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Warnings: panic attack
Roman's P.O.V
"Virgiillllll" I groan loudly as I walk downstairs. I had been lonely the entire day and I wanted to watch movies with someone.
"What do you want princey?" He sounds annoyed by I really didn't care.
"Can you pleeeaaase come watch movies with me?"
"Uh no."
"Come on!" I wasn't gonna give up.
"we can watch whatever you want Virgil please? I want some company!"
"From me?"
"W-well y-yes why e-else would I be asking you?"
"Ugh. Fine." I jumped up and clapped.
"Yay!! Thank you! Come on!" I dragged him up to my room and let him sit on my bed while I set up the movie.
"What do you wanna watch?"
"Okay!" I put it on and sat next to him.
-time skip-
About half way through the movie I felt Virgil rest his head on my shoulder. I smiled as I realized he had fallen asleep against me. I looked over at the sleeping figure next to me. He looked so peaceful and adorable! I soon realized I was getting tired to and moved both of us so we were laying down. He squirmed slightly and cuddled up against me more while letting out a whine. At first I just took it as him being annoyed from me moving him, but he soon let out another whimper. I got concerned and sat and listened to him. He started shaking slightly and curled up into a ball letting out a whimper louder than his last two. I sat up quickly and started shaking him.
"Virgil?" I saw a few tears slip from his closed eyes. Was he awake?
"Virgil! Virgil come on wake up!" I shook him more and eventually he jumped awake yelling. He looked absolutely terrified. He sat up and his eyes started darting around the room quickly as he hyperventilated. I quickly put my hand on his shoulders and turned him to face me. He was panicking bad.
"Virgil? Vee, come on nod if you understand me." He shakily nodded at me, now sobbing pretty hard. I pulled him into a hug and ran my hands through his hair, an action I knew calms him. He hugged me back tighter than a koala hugging it's mom.
"Shhh, Vee you're gonna be okay you're safe nothing will hurt you I'll protect you."
"I-I-I c-ca-can't breath a-aM I-I g-gonna di-die?!"
"No no no Virgil you're not gonna die. Listen to my breathing and copy it." I took a deep breath through my nose and watched as he struggled to breath through his mouth.
"No Vee through your nose it's gonna be okay." I took another breath in through my nose and saw him copy my actions.
"Good job, you're doing amazing keep going." I continued breathing deeply and he continued copying me. I heard him stop crying, only little sniffles every now and then. He stopped shaking.
"Are you okay now love?" I didn't even realize that I called him that, and I don't think he did either.
"Y-yeah.... sorry..."
"It's okay. What uhh what was your nightmare about?"
"It's dumb..."
"No it's not! Tell me please?" He sighed.
"Umm.. well it started with me in a forest. It was dark and the only light seemed to be miles away. I couldn't control myself as I ran towards it. As I got closer I realized it was a person. It umm it was you. You looked at me but all you had was hatred in your eyes. You shoved me to the ground and started hitting me. You were saying stuff like "I hate you""I'll never love you""give up on me""I'll never return your feelings..." he went quiet after that.
"Well... I would never do those things or say any of that."
"Even about not returning my feelings?"
"No, I wouldn't say that because it's not true... because I really do love you..."
"Thank you..."
"Comforting me and helping me calm down. That's the first time I've ever had someone to comfort me after a nightmare... heh..."
"How often does it happen?"
"Like... 5 times each week..."
"Well, from now on when you have a nightmare come to me okay?"
"Okay... oh and I love you too..."
I kissed the top of his head.
"I love you more than anything."
"Stop being so cheesy Roman."
"How can I not be cheesy? I finally have you and I'm going to love you as much as possible."
".....I'm okay with that."

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeWhere stories live. Discover now