How do you say "hold me"?

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Warning: panic attack, cussing, self harm. Mentions of suicide

Anxiety's P.O.V
It was just one of those nights where I couldn't sleep. Most nights I couldn't sleep actually, but tonight I was kept up by my thoughts. The little voice in my head filling my ears with rude remarks and comments. It was getting hard to handle. If I broke down, Thomas broke down. And the last thing I needed was for the other sides and my long time crush, princey, to hate me more because of what I do to Thomas. It's not like I can help it, I am anxiety! Logan, Patton, and Roman didn't hate me, and I knew this... sometimes. The little voice in my head gets to strong and makes me believe it's cruel lies.
The other sides don't care about you. They would love it if you just died. Just off yourself, they'll be happier
No... t-they care.... I was shaking horribly and crying. My breathing was choppy.
Just do it, grab the blades in your dresser and do it.

Knock knock. "Anxiety? Are you okay?" Princey, the last person I wanted to see me like this. I ran over and locked the door quickly.
"Anx unlock the door please!" He sounded scared.
He's faking it. Grab the blades now!

I listened and walked over to the mini box that I kept locked on my dresser. I grabbed the key and unlocked it grabbing the sharpest blade. As I pulled away I dropped the box. It made a loud noise.
"Anxiety don't do anything to harm yourself!" He started ramming the door. I pulled up my sleeves and traced the blade down my arm with a shaky hand. I was sobbing even harder now, and it was hard to see. I made multiple cuts on my arm.
"Anxiety! Anxiety please we're worried let us in now!" He continued ramming the door.
Cut deeper. Perfect just like that. Cut longways, they can't stitch it up then.

I listened to the voice making long marks down my arm. Just a as I was about to push as hard as I could the door gave in. Princey and the other sides ran in. Morality was crying and shaking and Logic was comforting him, also crying too. I continued shaking and sobbing.
"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry.... I-I'm s-so so s-sorry...!" Prince ran and got bandages and came right back. He grabbed my arms, cleaned the cuts with a wet towel, and wrapped my arms in the bandages. I was sobbing and mumbling I'm so sorry over and over. Prince looked at me sobbing too.
Their faking. They don't care about you.

"Anxiety what is it saying?"
"Y-y-you g-guys d-d-don't c-care..." prince just kept starring at me crying, still holding my arms.
How do you say 'hold me'
"Anxiety all you and to do was ask." Shit I said that aloud. I was pulled into a tight hug by prince. I instantly gave in and clung onto him like a life line. I sobbed into his shoulders, trying to ignore the voice.
"Anxiety we all care about you so much, we all want you here and we all love you. Don't listen to the voice anxiety it's lying. You matter so much anxiety, Thomas is who he is because of you. You always look out for us and we care and need you so much anxiety..... I....I love you anxiety. I always have." I gasped slightly. As I calmed down enough to make out a kinda proper sentences, I mumbled something to prince.
"I love y-you t-too pr-Princey..." he didn't let go of me and he continued whispering reassuring words to me. Logic and morality sat next to us and hugged me too. They were all apologising for every time they had said something that may have pushed me to this. Eventually after about an hour, the other two were summoned by Thomas, leaving me and princey. They said goodbye and told me they loved me and left. Princey looked at me and picked me up bridal style. He flopped me on the bed and layed next to me. I instantly cuddled into his side and clung on like a koala to its mom. He wrapped his arms around me.
"It's okay anxiety I'm here now. I love you."
"I love you too Roman. I'm so glad you found me before I could...c-could k-k-" I was cut off by a pair of lips meeting mine. I kissed back instantly finding so much comfort in the kiss. The kiss was amazing, but soon our lungs burned from the lack of oxygen. We pulled apart panting slightly and looking st each other.
"Don't finish that sentence anxiety. Never try something like that again, okay? From now on you come to me, logic, or morality if you are gonna have a break down, or if you just need someone to talk to, okay?"
"Okay...." we were summoned by a shaking Thomas. He looked at me and instantly hugged me tightly. I hugged back just as tight.
"Thomas what's wrong?"
"i-i started feeling more anxious than normal and soon it turned into a full blown panic attack, I knew something was wrong because a voice was telling me to hurt myself, and kill myself. I thought about how much worse it was for you and had to make sure you were okay. I called these two to ask what happened and they explained it. Anxiety you make me who I am and I love you for that. You matter so much more than you know." I was crying again. Dammit.
"Dammit Thomas you made me cry again." I added with a small chuckle at the end so he knew I wasn't mad. Once Thomas let go prince made me face him. He kissed me making everyone else yell aww. He pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes.
"I love you anxiety, will you be my boyfriend?"
"Of corse moron." I kissed him again. Everything was right. I felt wanted.

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