Im not okay.

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Yes this is supposed to be a huge reference to the song lol. I'm emo trash.
Roman's P.O.V
It was just another night in the mind space. Nothing un-ordinary had happened today. It was about 12 A.M, I was working on one of Thomas' new scripts for an up coming video. So far it was actually going amazingly. The video would be unique, creative, funny,  but also deep and would be sure to his the fanders hard with the feels. After a while I decided to try and relax by turning on a Disney movie and laying in my comfortable bed under the white blankets with a red silk strip draped across the end. I pulled my teddy bear to my chest as I curled up and tried to sleep. Yes I have a teddy bear, but so does Thomas... and everyone else in the mind... I'm not weird okay? I slowly drifted off. I was going in and out of dreams. Then one that lasted the longest without any interruptions, was me standing in a meadow of tulips of all different colors. The white, red, orange and pink colors scattered in the grass swayed softly in the warm gentle wind blowing through. I smiled and sat down, looking up at the soft blue sky scattered with white fluffy clouds. It was perfect. I heard a faint noise. I couldn't tell what it was. I shook my head and went back to focusing on the meadow. The noise echoed through the meadow again, this time louder. It sounded like crying. Why was I dreaming about crying? That's weird that never happens... I took a deep breath and focused on being relaxed. This time the crying was loud, as of it was right next to me. It scared me awake. I sat up and continued listening, seeing if a noise from the true world was entering my dreams. The sobs echoed through the mind again. It was coming from Virgil's room. I stood up instantly and walked out of my room, and towards Virgil's. I reached his door and carefully knocked.
"G-go away..."
"Vee, I'm not going away until I know you're okay..."
"I'm okay."
"I'm okay, it was just a umm.. just a nightmare."
"Are you 100% sure you're okay?" He went silent. The silence lasted about 3 minutes. I was about to walk away, maybe he really was okay, maybe it really was just a nightmare and he didn't want me around. Just as I turned away I heard anther sobbed followed by a soft,
"I'm not okay...." I turned towards his door again and opened it gently. I looked at his bed and saw him curled up in a ball against his headboard. The only thing I could see were his bloodshot eyes in the dim light of his room, peaking out from his arms which were on his knees. I sighed and walked toward the bed, sitting down next to him, careful not to upset him farther.
"What happened Vee?" He met my eyes for a second and slowly un-curled himself.
"Umm... it...the... my mind was going to... dark places. It's the worst it's been in a while..."
"What was you're mind saying?" I carefully got closer to him, trying to be as comforting as possible.
"...just... ca-calling me a m-mistake, failure, u-ugly.... w-w-was t-t-terrible...." he let out another loud sob and tried to curl himself up again. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders before he could.
"It's not true.. you're wonderful, you're worth living, you're not ugly at all, you are not a failure I'm very proud of you for even being able to tell me this. You've grown a lot since the first time we all met you. You've really become an amazing person Virgil."
"Really really." I smiled softly as I heard him let out a small giggle.
"See that's what I like to hear. Your laugh is adorable." I felt him nuzzle into my neck. He wasn't crying much now, maybe a few small whimpers every now and then, but other than that he seemed okay. I didn't know I could calm him down that quickly. I actually didn't know anyone could, because I've seen Logan and Patton try to calm him down, it takes forever. My heart fluttered at the thought of this. Maybe he liked me after all. Friend or more than, either way is okay with me.
"Hey Virgil?"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm okay now..."
"You really mean it?"
"I'm telling you the truth, I mean it I'm okay...... trust me..." I smiled as I pulled away from the hug. I thought he whined when I did so but I didn't pay attention because I was about to make a huge mistake. I leaned in and softly kissed him. I was frozen until I felt him kiss back. After that I relaxed. After a minute we pulled away and just looked into each other's eyes.
"Welp, now I'm even more okay..." I giggled.
"Really really."
"Ah using my sayings now huh Virgil?"
"Well it's said that when people have a close connection, either romantic or platonic, thsy start copying each other."
"Is it in a romantic or platonic way then mr. Know it all?"
"Id like to say romantic... after all I do love you..."
"Well I just so happen to love you too..." we both laughed. There was a knock on the wall from Logans room.
"Please be quiet love birds!" We both laughed harder but kept it down. After we calmed down he looked at me.
"That was so freaking cheesy!"
"Get used to it with me love."
"I mean if I get you to myself, I think I can live with that."

Prinxiety one shots. Anxiety x princeWhere stories live. Discover now