Meeting up

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Human AU
Third person P.O.V
Virgil paced around his room anxiously as he thought about what was bound to happen in less than an hour. A friend he used to talk to daily in high school had contacted him for the first time in 3 years since the last year of high school, they ended up going to different colleges and started out texting a little bit every now and then, but then slowly lost connection, that is until now. Virgil smiled at the thought of the boy, he always had a thing for him. He remembered everything about Roman, his smile, his laugh, his sense of humor, god Virgil just loved everything about him. He heard his phone buzz again and he ran over to it, instantly opening it to read the message.
Roman: I can't wait to see you, it's been to long ❤️
Virgil blushed and smiled brightly at the message, quickly replying.
Virgil: I know, I'm so nervous!
Roman: only another 30 minutes till I can hug you again, I'm to excited
Virgil: we'll meet at that Starbucks on Riverside Av. Right?
Roman: right, I'll be wearing the red hoodie and white jeans ❤️
Virgil: okay, see you then 💜
Virgil smiled again down at his phone, getting up and going to he mirror to fix his hair yet again. He needed to look good for Roman, he needed to make a good impression. He got his hair to a point he liked and decided he should leave, needing an extra 20 minutes to even get to the Starbucks. He walked out of his small house nervously, taking a few deep breaths before getting in his car. He drove quickly to the coffee shop, not being able to wait any longer. He needed to see this boy.
Time skip
Virgil parked his car and got out, glancing up the sidewalk just in time to see the boy in a red hoodie and white jeans. He gasped happily, walking towards him.
"Roman!?" Roman looked up from he ground and saw the beautiful boy approaching him.
"Virgil!" Roman ran up to him, hugging him tighter than ever before. He picked the smaller frame up and spun him a round, making Virgil giggle and laugh loudly.
"Roman oh my god! I've missed you so much!" Virgil hugged him back when he was finally sat down.
"Oh god Virgil I missed you so so so much!" The two were always close when they were in high school, having every class together and constantly hanging out after school. They pulled away and starred at each other, trying to fully appreciate the beauty in front of them. The two boys couldn't help but cry, hugging again while laughing and crying.
Roman hugged Virgil tightly in his arms as he cried softly into his shoulder, him doing the same to the prince like boy. As they were hugging Roman couldn't ignore the weird feeling in his chest. The same thought was running through Romans head, "He's changed so much, he's grown, his smile has gotten so much brighter, he's gotten healthier since his eating disorder, god he's so amazing."
"I can't believe how much you've changed" Roman spoke between soft sobs into Virgil's shoulder.
"You've also changed so so so much Roman, you're so tall now!" They pulled from the hug. Roman smiled down at him.
"I think you've gotten shorter, pipsqueak" Virgil giggled.
"Hey, shut it you giant!" Roman laughing, softly grabbing Virgil's hand. Virgil could've sworn he felt a small jolt of electricity when they touched.
"Sorry, I just don't want to let of you go again..." Virgil felt his cheeks heat up slightly, but ignored it.
"Let's go inside, it's cold out here" the two walked in hand and hand, walking over to a small table in the corner instead of ordering. The place wasn't to crowded, but it wasn't empty enough to where they had to be super quiet. They talked back and forth for a little while, it was almost as if no time had passes since the last time they saw each other. Everything went back to how it used to be instantly.
"So Ro, have you found anyone special yet?" Virgil asked nervously, hoping the answer would be a no.
"..yeah actually, a beautiful girlfriend..," Virgil's heart sank.
"R-really...?" Roman smiled and laughed.
"No not really Virg, I thought you knew me enough to know I was a flaming homo." Virgil sat there for a second before laughing along with him.
"Oh gosh I forgot, I don't know how but I did... Jesus Christ..." Roman smirked while holding back a laugh.
"Was someone jealous~?"
Virgil smirked back.
"What if I was~?"
"Aw Virg there's no reason to be jealous, you have me all to yourself~" they started giggling together, both of them wishing the other knew they secretly meant what they said. They went back to small talk, just chatting back and forth about little things in life. Honestly it was taking every fiber of Romans being not to kiss Virgil right now over the table, but in fear of ruining things and embarrassing himself and the fact they were in public, he didn't. Suddenly the topic of music came up. Virgil asking what Romans favorite band was, him answering Reality club.
"What about you, what's your favorite band?" Virgil's eyes lit up, and he started instantly ranting about twenty one pilots and my chemical romance. Roman watched with a tiny smile on his face that slowly grew and grew with each word Virgil spoke. After his tiny rant, he noticed Roman starring with a smile on his face and blushed.
"W-what are y-you starring at...?" Without thinking Roman spoke, his heart over powering his mind.
"You" Virgil blushed deeper, as did Roman when it sunk in. He didn't take it back as it would be lying.
"W-wh...why?" He took a deep breath, throwing his worries out the window.
"Cause you're freaking adorable and I could stare at you for freaking hours, even when your rambling, that little twinkle in your eye when you get really into something is just the cutest gosh darn thing ever." Virgil squeaked and covered his face.
"S-sorry..." Roman spoke and awkwardly itched the back of his neck
"Don't b-be sorry...-" Virgil uncovered his face slightly.
"I'm just not used to being complimented, I...honestly I think the same about you, you're so freaking amazing and I couldn't lo.. I couldn't have a better best friend.." Roman was curious about what he was originally gonna say, but ignored it.
"Hey uhh, you wanna head over to my place for a while? We can play Mario cart!"
"Okay! Yeah let's go, we'll just leave my car here for now."
Time skip to house
The two boys pulled up outside of Romans small but nice house. Roman stopped the car, and Virgil moved to get out but Roman abruptly stopped him.
"Virgil" virgil turned around to face him.
"Yea-" Virgil gasped as Roman kissed him.  Virgil froze for a second, and Roman pulled away, quickly getting out of the car. Virgil sat there for a second as he watched Roman walk to the door with his head down. He hurried out and ran up to him, spinning him around and kissing him lovingly. Roman wrapped his arms around his waist and happily kissed him back. They both smiled joyfully into the kiss, eventually pulling away and smiling brightly at each other.
"I've had to fight the urge to do that since high school, you don't know how much I loved that." Roman spoke quietly. Virgil smiled more and blushed faintly, nodding in agreement.
"Glad to know I wasn't the only one." They laughed together before gently kissing again, pulling away soon after.
"We should probably get inside, I wanna play Mario Kart!" Virgil laughed at Romans excitement and nodded.
"Yeah lets go! I'm gonna beat you so hard!" Roman winked as Virgil said this, making Virgil playfully slap his arm.

Bonus scene for waiting for an update for so long.
Virgil and Roman sat on the ground next to each other, playing Mario Kart and starring intensely at the screen. Roman was 3 places behind Virgil before he used a blue shell. Virgil screeched at him, punching his arm. Roman laughed loudly, quickly getting infront if him.
"You're such an asshole!" Roman stayed in first place, but Virgil soon got an idea to get his spot back. Virgil knew he had this track memorized and could easily do it without looking. Virgil pushed Roman backwards and kissed him passionately, holding him back against the side of the couch. Roman melted into the kiss instantly, and Virgil kept the kiss going until he knew he would be in front (and until he finally had enough of it) and pulled away smirking. He turned back to the screen to see that he was in first place on his final lap. Roman sat there for a second stunned. He looked at the screen and realized, blushing madly and shoving Virgil as he raced to finish and get in front of him again, without using a shell. Virgil won quickly, making Roman groan loudly.
"You cheated."
"How so? By being to attractive for you? Cause you didn't seem to mind at all~"
"Fuck You."
"I'm sure you would ;)"

Even bonus bonus line.
"H-how did you just say that."
"Shh ;)"

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