Meeting for the first time

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Kind of based off of my other story, Wrong number, Buddy. It's a prinxiety texting story! I'd love if you guys checked it out 💜 human AU, Romans 6'2 and Virgil's 5'9 warnings: homophobic slurs, cursing, hitting
Virgil's P.O.V
I sat on the bus tapping my leg as fast as my body would possibly let me. I was going to meet my best friend, my rock, my shoulder to cry on, my crush, the love of my life, my prince, my savior.


Roman has been with me through everything, I think he knows me better than I know myself. I was smiling just thinking about him, the familiar feeling of butterflies swelling in my stomach. When I remembered he was maybe 5 minutes away, the sick feeling returned. Sure I had face timed him, but that was different than seeing the person in real life, where there was no screen covering you, and you can see every feature. I pulled out my phone quickly, shooting him a text.
Little emo💜; Roman I'm to nervous, what if you hate me!?
Princy👑❤️: I don't think anything in this world could make me hate you Virg, you're too important to me! it'll be okay I swear, I'll love you as much as I do over this screen. x
Little emo💜: okay... god I'm so excited, but I feel like I may be sick...
Princy👑❤️: If you do get sick I'll nurse you to health :)
I blushed deeply, covering my mouth as I giggled in joy.
Princy👑❤️: did you do that thing that I love when you cover you mouth when you giggle and blushed?
I shook my head softly.
Little emo💜: how do you know me so well?
Princy👑❤️: look out the window, Vee.
I looked up and realized that the bus had stopped in front of the park we agreed to meet at. I gasped when I saw him and ran off the bus, running up to him as fast as I could.
I jumped onto him, hugging him tightly, almost knocking him over while I did so. He spun me multiple times, nuzzling his face into my neck which muffled his laughing, but also his crying. I cried tears of overwhelming joy as I laughed louder than I ever have before. I was finally hugging him, he's real. I pulled away slightly and looked at him as he held me up. I grabbed his face and squished his cheeks, making him laugh.
"W-what are you doing Vee?" I stared at him for a second before leaning my forehead against his.
"Y-you're real! And your even better looking in real life..."
"Was I not good over camera?" He jokingly teased me.
"Your great, camera or not, I just can't believe you're real!"
"God you voice is amazing, I never realized how great it was, the microphone definitely made it different..."
"You sound so.." don't say hot Virgil
"Hot" fuck it's over, he hates you n-
"Aww Virg, you sound pretty fucking good too." he whispered into my ear. I giggled, hugging him and crying a little more. He did the same.
"Your so cuddly sugar, god I'm glad I took this chance to meet you..."  I smiled brighter than I ever have once in my life.
"Your hugs feel just how I imagined them, safe and comforting..." he kissed my temple softly before pulling away to look at me. He put his hands on my face gently, almost as if he was afraid they'd go through me.
"My god..." he whispered softly, still looking at me.
"You're stunning, even more stunning than you were on Skype calls..." I blushed and playfully hit his arm.
"You're making me blush, stoooop!" He shook his head and put his forehead on mine.
"But I like it when you blush, you're adorable." I giggled and kissed his nose gently.
"You should probably put me down, people are starring..." he smirked and spun me around.
"Let them stare, you're gorgeous and I would too!" I shrieked and laughed, holding on tightly to his shoulders.
"R-R-Roman!!" He laughed and stopped spinning me, setting me down gently. He awwed loudly and hugged me. I hugged back confused.
"What are you awwing at?"
"You're so tiny!"
"Bitch I'm 5'9, you're just a giant!"
I tried to act angry, but broke and started laughing when he did the same. When we calmed down, we eventually started holding hands and walking around the park. We chatted about everything and laughed like nothing had changed, like we've known each other our entire lives.
"Ugh, go be a sinner somewhere else, faggots!" Roman whipped around at the comment, facing the douche who said it instantly. I stood back, shaking slightly. I hated fights. I tugged romans sleeve softly.
"R-r-Roman please don't..." he ignored me and got closer to the guy.
"Excuse me sir?" You could hear the anger dripping from his words.
"You heard me, faggot." Roman smiled coldly, I pulled his sleeve harder. He turned around and the anger melted away for a second.
"It's okay Virg..." he turned back around.
"I'm gonna give you 10 seconds to walk away and pretend you never spoke to us, or else." The man chuckled.
"Or else what?" Roman walked closer to the man and simply kneed him in the nuts as hard as he could. The guy fell down, and everyone was starring at us.
"Have a nice day sir." Roman turned around and grabbed my hand gently, acting as if nothing happened and continued walking. I followed him, trying to hide my shaking and the tears building up in my eyes. When we rounded the corner, he sat me down on a bench and looked at me, gently holding my shoulders.
"Are you okay Virgil?" I nodded softly.
"Y-yeah... I just don't like fighting... and everyone was starring..." he hugged me for a second, kissing the top of my head before pulling away.
"I'm sorry doll, I didn't mean to upset you." I smiled at the familiar nickname, well one of them. He always called me virg, Vee, sugar, doll, or angel. Mostly angel and doll, though.
"Why are you smiling?" He asked with his own smile painted on his face.
"Nothing, I just love the nicknames you call me, they make me so happy..." he smiled even brighter.
"Really? I'm glad!"
Time skip
Romans P.O.V
After we walked around town for a little bit, we agreed to go back to my place and watch a movie together. I had recently bought Love, Simon so we settled on watching that. Half way through the movie, I glanced over at Virgil and saw him shaking slightly, and I could see tears pooling up in his eyes. I instantly put my arms out to him, making him look at me and rub his eyes.
"Doll, what's wrong? Come here.." he shrugged his shoulders, then shook his head.
"I'll come over there if you don't come here.." he stayed still, looking down. I crawled over to him and hugged him, making him give in and curl up on my chest and lap.  He hid his face in my chest instantly, not making eye contact.
"Angel... talk to me, please?" He shook his head no, making me sigh. I lightly grabbed his chin, lifting his eyes to meet mine.
"Please doll?" He mumbled something, but I didn't hear what.
"What'd you say angel?" I gently asked again.
"I love you.." I looked at him confused.
"I love you too, I tell you all the time..." he shook his head.
"Not like that. I love you! I want to hold you and kiss you and never let you go!" I sat still for a minute before I hugged him tightly.
"Then don't."
"Then don't what?"
"Don't let me go, cause I don't think I'm ever letting you go." I pulled away and looked at him, seeing the tears slowly fade from his eyes. I smiled softly at him, and he smiled back.
"D-do you love me?"
"Do I need to prove it, doll?" He smirked softly, leaning closer.
"I think you might." I smirked back, and pressed my lips to his gently. It might have been a soft kiss but it was full of years worth feelings and emotions poured into it. He pulled away, Butler his lips brushing my slightly.
"I don't want to leave you again." I could see the sorrow in his eyes, so I kissed him again softly. I pulled away more.
"I didn't tell you?"
"You live alone, right?" Virgil nodded confused.
"Well, I talked to my landlord Logan, and since I'm always on time with rent and I'm friends with him he agreed to let you move in to my apartment, if you wanted that is." His eyes lit up, and he jumped off me smiling brightly.
"You're kidding!" I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Nope!" I said, popping the P. He tackled me in a hug, knocking me to the floor. He kissed my face all over, before placing a passionate kiss on my lips. Every ounce of me wanted to deepen the kiss, but I held back and only swiped my tongue over his bottom lip softly. We both pulled away at the same time.
"So that's a yes??"
"Of course you ass!"
He squealed as I rolled us over and kissed his neck softly. I suddenly sat up and looked down at him.
"A-are we taking this to fast? Are you uncomfortable with all this even though you just met me? Should we get to know each other before you move in...?" He pulled me down and kissed me softly.
"I'm fine, I'm not uncomfortable with it, it feels like I've known you my whole life, I won't move in if you d-"
"No! No I really want you to move in with me... can I take you on a date though?" He smiled, god that smile that I love so so much.
"Yeah, of course."
"Let's plan it for Friday, I'll take you somewhere I know you'll love" he nodded.
"I can't wait princy." I leaned back down to him and kissed his neck softly, making him giggle lightly. I stood up and pulled him with me, then pulling both of us into the couch and hugging him against me. He laid on my chest and nuzzled into my chest. He was so tiny I could completely wrap around him.
"It's still so crazy that after 3 years of talking online were suddenly here, holding each other and kissing. I can't believe it." Was all I could hear him say.
"It's surreal, but I'm glad it happened, because I don't know what I'd do without you in my life, and now we're gonna be living together, we're gonna see each other every day!" I relied happily. He kissed my neck and sucked slightly, purposefully leaving a faint hickey on my neck.
"I'm so excited!"
"I love you so much Angel."
"I love you so much too, princy."

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeWhere stories live. Discover now