Private preformance

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Just writing this bc i wanna make a simple, calm, and sweet one shot, may make a part two, may not 💜 they sing the song above
Third persons P.O.V
Virgil made his way down the quiet hallways of his empty school, walking towards the music room. He always loved after school hours, and since he was friends with the principal he was allowed in as long as he locked it all up afterwards, which he always did. He sighed in content as he looked at the murals scattering the walls. He reached the music room and grabbed the spare keys out of his pocket, unlocking the door easily. He walked in and quickly made his way to the piano in the center of the room. He sat down on the plush bench and placed his fingers gently on the keys, not sure what to play and hitting a few random notes. He hit one note that reminded him of a song, a song that was always his favorite to play at home when no one else was around. He tried playing it, forgetting the notes for a moment before finally remembering and beginning to play. He played through the song softly once, getting used to it before he sang along to the beautiful music. He took a breath as he started to play again, waiting for he right moment to sing. He got to absorbed into the music quickly, not realizing someone walk in behind him.
"You're alone, you're on your own, so what?
Have you gone blind? Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?" He sand softly at first, the person behind him having to get closer to hear him.
"Glass half empty, glass half full Well either way you won't be going thirsty, Count your blessings not your flaws" Virgil slowly getting louder, still not noticing as Roman got closer, but not close enough to be heard or seen. Roman watched as this mystery boy he had never seen before sang beautifully, trying not to sing along.
"You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound There's so much more You can reclaim your crown" Roman couldn't bite his tongue any longer as he carefully sang the next part.
"You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again" Virgil spun around, looking terrified.
"Ah! Holy shit you scared me! How the hell did you get in here?!" Roman smiles softly.
"My apologies, and I know the principles husband, family friends, but anyway, by all means please keep playing, you're great and I love this song!" Virgil looked at him for a second. Virgil never played in front of people, but for some reason he felt fine playing in front  of this guy, whoever he was. Virgil spun back around slowly, and began playing from the last spot and letting Roman take the next lines too.
"You don't get what all this is about You're too wrapped up in your self doubt You've got that young blood, set it free" Virgil shyly smiled as he felt Roman get closer. Virgil decided he wanted to sing and quietly began, getting slowly louder.
"You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound There's so much more You can reclaim your crown-" Roman joined him while sitting next to him on the plush stool, singing and matching Virgil's volume. "You're  in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again" they looked at each other and smiled, holding the eye contact as they sang together.
"There's method in my madness There's no logic in your sadness You don't gain a single thing from misery Take it from me" Roman noticed the others face fall a little as he sang that line, making Roman pull him up from the bench, spinning him once while her continued singing instinctively. Roman couldn't resist the urge to cheer this mystery boy up.
"You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound There's so much more You can reclaim your crown You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again" They sang the line as Roman spun and dipped Virgil, dancing him around the room in a successful attempt to cheer him up. He saw the boy smile brightly as they started singing the lines again for he last time.
"You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound There's so much more You can reclaim your crown You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again" they sang the last note harmonizing almost perfectly as Roman dipped him one last time, holding him there for a second before standing him back up. They both just stood and stared at each other, smiling brightly the entire time and even giggling every now and then.
"Well mystery boy, you play piano very well, and your singing is truly beautiful!" Roman spoke with a soft blush on his cheeks.
"Heh, I don't think I'm that good but thanks, anyway, who are you?" Virgil said shyly at first at the compliment, not being used to receiving them.
"I'm Roman chandler, and you?" He held out his hand for a hand shake. Virgil grabbed his hand timidly and softly shook it.
"I'm Virgil sanders, it's nice to meet you."
"the pleasure is mine!" Roman spoke in a silly posh voice, bringing Virgil's hand to his mouth as he kissed it gently. Virgil giggled slightly with a slightly dark blush covering his face quickly.
"I've never seen you around school Virgil, such a shame I haven't seen your pretty face more often, do we have any classes together?" Virgil blushed deeper at the comment, before deciding he should answer the taller man.
"I think we have a few together, I just changed my schedule today though because of... people problems, assholes and all that so I don't know anymore." Romans face lit up with hope.
"Do you have you schedule right now?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I obviously want to see if we have classes together silly! Lemme see it!" Virgil pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to Roman who took it quickly. He scanned over it and smiled brightly.
"Dude, what a coincidence! We have all our classes together now!"
"No way"
"I swear! You need to sit next to me in all of them, I wanna get to know you better..." Roman said the last part quietly and shyly, something Virgil didn't entirely expect from this seemingly outgoing person.
"Man if I didn't know better I'd think you liked me Mr.Chandler" like a light switch Roman gained his confidence back, stepping closer to Virgil so their chests almost touched.
"I think you're right Mr.Sanders~" Virgil smirked as Roman leaned closer, acting as if he was going to kiss him. Virgil went along with it until Roman pulled away smirking. Virgil blushed bright red.
"Oh that's mean Ro... o-oh gosh is it okay I called you that? I don't if you don't like it! I'm sorry it just slipped o-"
"Chill Virge it's fine I don't mind, and I don't kiss before the first date honey~"
"Are you trying to ask me something Roman~?"
"Only out on a date, just to get to know you a little better, if that's okay with you" Virgil was a blushing mess at this point, not used to people spending this much time with him, led alone asking him on a date.
"Y-yeah Okay... when are you free next?" Roman smiled at the blushing frame, he himself blushing softly too.
"Friday night, so tomorrow night if that'll work?"
"Yeah, my parents don't care very much about me so they'll be fine with it"
"Wow... this went from us singing together to going on a date tomorrow, I don't usually believe in love at first sight but I guess I just experienced it" Virgil couldn't blush anymore and covered his face, squeaking quietly into his hands. Roman looked at him concerned.
"Sh-shit did I do something wrong?" Virgil uncovered his face slightly.
"N-no I-I'm just not u-used to all t-this... a-attention... no one u-usually hits on m-me l-like this..." Roman smiled sympathetically.
"Aww you're all flustered! C'mere.." Roman opened his arms and Virgil quickly excepted the hug, holding him tightly. Virgil felt one of Romans hands hold his head while the other was around his waist.
"How did all this happen from singing together?"
"I don't know... but I'm glad it did Virgil..."
"I am too... man I never expected something like this.." Roman slowly let go of Virgil and looked at him.
"I didn't either... should we be heading out of here soon?"
"Probably... I have keys to lock up"
"I do too, may I walk you out sir~"
"What a gentle man, of course" they both giggled in unison and walked out of the school, not noticing that they were holding hands the entire way. As they locked up the final doors, they turned to each other and saw how close they were. Roman hugged Virgil again as he knew they had to go separate ways, and Virgil took the chance to grab Romans phone from his back pocket. He pulled away and smiled, opening the phone.
"Ha you don't have a password!"
"What are you doing? Give it back!"
"Not without my phone number in it!" Virgil quickly typed in his number and sent it a text. Virgil named his contact in Romans phone Emo nightmare💜 before giving it back to Roman. He felt his phone vibrate from the text he sent himself and pulled it out, naming Romans contact Princey❤️
Roman saw Virgil's phone and looked at his contact name.
"Why princey? Not that I'm complaining?"
"Cause you remind me of a price, brave and outgoing, not to mention attractive"
"Aw Virge things I'm attractive~"
"Yeah I do..." Roman realized how close they were and glanced down at his lips.
"You're an exception..." Virgil looked back confused.
"To what?"
"To this..." Roman kissed him gently, and Virgil melted into it, kissing back just as softly. Roman pulled away to soon for Virgil's liking, but he smiled gently at him any way.
"Why am I the exception?"
"Cause you're different from the rest, I've never felt this way towards someone the first time I ever saw them, but you struck something in me, you make me happy and you make me feel almost sick, but not in a bad way, it's an amazing feeling that I can't describe right... sorry that was probably weird..." Virgil started at him for a second, before breaking out into a smile, brighter than all the other ones from earlier.
"You don't know how much that all means to me... I've always been just another one in the crowd, I've never meant anything to anyone and I've never felt this way towards anyone in my life, I feel the same way you do..." Virgil kissed his cheek softly.
"It's late... as much as I don't want to we should be going home..." Roman pouted but nodded softly.
"Yeah you're right... I'll text you when I get home, alright?"
"Alright... bye princy" Roman gave him a quick peck before walking off.
"Bye Virg!" They blew a kiss at each other jokingly, laughing as they did so. They both walked to each other's houses smiling and thinking back on the day they had.
Who knew having a private performance with each other randomly, neither of them ever meeting the other before this, could lead to a future date and a wonderful feeling of joy.

A/N- I wasn't thinking as I wrote this, it just kinda came out of my mind onto he screen. This was originally going to be a simple short oneshot but WOOP
I have a wedding tomorrow, I need to leave at 8 a.m but WeLp who needs sleep

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