Lifes a beach!

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*Thomas's P.O.V*
I woke up with a groan as I pulled my pillow over my face.
"Whyyyyyy!" I groaned to myself Into my pillow. After I finally was able to wake up more, i took the pillow off my face and looked out the window and realize that it's a beautiful day outside. Maybe good enough to go to the beach?  I got up and took a quick shower and threw on my Steven universe shirt and some simple jeans. I could go to the beach with Joan, but I could also go with Virgil, Roman, Logan, and Patton.  I smiled and decided I would. I called them all out, making all of them look around curiously. Virgil has bed head and was in a Totoro onesie, Roman has a onesie with a crown on it, Patton's was a cat, and so was Logans.
"Love the onesies guys, but I was wondering if you all wanted to go to the beach today?" All but Virgil nodded excitedly.
"It does seem like a great day to be outside!" Patton spoke with excitement.
"It does seem like a good idea, and going outside can be very good for health." Logan agreed.
"And I may have he chance to save some bodies life!" Roman spoke happily. We all smiled and looked at Virgil.
"Aww come on emo nightmare! It'll be absolutely amazing!" Virgil still shook his head no.
"No way!" Roman gave him puppy dog eyes. God they were so adorable.
^Virgils P.O.V*
The idea still hung in the air as Roman looked at me and gave me adorable puppy dog eyes. God dammit my crush on him wasn't helping me say no.
"Mmmmmm.... Fine! Okay yeah I'll go..." Roman clapped happily and smiled at me. I smiled slightly and hid it with my hand.
"Okay! Go get ready guys!"
~time skip to the beach~
*Romans P.O.V*
Me and everyone but Virgil ran into the water instantly. I swam out far enough to where I could just hardly reach the bottom, and the others followed. We started having a splash fight and eventually Thomas won. This part of the beach was surprisingly empty, much to our liking. This way less people would be weirded out because we all look identical. There was a small tree on the sand which had a very bored and miserable Virgil under it. Me and the others started playing frisbee in the water, making us all swim out a little far sometimes to get it after it was over thrown. After about a hour of playing around, I realized that Virgil still hasn't gotten in. I smirked slightly as I told the others I'd be right back and got out of the water. I snuck over to Anxiety and picked him up swiftly bridal style. He yelled and started fighting slightly.
"Prince put me down right now!"
"No way emo nightmare! You're coming swimming with me and you can't change my mind!"
"No!! Prince stoooipppp!" He whined. I ignored him and he realized it was pointless trying to fight. He lay in my arms with his arms crossed and with a very badly hidden smile on his face. He was clearly blushing making him look absolutely adorable. I already had a huge crush on him and this wasn't helping. We got into the water and when I was up to my knees I tossed anxiety in making him go under. He quickly swam up and smirked at me, splashing me. I smirked back and splashed him. We eventually started having a full on splashing fight full of loud giggles and lots of smile and a few fake stops. I could feel the others looking at us bus I ignored it completely. I have never seen him this happy, and it really helped me believe that he liked me back. I could only hope. I ducked under the water and swam up next to Anxiety. The water wasn't clear enough to see me, so I ended up scared him. He yelled as I wrapped my arms around his waist and lifted him up so he was hovering over me. We were both blushing madly when I came up from the water. I could still feel the others stairs on us, but I ignored it and focused on the beauty in front of me. He leaned his forehead onto mine and smiled.
"Wow I didn't know the emo nightmare could smile like that." He giggled slightly and wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Shut it Prince Charming." I smiled at him. And let my eyes wonder to his lips. His eyes fell onto mine. I leaned forward and closed the gap between us. My heart started racing as I realized what I was doing. I was kissing Virgil. Virgil was kissing me. I tilted my head slightly deepening the kiss slightly. It was a soft and caring kiss. We both pulled away. Our foreheads were still leaning on each other smiling and giggling. We could hear Thomas and Patton squeaking in the background with Logan tying to shush them.
"Wow." Was all he said.
"Ditto.." I giggled back. I just couldn't stop giggling. I was so happy. Virgil liked me back!
"So-" I pulled out foreheads apart.
"-Virgil, will you be my boyfriend?"
"Obviously you idiot." He kissed me softly again and we were both smiling into the kiss. I spun him around lifting him up in the air. He laughed as I did so.
"Roman you are the cheesiest person ever!"
"But you are going along with it and being just as cheesy. And besides you love me anyway."
"Yes I do. I love you."
"well I love you too."
This time all three of them squealed happily in the background.
"Wait until the viewers find out!"

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя