He's A Unicorn

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Here  we  go  again  with  the  weird  ones  xD  thanks  again  fivesaucethough!!!  Love  you  xx

Ashton: You watched as Ashton pranced around the field, feeling wild and free. Ashton was your pet unicorn that was only visible to you. He liked it that way. You've tried to show him off to your best friend, but he refused to show himself. It was a little disappointing, but you couldn't help but feel special because he all yours. His mane was a lovely brass gold color, and his hooves were silver. You'd never seen anything more beautiful in your life. His horn was laced with the gold and silver and a hint of purple. You adored him. "Ashton! C'mere boy!" You yelled. Ashton stopped and looked over at you and did what you called a "magical Ashy prance", and galloped over to where you were sitting. He bent his neck down and Nuzzled your neck making you laugh. "I love you Ash. Thanks for being so wonderful." You said petting his muzzle. He nudged your shoulder and the sparkly lights radiated from his horn and hooves. He did that anytime he was happy. "I wish you were human. Then you could talk to me and hug me. But I can still talk to you right?" He nodded and made a rumbling noise in his throat. "I'll take that as a yes." You chuckled. Before you could say anything else, he exploded into a cloud of smoke and multiple colors of glitter. You coughed and waved your hand in front if your face. "Ash? Are you Ok?" What a stupid question to ask when your unicorn explodes. The smoke cleared and you saw a boy with bronzed skin, sandy colored hair, and hazel eyes. He was wearing one of those white puffy shirts you'd see on the cover of a romance novel. He was also wearing some really tight black pants. He was literally a Disney prince. He strode over to you and held his hand out for you to help you up. You took it and stood, mesmerized by this boy. "You can talk to me Y/N. This time I can answer." He said. You blinked and scanned over his body one more time. "Ashton? You're a unicorn." He chuckled and brushed the hair out of your eyes. "I am. And you're a girl. Now that we've established that, I know you've got questions for me. I'm all yours Y/N. Ask away."

Luke: At first, you didn't believe him. Then he transformed. His body was a teal color, his mane was black, and his horn and hooves were white. He was beautiful. He shook his head and snorted at you, coming closer. You held out your hand and he placed his nose in your hand. You stroked his mane and squealed. "Luke you're a unicorn! You're so pretty! Can you so anything magical? Well besides going from a tree to a horse?" He playfully nudged you and closed his eyes. There was a shimmer above your head, and you felt something land on the top of your hair. You reached up and lifted it off and held it in your hands. It was a gold and teal flower crown. The same teal as Luke's body. "You can create flower crowns? It's beautiful. Anything else you want to show me?" He winked and a whirlwind of different colored flowers flew around you and settled beside you, creating a silhouette. You squinted and realized who it was. "Luke? You can make a flower version of yourself?!" He chuckled and moved fluidly. "It's a way I can project myself without changing my form." His flower petal fingers started spinning more petals and made something else with his powers. He held out the small lilac colored ring and placed it in your palm. "It will never die. it will always be living and vibrant." He said. You stared at it and looked back up, to see that his figure disappeared. You glanced back to his unicorn self and walked towards him. "I can't believe you didn't tell me Luke. You're amazing. And magical dammit. Why would you think I'd want nothing to do with this? I love you and everything about you." You explained. He nickered and touched his horn to your heart. You felt his warmth and saw everything he's seen. It was almost like a movie of his life. At the end, all he has seen, was you.

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