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(AU where your eyes change color depending on your emotion. Example
Green: jealousy
Yellow:Joy etc,)
*Roman's P.O.V*
Blue. Everyday when I look into Virgils eyes, it's the color I see. It breaks my heart knowing he is sad everyday. He deserves to be so happy, he deserves to smile everyday of his life. He cares about everyone so much but never shows it, well he does but in his own way. He is almost always in his room, and sometimes I'll hear sobs echoing in the hallway. He sounds so broken and hurt. My poor baby. We had been super close ever since he came to the mind palace, but the only thing he keeps from me is why he is so sad. All I want is to love him and make him happy. It was early in the morning and Patton had made breakfast. I decided today all I would do it try to make Virgil happy. My eyes were glowing yellow. I knew Anxiety hated being woken up and having to go downstairs.
"I'll go wake u-"
"Uh, I'll go take Virgils food to him! No need to wake him up right?" I saw Patton smile fondly as his eyes went to a bright yellow and pink. The love in a platonic way, I knew that.
"Uhh.. Patton what color are my eyes right now?"
"Bright yellow with a dash of pink. Go get him tiger." He handed me Virgils food and I happily made my way up to his room. I softly knocked on his door and walked in, knowing he'd be asleep. I saw him curled up in a small ball with his arms around a pillow against his stomach. His black blanket covering up to his nose. I smiled fondly at the figure and sat his food next to him. I gently sat down next to him and tried to wake him up.
"Virgil....Virg.. Anxiety."
He started squirming around and eventually opened his eyes. At first they were brown, then it switched to blue. My smile fell slightly but I soon replaced it to try making him happier. He rubbed his eyes and focused on me. I saw him smile slightly when he realized it was me. Then his eyes went from the normal blue to a faint yellow. I could've sworn I saw a very faint hint of pink, but I couldn't tell. I smiled warmly at him and grabbed his food and handed it to him.
"I decided it would be nice to bring you breakfast so you didn't have to come downstairs!" He sat up and I couldn't help but stare at his messy hair and his half yellow half blue eyes. The colors didn't mix, a perfect line dividing them. He started back at my yellow and faint pink eyes. He snapped out of it and smiled at me, saying a soft thank you before starting to eat. I stood up and walked out of the room.
-an hour later-
Virgil eventually came out of his room with his plate and went to set it in the sink. As he passed I saw tear streaks on his eyes and they were back to the normal blue.
"Well looks like someone finally decided to socialize." Logan spoke like a robot as always. My eyes went to more of an orange color. He better watch it.
"Well I'm sorry for not wanting insults thrown at me."
"Maybe if you were not a how do you say... 'Debby downer' people would not insult you." I stood up and stood in front of Virgil in a protective stance.
"Leave him the hell alone Logan." I saw Logan smirk as if he had done something right. Wait... him and Patton knew about my crush. I heard Patton giggling in the background. They set me up so they could see me be protective. I turned and walked back to my spot on the couch glancing back at Virgils eyes. They were a soft pink and yellow with a blue tint to them. I blushed at the thought of him liking me back. I could tell my eyes were back to the normal yellow and pink because when I looked at him he blushed dark.
-another hour later, Roman is at a store-
I was at Walmart looking for a gift for Virgil. I am determined to get his eyes to a solid yellow, the only other color in okay with is pink. I walked through the isles and picked up some candy, dark red roses, and a small little black dog stuffy. I payed and made my way home quickly. When I walked in I was relived to see no one downstairs. I rushed up to Virgils room and knocked lightly. He mumbled something that sounded like come in. I walked into his room with the things behind my back. His eyes went from blue to the same color as earlier, soft yellow and pink with a tint of blue. I will get ride of the blue. I smiled at him and sat on his bed facing him.
"I have three surprises for you, for your first one, pick a hand." He picked my left hand so I handed him the red roses. He blushed and smiled at me softly, the blue becoming less visible in his eyes.
"Okay now pick heads or tails, if it lands on heads you get the smaller surprise, and if it lands on tails you get the sweet surprise, but if it lands on the one you didn't pick, you get a different surprise." I put the stuffy and candy in one hand and grabbed a coin. He picked heads and I flipped the club holding my breath. It landed on heads so I handed him the small dog plushie. He cuddled it to his chest smiling even brighter. When I gave him his candy he smiled wider than I ever thought possible.
"W-why? W-why'd you buy me these?" He spoke quietly while playing with the stuffie. I took a deep breath and smiled at him.
"Because Virgil all I wanted is for your eyes to change from the awful shade of blue they always are. I would do anything to see your eyes light up yellow when you wake up, or when you're thinking about things, when you're singing, when you're doing anything. And I know you can probably tell from the pink in my eyes all the time when I look at you, but I love you Virgil. I would be so happy if I saw your eyes turn a beautiful shade of yellow, because the color would match your smile right now so much." Virgil started blushing and stared at me. His eyes slowly turned a bright yellow and pink like mine. I smiled widely and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back just as tight as I cried happily. He was crying too. After we both calmed down I pulled away and saw his eyes were the same color as mine still.
"Virgil can I please take a picture?! You don't have to show your face only your eyes but I want to remember this forever. I won't even post it if you don't want me too." He nodded hesitantly and I pulled out my phone and kissed him on his check just as I took the photo. When I look at him his eyes are almost pure pink.
"I love you too Roman." And with that he kissed me lovingly, catching me off guard and knocking me back onto the bed. I kissed back and we both smiled into it. We spent the rest of the night cuddling and I took pictures of our matching yellow and pink eyes. The blue no longer showing what so ever.

(A/N wow I really like writing fluffy stuff rn, it's so cute and adorable and I just can't oh my god it's so pure and innocent. I wish this eye thing was real honestly. Anyway, any requests or anything you wanna see just feel free to comment or message me! I love you all! Stay alive and well my frens |-/)

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora