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Warning: bullying, violence, homophobic slurs, blood
Human AU, high school AU
Romans P.O.V
Don't you love it when you start pining for the new kid at school that doesn't know you're alive? Cause I sure as hell don't. The new kids name was Virgil, and everything about him was perfect. He had beautiful purple hair, deep brown chocolate eyes, his style was very dark, quiet the opposite of mine, but it matched him perfectly. It was currently lunch and I was sitting with all my other play nerds. I didn't realize they were talking to me until one of them tapped the side of my face like a weak slap.
"Huh? Oh sorry... what were you saying?"
"I was trying to get your attention, it looks like there's gonna be a fight behind you. Turn around!" I spun around in my seat and saw a group gathered around two people. All I saw was one of He biggest bullies in the school towering over a small figure. The bully was a good 6 feet tall. I couldn't see the other person he was towering over because of the crowd. I couldn't hear anything over the chanting "fight fight fight!" Being repeated like a broken record. I looked back at my friends.
"Who's the other k-" I was interrupted by a loud thud that sounded like it hurt. I turned back around and saw the other figure on the ground with the bully kicking him relentlessly.
"Fucking fag!" Was all I heard. I caught a glimpse of purple on the floor. Fuck. That was Virgil! Shit oh no he's hurt! Why were they doing that to him, he doesn't deserve that!
"Virgil!" I didn't think before I spoke. I saw the guy look up at me with a devilish smirk.
"What, is this faggot your boyfriend? Fucking queers. You're so weird!" He kicked Virgil hard in the side, making him scream in pain. I heard the teachers voice approaching and saw the bully run off. Virgil weakly got up and darted down the hallway. I nervously waited until the teacher finished asking people questions about the fight before running off into the direction Virgil went. I needed to make sure he was okay. I walked around the quiet hallways until I heard pained and muffled sobs coming from a restrooms. I took a deep breath and walked in.
"V- hello?" I stopped myself from saying his name as it would've come off weird, given I've never talked to him. I heard the sobs get more muffled, but I could tell which stall he was in.
"Hey, I just wanna help... can you unlock the stall please?"
"N-no.." his voice was so rough... it sounded like sand paper had been dragged down the inside of his throat.
"Please..? I just want to make sure you're okay... come out and let me help... the bathroom door is locked no one can come in..." I heard nothing for a while, before I heard him move around and unlock the door, hesitantly coming out. I looked at his face the best he could. It was covered in blood and bruises. His nose was purple and blood drizzled down into his mouth, the crimson liquid also dripping out of his soft lips.
"Hey... oh jeez that must've hurt a lot..."
"N-n-no shit..." he was clearly holding back tears. I hesitantly opened my arms to him. He didn't even hesitate before latching onto me. I wrapped my arms around his back gently. I felt him flinch so I re-adjusted so I wasn't touching the sore spots. He sobbed into my shoulder.
"Hey hey hey.. it's okay, you're safe now I promise. Here sit down." I gently helped him sit down against the wall, and as soon as I sat next to him, he yet again rapped his arms around me and sat on my lap. He nuzzled into my neck, still sobbing.
"I swear you're safe, I won't let anyone hurt you... your names virgil right?" I felt him nod against me. I tried to think of things to keep his mind of the pain.
"I'm Roman, I think I have you in science class..." he seemed to calm down slightly. Yes it was working! I don't think he could talk yet, so I just had to talk to him.
"You've only come here for what, a week? Do you like it here so far?" He shook his head no.
"Aw come on.. there has to be one thing you enjoy..." he didn't say anything or nod, so I just continued softly rubbing his back.
"You're okay... I'll get you cleaned up and we can act like it never happened..."
"T-the bruises.. we can't h-hide t-those.." I remembered the tiny tube of concealer I always had in my pocket for emergencies.
"I can do it, I have makeup.." he continued softly crying into my shoulder. He's calmed  down a lot.
"See, I told you you'd be okay... come on I need to clean you up.." he pulled away sighing slightly and looked at my shoulder. It had blood and tears on it. When he saw it he started freaking out again.
"I-oh my god I ruined your shirt! I-I'm s-so so-sorry I don't even k-know y—"
"Hey no it's okay I don't mind! I have a jacket literally around my waist I'll just cover it up, it's okay Virgil I don't care" he took a deep breath and nodded. I helped him stand up slowly and led him to the small counter with the sinks. I lifted him up and sat him on it because he was to short to jump onto it. It was really adorable honestly. I grabbed some paper towels and got a few wet, but also left some dry. I walked back over and looked at his beat up face. He winced the first few times I touched the wet paper to his face.
"Sorry.. it's gonna hurt.." I tried not to hold eye contact, but he continued starring into my eyes as I gently cleaned his nose. I eventually met his eyes again as I cleaned the blood off his mouth and chin. I finished cleaning him up, but neither of us broke the eye contact. We both slowly leaned in, but he pulled away just before we made contact. I moved back too, worried I weirded him out. I saw a smirk grow across his bruised face.
"Buy me dinner first Ro~." He said in a flirty tone.
"Alright, I will. Saturday I'll pick you up at 8."
"Deal, Gimme your phone." I raised an eyebrow but gave it to him. He typed in his phone number quickly, and labeled his contact as Angsty emo😘 I looked at him and laughing slightly, causing him to laugh too. He grabbed his side and yelped loudly. I forgot he had been kicked.
"Oh shit, I forgot about that... can you take off your shirt and jacket or lift it up please? I need to check and make sure nothing is to badly damaged. (I thought of heathers writing that oof) He blushed slightly and took them off. I looked at his side and saw a dark purple and blue bruise with swelling on it. I lightly touched it, making him yell and move away.
"I don't think it's broken.. you definitely shouldn't do much that involves moving you side for a while though, when you get home put ice on it and it should be better soon." He nodded and put his stuff back on. I helped him off the counter.
"God I really don't wanna go to class... Roman can you skip the rest of the day with me?"
"It'll give us more time to learn more about each other before our date...."
"Awww Virgil wants to spend time with meeee~" he chuckled softly.
"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart... you were serious about the date right?"
"'Coarse I was, y'know.. yeah let's skip... I know how to get out easily.." we walked out of the restroom and made sure no one was around before booking it out the nearest door and running down the street. Oh yeah I forgot to say, we ended up holding hands as we ran because he wasn't running as fast as me, and I wanted to make sure he was still there. Definitely not at all because I wanted to hold his hand forever...

A/N Wow I finally got this idea out after a week, I hope y'all like it! It was super long... well, goodnight! It's 12:40 am and I have two tests tomorrow both that I probably will bomb, so I need "sleep" would anyone be interested in a part two of their date?

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant