He Reads Your Diary (2/4 Malum)

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Here's the last He Reads Your Diary! I hope you like it madihemmo0413! xx

Calum: "Calum you fucking read my diary!!! What the hell is wrong with you?!" You came into the room screaming. The rest of the boys were there but you didn't care. They all looked at Calum who turned bright red. "W-What? N-No I didn't." He mumbled. "Oh really? Then why did I hear you tell them "Y/N has a crush on me! I just found it in her diary!"?!?" You yelled and threw the book at him. He caught it and turned a brighter red. "I-I didn't know you were here Y/N." You scoffed and threw your hands. "So that makes it ok for you to read my personal stuff? Calum you're my best friend, but I keep some things to myself! And now you've ruined that. Thanks a fucking lot." You finished and ran up to Calum's bedroom and slammed the door. 

(His P.O.V) 

I screwed up big time. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair and looked at the boys. They were silent and looked very uncomfortable. "Did any of you know she was here?" I asked. They all shook their heads and looked away from me. "Great. I'm such a jackass." 'Yeah you kind of are..." Ashton commented. I flipped him off. "You're not supposed to agree with me. You're supposed to say 'No you're not Calum! Just go apologize and everything will be alright!'" I said angrily. "Mate, to be fair, you did read her diary. That's a no no on everyone's list." Michael added. I sighed and nodded. "You're right. I'll go talk to her." I got out of my chair and went upstairs to my room that Y/N seemed to think of it as her own. I knocked lightly and called her name. "Go away Calum! I don't want to talk to you right now." She said from behind the door, she'd been crying. God damn it Calum. "Y/N please. Open the door." I heard her walk across the floor and heard the click of the lock unlocking. I gently opened the door and I saw her tear-streaked face and her arms across her chest. "What do you want Calum? Embarrass me more?" She asked trembling a bit. I shook my head and opened my arms for her. "C'mere. I'm so sorry Y/N." She sniffed and ran into my arms and sobbed. "How could you do this Cal?" She asked while still clutching to me. I rubbed circles in her back, trying to calm her down. "I don't know. I was stupid. I am stupid. I should never have read it. I'm very sorry love. Please forgive me. I love you Y/N." And I meant it. I did love Y/N. More than just a best friend. She pulled back and wiped her eyes. "What?" She asked. I smiled and kissed her lips. "I love you Y/N. And I'm sorry you had to find out this way." She blinked at me. "Are you just saying that because of what you read?" I shook my head. "No. I really do have feelings for you. And now...I know you have feelings for me too. So....can I take you out tonight?" She looked at me like I was crazy and punched my chest. "Of course you can! But you're still going to get an ass whupping for reading my diary you jerk." We heard laughter from the doorway and we turned around and saw Luke and Michael standing there. "Ah true love."

Michael: (His P.O.V) 

I was really worried about Y/N. She seemed so distant and quiet all the time now. She hasn't talked to me about anything since that Tuesday, a month ago. I didn't know what to do and I was going insane trying to talk to her. She would sit on the couch and stare at the TV or a wall and not move for hours. I tried making her her favorite foods but she didn't want to eat. I was so desparate, that I started to go upstairs to find her diary. I know it's forbidden and everything, but if I can figure out what happened, maybe I can help her. I ransacked her drawers trying to find the little black book she writes in. Eventually, I found it underneath all of her underwear. Dayum. Snap out of it Mikey. I sighed and flipped through the pages to find the entry dated Tuesday, May 20th. "Today I found out my father died. He'd been battling cancer for the past few months and treatment didn't work. I feel like a horrible person because I didn't get a chance to see him before he died. If I could change it, I would. He was one of my best friends and he's gone. I don't want to tell Mikey because I'm afraid. I don't know why, but I am. It's stupid. I know he'd be supportive and loving, but there's just something that bothers me about thinking of telling him." I shut the book and put it back in her special place and sat on the bed. That's why she's numb. I rubbed my face and thought about how to approach her about this. 

(Your Lovely Self) 

You were sitting on the couch playing with the tassels on one of your blankets when you heard a loud thump. You jumped up and looked behind you to see Michael on the floor at the foot of the stairs. He groaned and chuckled. "Don't mind me. I just fell down the stairs. It's all good." You ran over to help him up and he grabbed you in a bone crushing hug. "Y/N you can tell me anything you know that?" You grunted and tried to breathe. He noticed and let you go. "Sorry." He muttered. You nodded and started to walk back to your little nest when he lightly caught your wrist and tugged you closer. "Y/N I know what's going on. Please speak to me." Your lip started trembling and you fell into Michael's chest and his arms instantly went around you. "H-He's dead Mikey. I-I'm so lost. I can't stop crying and I don't know what to do." He kissed your forehead and picked you up and brought you over to the couch and sat with you attached to him. "Breathe baby. You're allowed to be upset. You can talk to me if you want. If you don't, I understand. But I'm always here. I love you Y/N." You nodded and hid your face in the crook of his neck. That's when he started singing Beside You, very softly, and rubbing your back, letting you finally close your eyes for the first time in a long time.

(Last installment of He Reads Your Diary!!! I hope you liked it madihemmo0413! It was a cute, sad, and sweet request to write :3 xx

So I probably will not finish all of the preferences before I leave...I'm sorry guys!!! But as soon as I get back, I'll get right back to it ok? I love you guys xx

I finally listened to Rejects, the new version of Try Hard, and If You Don't Know....I LOVE THEM!!!! xx 


"That's crazy! I don't get it. What's going on?" -Ashton

"Woah. So people read about me being a dork? Why? And why the hell was I a bagel?" -Luke

"But I was a chihuahua!!! Guys!!! I'm an adorable puppy!!!!!!" -Calum

"Hiss hiss scratch scratch I've been a fucking cat this whole time?" -Michael

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