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Nico walked into his house with a sigh, walking over and slumping down on the couch.

He didn't miss the sizzling coming from the kitchen, and he turned his nose up at the scent wafting in the living room. He got up with another sigh and walked towards the kitchen, putting his hand over his nose as the smell intensifies.

"Solace," he whined, making Will turn to look at him.

"Oh, hey, Neeks. Did you just get home?"

"Yeah," he mumbled, staying in the kitchen doorway, eyeing the meat in the pan as if it had killed his cat (just as he thought that, Small Bob walked up and rubbed his head against his leg, making him smile down at the cat).

"Sorry, I know you don't like meat," Will mumbled, turning back to the pan.

"I can quite literally smell the death," Nico replied, Will shrugged, "That's why I became a vegetarian. You couldn't have cooked this some other day? I had a long day at work, Solace, I'm not in the mood for smelling death," he whined.

"I know," Will said, "but in my defense, I did think you were going to work late today and I was in the mood for a hamburger with bacon on it," he looked back and smiled innocently at Nico.

Nico rolled his eyes, bending down and picking up Small Bob. He then walked upstairs, flopping on his and Will's bed, cuddling Small Bob after he got comfortable under the sheets.


Okay this is short but I have something To SAy.

Um, I made a different Wattpad and I posted a 10000% innocently pure and holy chapter there. .

If you'd like to read it, then you can send me a message or comment and I'll send you a message. I don't want to just put the Wattpad name because people I know in real life follow me and I don't want them to see it 😂 but yeah. . .

Also, I'm trying to write more, but I'm kinda in a writing slump, you know how it is. If anyone has any requests that would be cool 👌🏻👏🏻


I Constantly Thank God For SolangeloOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora