"Now,-" they pulled away from the hug. "when are we gonna get to meet this Roman fellow?" I giggled softly.
"I love you guys."
"We love you too"

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