Please dont flinch (pt.2)

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(High school AU human AU warnings:cussing, self harm mentions, suicide thought mention, bullying mention)
*Romans P.O.V*
"And i don't want you to blame yourself for this at all okay?"
"But I do deserve the beatings, you dont. I-I d-d-deserve t-to be in pain... after all I'm just a piece of pathetic worthless useless piece of emo shit no one likes.." I gasped as I felt tear as brim in my eyes.
"How dare those bastards make you think that! I swear Angel you are so much more than that! You are useful, you don't deserve to be hit, you do not deserve pain Angel..... Angel how long has this been going on?"
"I-it doesn't matter..."
"Angel of corse it matters, talk to me, tell me about how often this happens."
"I-it h-ha-happens e-every d-d-day.... I... I let the words get to me more than they should, but how can I not? There all true. Everything they say is true... I deserve the pain that the cutting brings. I deserve the pain the hitting causes." I gasp and look him in the eyes.
"Angel... show me your arms..."
"Roman it doesn't matter I-I'm fine now."
"Angel." I spoke with a demanding voice, accidentally making him flinch. I spoke without thinking.
"Angel im sorry i love you I didn't mean to scare you!" I stopped, realizing what I said. I blushed but ignored what I said. I grabbed his arms gently and rolled up his sleeves. He had scars and cuts tracing up and down his arms. I gasped and felt myself cry slightly. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked at him. He was blushing but crying harder than me. I kissed the scars on his arms softly and pulled his sleeves back down. He was still sitting in my lap, so I wrapped my arms around his back and hugged him tightly. He hugged back crying into my shoulder again. I rubbed his back.
"Angel it's alright you're alright now you're safe, I won't judge you for that Angel. I would never judge you. I could never judge you for something like that. I'll make sure they never hurt you again. You have to promise me that you won't hurt yourself again like that." 
"I-I promise... as long as I-I-I'm w-with you, everything's fine...." I blushed. I was suddenly hit with a thought. People self harm all over their bodies. Angle may have cut himself other places.
"Angel, if you don't mind me asking where else have you cut?" He froze for a second but relaxed soon after. I hope he realized that he can tell me this stuff.
"M-my thighs...." I sighed gently.
"Angel no more okay? Please. Me, Patton, Thomas, Logan we all care about you so much. I am so so so sorry I didn't realize sooner that this was happening to you. We don't have to tell the others if you don't want too. I don't want to make you. I love you Angel and I always will." He mumbled something into my neck. It tickled causing me to giggle.
"What was that?"  He turned his head the other way so I could hear him.
"I love you too..." I smiled.
"Aww Angel has a soft side.." I kissed his temple softly.
"Shut up I do not."
"You so do! A soft spot for me in your heart!" He giggled slightly.
"Maybe you're right. But only you know how to bring the soft side out of me." I giggled again. He shifted so I could see his face. He had a tear stained face and his eyes were red and puffy. I kissed the tear stains softly and then kissed his nose. He blushed deeply and looked down. I gently grabbed his chin and lifted his head.
"Don't hide you're beautiful face Angel." I kissed him softly. He kissed back immediately. It was an innocent kiss, a perfect first kiss. Once we pulled away we both smiled at each other. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. I realised it was already the end of our fifth class.
"Angel, do you wanna skip the rest of the day?" He instantly nodded. I texted our friends telling them our plans so they didn't get scared. I picked Angel up and stood up, starting to walk home.
-at their house, Angels P.O.V-
Roman and I were laying on the couch watching T.V. It wasn't new for us to lay or sleep together, because even before we were... whatever we are at this point I would end up sleeping in his room. Part of the reason being that I got to caught up in my own thoughts and started having anxiety, and staying with him stopped that. The other part being because I loved him. Roman suddenly shifted so he was on top of me (in a innocent way, sinners) and he started peppering me with kisses. He kissed all over my face and neck. I laughed as he did so, making him smile and laugh too.
"Roman! Roman staaaapphh!"
"Nooo! It's nice finally being able to kiss you whenever! And I wanna kiss all your bad feelings and thoughts away."
"Then you'd have a lot of kissing to do." I spoke with a smirk. He smiled back innocently.
"I'll kiss you as many times as I need." He kissed me softly again, like the one at the school. I had a thought that made me laugh into the kiss. He pulled away.
"Why are you laughing.?" I blushed slightly. A small blush dusted his cheeks too.
"I uhh was just thinking about who would be more dominant in our relationship... I'm defiantly the dominant one huh?" He blushed and smirked.
" no way Angel. You're definitely bottom in the relationship."
"Am not!" He suddenly kissed me roughly making me blush deeply. He pinned my arms above my head with one hand. His grasp gentle but strong. He bit my lip making me gasp and deepened the kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance, him winning. He pulled away from the kiss and smirked.
"Who's the more dominant one now?" I blushed deeply.
"Yeah no you're definitely dominant.. and I have to admit I like it. But when it comes to topping it's probably gonna go off and on, both of us being stubborn people." He blushed more and nodded. He let go of my hands and started kissing my neck softly. I blushed as he bit softly and moved my head to give him more room. He left a few hickeys and pulled away. He smiled innocently again like before giggling.
"How are you so childish but the dominant one?"
"I don't even know."
"Oh yeah Roman?"
"To make it official, will you do me the honour of being my boyfriend?"
"Of corse!" I smiled and look at his neck. Might as well return the favour. I flipped us over so I was on top and started kissing his neck and biting slightly. He did the same thing as me and moved his head to make room. He accidentally let out a small adorable moan when I kissed one spot. I left a mark there and kissed behind his ear, leaving a few marks there and on his neck. I pulled away and smiled at his blushing figure.
"Your moans are adorable fyi." We went back to cuddling, me with all my limbs wrapped around him, his arms wrapped tightly around me like he would loose me.
"I love you Angel."
"I love you too Roman..." I mumbled still embarrassed of having a soft side.
"Aww someone still doesn't wanna show their soft side. Don't worry it's just me here!" Suddenly the door to the house swung open, showing the rest of our friends. I jumped off Roman instantly and stood up, trying to compose myself and hide my neck. Thomas ran over and hugged me tightly.
"Angel! I was so worried about you! When Roman ran off I knew something was wrong!" Patton, the dad of our group but then most innocent looked at my neck.
"Angel, What are those?" He said talking about the hickeys. Logan stepped in when he heard my started to fumble my words.
"Patton we should not question the new couple." He spoke gesturing to me and Roman, who was now standing behind me. We both blushed. Patton and Thomas both squealed.
"Is it true?! Are you guys a couple now!?!?" Thomas yelled. I smiled slightly and nodded. Logan, the calmest one right now decided to speak.
"Angel, why did you scream during lunch, and why did I see four guys run away from where Roman ran?" I started shaking slightly. Roman caught on and held my hand. He leaned down and whispered to me.
"Can I tell them about the bullying?"
"Yeah.." I mumbled back. Roman explained it and at the end they all looked furious. He didn't include the self harm part, but I figured I should tell them.
"And uhh... I uhh let their words get to me to much and I uh did something I'll regret.... I uhm... I c-cut myself...." they all looked pissed but had sympathy in their eyes. They all hugged me, including Logan which shocked me.
"I won't anymore guys, I swear. I'll come to you guys if I want to. I'll talk to you guys about it." Thomas was the first one to speak.
"From now on, if they come near you we are all gonna beat them up, right team?"
"Right." They all said at once. Patton spoke.
"From now own we're like your personal body guards." I started shaking slightly. Roman was the only one who noticed and got the others off me.
"Angel, what's wrong?" Roman spoke to me softly.
"Nothing I j-just didn't want to tell you guys about the self harm cause I knew this would happen, but I thought you deserved to know so I did."
"Angel I told you not to say anything you didn't want to!" He had concern in his voice but it was still gentle.
"What did you know would happen?" Thomas asked concerned.
"You guys are gonna treat me differently like I'm a glass that will break at the slightest touch! I don't want to be treated different! I should've never said it."
"We won't treat you differently, okay? We will only do something for you if you want us to." Thomas spoke with care in his voice.
"But if those punks come near my son again their gonna regret it still." Patton responded. I laughed slightly.
"Agreed." The rest said. I looked around at them all.
"Thank you all so much... for being my friends and being there for me."
"You're welcome!" They all said in unison.

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