First hug

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Romans P,O.V
I would always remember mine and Virgil's first hug, it's what started our friendship and lead us to our relationship, I don't think you could forget something like that easily. Most people would remember briefly, I remembered all the details.
It had been a long day for me, I was tired and very short tempered, lacking any sleep from having to stay up to make video ideas. I sat down at my desk, falling back in my chair and sighing loudly. I closed my eyes tightly and rubbed them, hoping that I could get some of the exhaustion out of them. I opened them, hoping I would feel better but to no avail. I groaned and got up, stretching my back and heading to the kitchen to get a snack. As I was going downstairs I heard someone sniffling, almost as if they had a cold or something. I slowly peered down the stairs and saw Virgil in the kitchen. Things were pretty tense between us, since we're not close at all. I walked down into the kitchen acting as calm as I could. I walked to the pantry and went in, looking for something to eat. When the tension slowly started growing more and more I decided to break the silence.
"Good evening Virgil."
"H-hey..." his voice was weak and scratchy, I could basically hear the pain as he spoke. I looked at him concerned, still caring about him even though I didn't really know him.
"Hey, you alright?" He just looked down and nodded, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and running upstairs. I sat there for a minute confused, I've never seen him act like that before. I shrugged it off and grabbed a small snack, heading back to my room and pretending as if it didn't happen. I sat down on my bed, quickly eating so I could sleep sooner. When I finished I didn't even bother changing into pajamas, staying in my usual attire as I pulled he blankets over me and snapped to turn the lights off. I closed my eyes gently, sighing and relaxing as sleep slowly consumed me. Everything was quiet in the house, the only noise being the crickets outside. I was almost fully asleep when I heard a loud sob, jolting me awake and making me sit up gasping. The noise scared me as I had gotten used to the silence. I realized the sob came from Virgil's room, filling me with concern. I sighed and hoped Patton would get it, since I didn't know how to help him at all. When I heard the loud sob again, I realized I needed to step in and help him. The other sides rooms were to far away to hear the crying boy. I got up and walked out of my room, going to his quickly. I knocked on the door, but when I got no reply I opened it softly, being surprised to find it unlocked. I saw him curled up on the floor against the wall, hugging his knees as he cried loudly. I shut the door and ran over, sitting a few feet away from him.
"Virgil? Are you okay?" He didn't reply at all, almost as if he didn't hear me.
"...I know we don't know each other very well but you can talk to me okay? I'm here for you." He just continued crying. A few minutes went by of me just sitting by him as he sobbed.
"Virgil...?" He looked up at me, shaking terribly. I stood on my knees and crawled towards him, wiping the tears off his cheeks. He stared up at me for a minute afterward before tackling me in a tight hug. He knocked me down to the ground falling on top of me. I hugged him back, staying in that position for a second before adjusting us so I could pick him up. I sat down with him on his bed against he headboard so we were both more comfortable. He sobbed heavily into my shoulder, shaking and gasping for air. I rubbed his back softly, trying to calm him down.
"It's okay... I'm here for you Virgil, it'll all be okay... focus on my breathing, try to copy it." I moved my hand from his back and started playing with his hair. He relaxed slightly as I did so, becoming less tense and shaking a tiny bit less. I continued doing this, hugging him tightly while I was. He nuzzled his face into my neck.
"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry"
"For what? You have nothing to be sorry about Virgil" he just continued sobbing.
"I-I c-ant breath" he said in a panicked scared tone.
"You can if you focus Virgil. Copy my breathing  okay? Focus, you can do it I know you can." He started trying to copy me, taking a sharp breath in and hardly breathing out at all.
"No no no, slow deep breaths okay?" He nodded against my shoulder, managing to get a small deep breath in.
"Good job! Keep doing that. You'll be okay, this will pass and you'll be back to normal okay?" He continued forcing himself to breathe slowly as I continued mumbling encouragement to him. I felt him slowly stop shaking as he managed to breath. He was still crying, but not as bad.
"See? I told you you'd be okay" he hugged me tighter, nuzzling more into my neck.
"Thank you R-Roman..."
"For what? I really didn't do anything it was all you."
"F-for managing to h-help me even though you d-don't know me very well.." I smiled softly.
"You're welcome, and honestly I'd like to hang out with you more, you seem cool."
"I-I'd like that..."
Here we are now, in the same room it happened in. We were in that position again, but not because of one of his panic attacks. He softly kissed my neck bringing me back to the real world.
"Ro, what's on your mind you went quiet?"
"Nothing..." he pulled out of the hug and looked at me.
"That's not true, what is it?"
"Do you remember our first hug?" He thought for a second before smiling softly.
"Of course... I could never forget that honestly..." I smiled too, kissing his nose softly.
"I'm glad I helped you..."
"I am too, but why did you?" I had to think for that question, not remembering my thoughts exactly.
"If I'm being honest at first I was hoping Patton could help you, I wasn't sure what I could do if I didn't know you at all, but when I heard you sob again-"
"You heard me crying? I thought you might've just wanted something and found me like that.." I giggled.
"Nope, when I heard you sob again I knew I had to help you, you didn't deserve to be going threw that, you seemed like a cool person and hearing you in such pain was terrible. You know the rest baby..." I almost said those 3 words, but fear got the best of me. We've never said those words to each other before, but I wanted to soon.
"So you really wanted to...? You didn't just do it to be a good person and look good...?" I looked at him in shock and concern.
"Of course not Virgil! Why would you think that?" He got off of me and sat next to me instead, curling up slightly.
"I don't know..." I could hear his voice shake.
"Hey hey hey it's okay Vee...-" I took a deep breath and kissed him, holding onto the feeling for a minute before pulling away. I held his face gently.
"I love you... you know that right? I've always loved you and nothing will change that." He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I watched as one fell down his cheek.
"W-what's wring why are you crying!?" He kissed me passionately, pulling away a minute later but staying super close to my face. He put his hands on my face too.
"I love you too Roman" we both started laughing happily before we hugged each other joyfully.
"I'll love you forever."
"I'll love you longer Princey" we sat in comfortable silence for a while before I heard him giggle. I pulled out of the hug and looked at him.
"We're so cheesy." I smiled brightly, kissing his nose.
"That's just how I like it."

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeWhere stories live. Discover now