Guardian Angel (Part 1 Lashton)

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Aw  I  got  this  request  from aw_kiesxx! It was also inspired by the song "Endlessly" by The Cab ;) I hope you like it babe! Love youuuu xx

Ashton: Ashton was always your perfect guy. He's just so kind and gentle and loving. Everyday, you wonder how you ended up with someone as amazing as Ash. "Y/N? Did you hear me?" He asked pulling you out of your dreamy thoughts. "Hmm?" He chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Well that settles that. I asked if you wanted to go for a walk down the strip mall?" You nodded and jumped off your chair and pulled on his hand. "Let's go!!!" You yelled and dragged him to the door. He laughed and slowed you down to grab his keys. "Someone's eager to go. Slow down Y/N! You're gonna pull my arm off!" He yelped. You giggled and stopped, causing him to run right into you. "Oof." You turned around and apologized and kissed his cheek. "Sorry Ash. I just like walking around with you. It relaxes me! And there's a possibility that I'll find a pair of skinny jeans that make my ass look 'out of this world'!" He snorted and intertwined his fingers with yours. "Your ass is already out of this world." He murmured in your ear. You giggled and he kissed your jaw and your cheek. "Mr. Irwin you're such a charmer." You got in the car and Ash drove to the strip mall downtown. When you got out of the car, Ashton ran to your side and offered you an arm, which you gladly took. "Where do you want to go first babe?" You asked. He grinned and squeezed your hand. "I think I have an idea." He said winking. You raised an eyebrow. "Where are we going?" You asked as he made his way through the crowded streets. "It's a surprise!" He said cheerfully. You nodded and went with it. At every new street, he'd look down each direction to see if the mysterious place he was looking for was there. It wasn't for the first seven streets. He finally looked to the right and his eyes widened. "Eureka! I found it!" He yelled and pulled you along. "It only took you 20 minutes. Where the hell are we going?" You answered quite sassily. "We're going to the entrance of hell Y/N." You shrugged and made a face. "Already been there. It's overrated." You said. Ashton laughed and looked at you like you were his world. "Trust me. This is a lot better." You did trust him. After a few minutes of walking down the "right street", he stopped in front of a cheap/fake jewelry store. "What's going on Ash?" You asked looking at the somewhat real looking diamonds and plastic rings. He sighed and looked at you and grabbed your hands. "Y/N, I know I don't have a lot of money, but I want to do the best I can before I can get you the real thing." You blinked. "W-What?" He smiled and kneeled down on one knee. "Y/N Y/L/N? I am deeply in love with you. I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?" You sniffed and giggled. "Of course I'll marry you Ashton. I love you so much." He laughed and stood back up and twirled you around. "Well now it's time to get your temporary ring!" He said. So that's why he brought you here! You nodded and walked into the little shop. You looked at the different colored plastic jewels and couldn't decide what color you wanted. "I'm sorry I couldn't get you a fancy ring. But I hope you'll still wear it." He said. "What you mean this isn't Jared?! I am outraged!" You said sarcastically and giggled. "Ash you could've gotten me chicken nuggets from McDonald's and I would've said yes! I love this. It's perfect. I swear you're an angel. My guardian angel. My beautiful angel." You said and kissed his lips. "I'm not an angel Y/N. I'm just me." You wrapped your arms around his neck. "Well "just me", I think "just you" is perfect." He smiled and reached behind you and grabbed something. "I think I may have just found your ring." He handed you a silver colored ring with little red and white "diamonds". You gasped as he put it on your finger and admired   it. "It's beautiful Ashton! I love it!" You said hugging him. "Just like you. You're my angel Y/N."

Luke: His jeans were ripped. His lip was pierced. He was everything your mother didn't approve of. And yet you felt drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. You met him at the coffee shop down the street and started talking with him. His name was Luke and he was the sweetest and most awkward guy you've ever met. But you were terrified of what your mother would think. Luke ended up giving you his number and asked you to text him when you got home and he left. You smiled and walked back home, just so you could talk to him. You walked into your house with the biggest grin on your face, and the rapid beating of your heart pounding through your chest. Butterflies erupted in your stomach. You'd never felt this way before. "Y/N? Where the hell have you been?!" You looked up from your phone and saw your mom glaring at you. "I told you I was going to the coffee shop. I'm back now." She scoffed and tapped her foot. "Don't be a smartass. Why are smiling like that?" She asked like the word smile was poison. "I met someone. He's really sweet and cute and I think I really like him mom." You said feeling the butterflies again. "That's not acceptable. You shouldn't be meeting boys. Heaven knows why one would even want to meet you." You flinched at her words and stood silently. "Now go to your room. I have things to do. And remember, phone goes away at 5." She said waving you away. You nodded and climbed the stairs to your room. You lay down on your bed and started to text Luke.

Hi Luke. It's Y/N from the coffee shop

Oh thank god! I was going crazy not hearing from you!

We just met lol!

Hey I met a pretty girl that I wanted to talk to! Is that wrong?

No :) you think I'm pretty? xD

Of course I do. I'd really like to take you on a date tomorrow. If that works?

You bit your lip and squealed.

Yes that works. Can we do it before 3 though? I uh have a curfew.

Yeah that's fine. What's your curfew? 5? xD xD

Yeah actually.... My mom's a bit overbearing I guess. Ok that's an understatement.

Oh. I'm sorry. I can come get you at 1?

Uh can I actually meet you there?

Sure. Are you ok?

Yeah. I'll tell you everything tomorrow. I gtg. I can't use my phone after 5.

Ok. I'll see you tomorrow! Sleep well xx

You walked downstairs and placed your phone on the counter and waited for tomorrow to come.

You woke up to your mom shaking you. "Y/N it's 7 am! Get up lazy ass!" Her grip on your arm was really tight and it was starting to hurt. "I'm up! Let me go!" You yelled. She struck you across the face, pain shooting up your cheek. "Don't talk to me like that! I am your mother." She hissed. Tears stung your eyes and you held your cheek. "Now get up." And with that, she left. It was now 12:45 and you snuck out the back door and you started walking. You saw Luke's hair first, then his extremely tight skinny jeans. He smiled and walked over to you. "Hi Y/N! Whoa. What happened to your arm and your cheek?" Crap. You tried to hide it with makeup, but it obviously didn't work. "I uh..." You couldn't think of a way to describe it, so you changed the subject. "So what are we going to do?" You asked. He looked concerned, but he got the hint. "I was thinking we could go to the pizza place a few blocks down and maybe see a movie?" You smiled and nodded. The pizza was phenomenal and the movie was hilarious! You had a lot of fun with Luke. He was a gentleman who opened doors for you and pulled out chairs for you. You'd never been treated so nicely in your whole life. After the date was over, he kissed you on the cheek and asked if you would text him when you got home, so he'd know you're safe. You got home and opened the door and whipped out your phone and texted him. He replied with a smiley face and a sweet note saying he had fun with you and that he wanted to see you again. Over the course of 3 weeks, you saw Luke almost everyday. You grew closer each moment and got more comfortable with each other. Tonight was like any other night with him, going somewhere fun and him asking you to text him. He really was worried about you, but you didn't want to burden him with your problems. You got home and closed the door quietly just as the light flicked on. "Sneaking out. Do you not love me? Were you with some boy?!" You were about to speak when you felt her slap you. "How dare you leave without permission?! You will obey me Y/N!" You felt the sting of another slap. Your phone buzzed. Luke. Your mom snatched it out of your hands and threw it to the ground and it shattered. She continued yelling at you for the next half hour, slapping you occasionally. You were crying and trying to protect yourself. That's when a knock on the door came. Your mom glared at you and told you to stay. She opened the door and you heard Luke's voice. "Hi Mrs. Y/L/N. I was just checking to see if Y/N made it home alright. Your mom looked Luke up and down and scowled. "You're the boy she's seeing? Honey, you can do so much better than my daughter." She said nastily. "Yeah I am dating your daughter. And I happen to think she's too good for me. She could do much better." You had it. You screamed Luke's name and his eyes flicked behind the door. "Y/N? Are you alright?" He shouted. You sobbed and sniffed. "No! Please help me Luke!" His eyes snapped back to your mother and he forcefully opened the door, letting himself in. He found you and ran to you. "Oh my god Y/N. I'm so sorry. I should've come sooner." You shook your head and buried it into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and began walking you out the door. Your mother screaming at the two of you. Luke helped you into his car and drove you to the nearest hospital. The nurse was tending to your wounds when her eyes landed on Luke. "Was he the one that got you out of there?" She asked. You nodded. She smiled. "He's your guardian angel." She said softly, enough for Luke not to hear. You grinned and looked at him. "Yeah. I guess he is."

(I hope you liked part 1 babe! It's a cute request :3 sorry for the length on Luke's...woah there. That was innuendo. Shh. I'll be working on part Malum ;) I love you! xx

It's good to be back ;)

"Aw. I'm such a cheesy guy. I'm getting married to you!!! I'm so excited! I love you Y/N!" -Ashton

"Damn. I'm so glad I could help you. I hope you'll be alright love. I'm always here for you Y/N. Just send me a message if you ever need me." -Luke

"Well....I'm not in this one...." -Calum

"I came out to have a good time and honestly, I am feeling so attacked right now." -Michael

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