Whoa I Haven't Updated In A Week O.o

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Hey guys!!!! It's been over a week since I updated and I'm so sorry!!! I missed you guys and I won't be gone like that again! xD So I updated the day before my birthday. I MET DEMI LOVATO she told me "Happy Fucking Birthday! You know you're legal in Texas and you could buy porn if you wanted to!" She was so sweet!!!! And I told her she looked beautiful and she said that I looked beautiful too and Happy Birthday! So the picture I added is me and Demi :)

I wanted to thank lameelisa for sending me that lovely letter, the 5sos picture and the dollar bill xD It was the sweetest thing ever. I loved it :) thanks babe.

And thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday!!! All of your comments made me smile and made my face leak. Shh. I love you all so much!!! You're the best!!! I felt loved :3

To the winners of the contest, I'm having some technical difficulties with the CDs xD so I'm trying to get those to work and I'll send everything out as soon as possible! I apologize for the wait!!! Love you xx

Oh I also wanted to say thank you to all of you that follow me!!! It means a lot and I can't believe you follow a dork like me! I always follow back so don't be afraid to shoot me a message!

I'll be posting Highschool (Calum) Later tonight!!!! Love you my beauties!!!!

-Kenzie xxxxx

"Damn it's been over a week. Gosh Kenzie. This is why we can't have nice things." -Ashton

"Yeah!!! Gosh Kenzie!!! *sticks tongue out* -Luke

"Ha! My chapter's next bitchachos!!!!" -Calum

"Demi Lovato? " -Michael

"*slaps Michael* -Ashton

"Ow! Hey! That was uncalled for!!!" -Michael

"I think Kenzie looks pretty. :3" -Luke

"Suck up." -Calum

"Wow Luke. Way to play teachers pet." -Ashton

"*kisses Luke's cheek* Thanks Luke." -Kenzie

".........." -Mike, Cal, and Ash


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