Wake up call

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Again, not a request, I just wanna write what comes to mind but don't worry I'll get to the requests as soon as I can :)
Human AU
Virgil's P.O.V
I woke up early in the morning, the sun barely rising and the birds just starting to chirp. I sighed loudly, knowing I wouldn't fall back asleep. I sat there for a minute before grabbing my phone from my night stand and opening Instagram. I scrolled through my explorer page for a while, and my regular feed before deciding I was bored and lonely. I got up and stretched, a few cracks coming from my back. I yawned before making my way a crossed the hall of my small apartment to my best friend, Romans room. I opened the door quietly and walked next to the bed, poking him lightly.
"Roman..." I whispered softly next to him. He didn't move.
"Roman" I got slightly louder, he rolled over and sighed. I poked him harder, still nothing. I shook him gently, and still nothing. I shook him more this time, and he made a slight noise, like a groan. I sighed loudly, getting more and more bored each second.
"ROMAN!" I screamed his name loudly, making him shoot up and looked around terrified.
"W-WHAT! What happened? Are you okay!?" I smiled brightly at him.
"No I'm dying!!"
"I'm dying of boredom! Hang out with me pleeaaase?" Roman glared at me before laying back down and rolled over, pulling the blankets over his face.
"No. It's not even 6:30 in the morning, go back to bed." I whined loudly.
"But my rooms cold and I'm lonely!" I complained loudly, hoping he would get what I was asking. We've shared beds before in college last year, so it wasn't new. It also happened every time I had a nightmare, so he was used to me asking. He chuckled slightly.
"Yes you can sleep in here, come on you dummy just ask next time..." he lifted up the blanket enough for me to crawl in. I smiled and crawled in next to him, curling up in a ball.
"Why is your bed so much more comfortable?"
"Because we bought them at different places." He sounded annoyed and bothered. I shrunk back slightly, moving back from him a little. He noticed and turned to face me.
"Do I annoy you?" He looked at me in concerned.
"No, I'm just tired sorry for sounding like that..." he smiled reassuringly at me.
"Okay... goodnight Ro.."
"Night Ve."
Later that morning
Me and Roman we're both up now, sitting in the front room while eating breakfast. It was quiet until Roman spoke up.
"Why do you do that?"
"Do what?" I looked at him confused.
"Wake me up like that so often?" I giggled at him. I forgot it wasn't the first time I've done something like this, but the other one involved pots and pans and a few noise complaints.
"I don't know, I'll try a different way in a few days" he smiled softly.
"Thank you, please don't make it loud" I laughed.
"No problem, and don't worry I won't"
2 days later.
It was the same situation as the last morning. I was sitting bored in my room, scrolling on my phone and wanting to wake up Roman. I stood up and stretched, no pops this time thankfully. I walked to his room, a plan in my mind as to how to wake him up. It wasn't loud so he couldn't give me shit. I opened his door carefully and walked over to him, trying not to be to loud and wake him up easily. It was always fun to fuck with him instead. I shook him slightly rough, he groaned loudly, but didn't move.
"Roman come on I don't wanna try the other way." He was back asleep. I sighed with a blush in my face and got onto the bed, sitting on top of him and poking his arms.
"Wake.up.roman!" He just sighed loudly.
"Noooo, you cant make me."
"Oh I can, I just really don't wanna try the next ways." He opened one eye half way and looked at me.
"Why not?" I blushed even darker.
"Cause they're weird and will make you uncomfortable..."
"I doubt that Virgil, I think you're just a chicken." I glared down at him. He smirked slightly, knowing he got me. He was messing with me, but two can play that game.
"What'd you just call me?"
"You heard me." I smirked, leaning slightly closer.
"Say it again, I dare you~" if he wanted to mess with me, I'd make sure he would get a taste of his own medicine. I saw him blush bright red, and I stayed where I was, leaning slightly closer while I was at it.
"C-chicken..." Just to toy with him, I glanced down at his lips quickly, before making eye contact again. I knew he noticed as he got even more red.
"You sure you wanna say that, pretty boy?~" I watched his eyes carefully, making sure I wasn't making him uncomfortable. There was something in his eyes, but it was unreadable. I didn't worry to much as I knew he would tell me off if I crossed a line. I got closer, our chests almost touching.
"I'm more than sure, Hot topic~" he seemed to grow all his confidence back. I glanced down at his neck, nervous to do what I had in mind, but playing it off as if I was confident.
"You're gonna regret saying that"
"Are you gonna make me regret it?~"
"Mhmm~" I nervously leaned down towards his neck, hesitating before I finally did it and started kissing his neck gently. He gasped and I felt him move his head, making more room for me. I sighed softly in relief, glad he didn't seem to hate me for it. I kissed slightly rougher, barely biting one spot on his neck. He gasped and let out an airy "fuck" as I did so, making me smirk, regain my confidence, and pull away ever so slightly. I left my lips still lightly touching his neck.
"Regret it now, pretty boy~?" He moaned under his breath, trying to hide it. I kissed his neck lightly before he answered.
"N-n-not at all..." I could feel that he was slightly hard under me, making me chuckled against his skin. I pushed down on him softly. He moaned weakly, and from what I could see, closed his eyes, leaning his head back.
"You sure? You seem to have a little problem there~"
"N-nope.." I hummed and bit down on his neck in a different spot. He moaned slightly louder as I did so, making me bite down harder. I pulled away completely afterward, seeing his bright red face and lust filled eyes. He whined loudly, looking up at me in confusion.
"W-why'd you stop..?" He spoke quietly, almost like he was nervous. I smirked yet again and leaned down towards his face.
"Did you want me to keep going?" He nodded hesitantly. He leaned up and kissed me roughly. I instinctively kissed back, but pulled away quickly much to both of our disliking. I pushed down my hips onto his again as I got up off him. He groaned loudly.
"Ugh you ass!"
"So you regret it now? Cause now you have to take care of your..little problem alone, and you're awake" he whined and squirmed around, sitting up in the bed.
"Fine you win! I regret calling you a chicken cause you're a fucking tease!"
"Ha and it made you uncomfortable!"
"Damn you and always being right." I laughed happily and smiled at him, walking out of the room and swaying my hips more on purpose.
"Have fun Roman! And don't give me shit later, cause I didn't wake you up loudly."
"Fuck You!"
I love you too Ro~" I giggled as I walked out of his room and down the hall, just to the front room to watch TV. A few minutes later I saw Roman from the corner of my eye coming downstairs. I pretended to not see him as he walked behind me carefully. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my neck, instantly biting down. I held back a moan as he did so. I felt him trail up to my ear and kiss right below it.
"I'll get you back later Vee~" I blushed slightly as he pulled away. I finally looked at him and saw that he was blushing madly and his hair was messier than before.
"I love you Virgil~"
"I-I l-love you too..."

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