You dont care anymore.

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(Warning: self hate, panic/ anxiety attack the video mentioned didn't actually happen. If it sounds like an actual Thomas video it's not suppose to)
*Princes P.O.V*
Anxiety and I have been dating for a month now. We are fully out and everyone knows, even the fans. They all support us and love the relationship. We were filming a video and I had been getting very mad. All the sides were judging my opinion and anxiety finally said something too.
"Roman, maybe they're right... you're not always the right one you can be wrong at points prince. Everyone is wrong so-" I cut him off.
"Just shut it anxiety! This doesn't involve you it never did and never will!" Anxiety gasped. He looked so hurt. All the other sides and Thomas looked at me with shock and anger. I realised what I said and looked at anxiety.
"Anxiety, you can go on back into the mind. You have had enough stress today." Thomas spoke calmly for the most part. At the last few words he glared and me and gave me a look that said 'you fucked up go fix it.'. Anxiety nodded and sank down. After he left I could feel myself crying.
"I'm gonna go too." I sank down and instantly ran for anxietys room. I reached the door and heard loud sobs coming from inside. I could tell he was having trouble breathing from his gasping. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I rammed Into it until it came down. I heard anxiety gasp in fear. He started sobbing again and gasping soon after. I ran over and tried to hug him but he shook me off.
"Anx I d-"
"Shut up prince. It's fine you just don't care about me anymore. You're just like everyone else. You buy a new toy, play with it for a while, then throw it out." My heart broke. I gasped and started crying too. He thought I didn't care. He let out a dry laugh.
"I can't blame you. Who w-would l-l-love t-th-this pathetic, w-weak, b-broken, and all around h-h-horrible person? N-no one t-that's w-who... no one..." he whispered the last no one. He fell against the wall and sank onto the floor. He curled up into a ball and I carefully rushed towards him.
"Anxiety I am more sorry than words can say. I didn't mean what I said. I was mad at the other sides and i didn't know how to show it. I feel absolutely terrible and I hate myself for knowing I caused you to feel like this. You mean the absolute world to me and I love you so so so times 2 million much. You are my everything, my sun and moon. Anxiety I love you with all my heart and I understand if you hate me now." He went silent. He let me hug him during my speech so that's good, right?
"Prince... I.... I need some time..." my heart broke more. He waned to break up with me?
"A-and I'm not breaking up with you I just need an hour or two to think..." I stood up and walked out of his room. I ran into my room and fell on my bed and cried silently.

I really fucked up.

-two hours later-

*anxietys P.O.V*

It had been two hours since the fight. I really missed him. He clearly didn't mean it and he was clearly sorry. I heard him crying from his room. It broke my heart to pieces. This is how he must've felt hearing me sob. I shakily got up and shuffled over to his door. The crying had stopped. I assumed he had fallen asleep. I opened the door carefully and shuffled in, shutting the door behind me. He was on his back sleeping as I had guessed and his face was tear stained. I walked over to him and lay on his chest, not caring if I woke him up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and nuzzled into his neck. I lay like that until I feel him wake up. He sees me and instantly wraps me in a hug. He hugs me tightly and kisses my neck and face all over.
"Oh god I'm so glad you forgive me anxiety! I love you so much baby I'll never do anything like that again!!" He covered my face in kisses making me giggle. He tilted my head up and kissed me passionately. I smiled into the kiss along with him. We soon started giggling so we pulled away. We were both still giggling. I was still clinging onto him, and he was clinging to me too. He continued peppering me with kisses, on the lips as quick little pecks or anywhere else.
"I love you so damn much!" He said in between kisses. I started whining and leaned up to kiss him. He giggle and flinched away making me whine more.
"You're adorable." He kissed me making me happy. After about two minutes of kissing we pulled apart and smiled at each other.
"You swear you'll never do something like that again?"
"I swear on my life."
"We should tell the fans, and the others. Including Thomas." He nodded and picked me up keeping me mostly in the same position. We walked out of the room and sank down to see Thomas on the couch. He brightened up seeing us together. I nuzzled I to Romans neck hiding.
"We made up if you couldn't tell... could we maybe call the others? And we wanna make a short announcement somehow saying that we are fine"
"One, oh god I'm so happy for you guys! I'm relived it all worked out. 2.yes we can, and 3, we can post in my instagram a picture of you two together, okay?"
"Okay!" He said with excitement.
"Anx, can you get down to take a picture?" I groaned.
"Aw come on baby~" prince whispered into my ear. I blushed and instantly jumped down. I tried to look away from them and hide my blush. I went behind him and restated my head on his shoulder, kissing his neck while I was there. Thomas took the picture. He posted it on instagram.

Thomassanders: hey guys gals and non binary pals! Prince and anxiety made up and are happily still in their relation ship, much to all of the shippers liking!

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Thomassanders: hey guys gals and non binary pals! Prince and anxiety made up and are happily still in their relation ship, much to all of the shippers liking!

I smiled at the picture slightly. I heard a camera click and saw prince taking a picture of my smile on his phone. I would usually be mad, and I almost was, but I stopped myself.
"Y'know if you want a picture of me smiling, you better have your phone out every time we're in the same room, cause I can't help bu smile when I'm with you." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed his neck again. He moved his neck slightly to give more room but I stopped.
"Smooth angle. Let's tell the others."
-after telling the others, in Romans room.-
Me and roman lay on his bed cuddling. Everything was right again.
"Yeah sugar?"
"Will anything ever come between us.?"
"Never in a million years would I let that happen. I love you."
"I love you too."

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeWhere stories live. Discover now