Ship (Shauna)

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Name: Shauna

Hair Color: Ginger

Eye Color: Brown/Green

Hobbies: Reading, singing, listening to music, eating, watching TV, talking with my friends and sleeping.

Other: I'm Irish, I'm small, and I'm petite?

Hi Shauna! You sound so cute!!! I want to cuddle you! Plus, I'm petite too :3 Love you xx

I ship you with: Luke

Lucas thinks you're the cutest thing in the world. He can't stop cuddling you, kissing you, hugging you, and booping your nose. You'd giggle and try to push him away, but that made him do it even more! He'd constantly compliment you and try to embarrass you. It was very cute because he could never embarrass you! He looks at you with such admiration and wonders how in the world he found someone like you. Never has a day gone by without him saying he loves you at least 37 times. And he meant every single one. It did take him a while for him to say it the first time, but once he did, he realized that he wants to scream it from the rooftops. His heart fluttered every time he looked at you. His smile always warmed your heart, and the fact that you caused it made all the difference in the world to him. The fans loved the way you two fit well together. They'll ask you questions and give you hugs and say thank you for making Luke so happy. When the haters come out from under their rocks, Luke and the rest of the fandom is there to protect you whether you need it or not :) Luke is always there for you and you couldn't imagine being with anyone else <3

Best Friend: Michael    Mikey connected with you the instant he met you. He really liked having you as a best friend because he could tell you things he couldn't talk about with the boys. He also enjoyed the fact that you were a bit shorter than him. He teased you about it all the time but you knew it was out of love. He's really a big cotton ball.

The One Who Has Crush On You: Calum        Ah Calum. The head over heels in love kind of boy. After spending a few weeks with you around, he realized the feelings he had for you. He knew he couldn't act on them because he couldn't do that to Luke or you. He admires from afar and keeps his feelings to himself, but shows his love in a different way.

The Brotherly One: Luke's Older Brothers Jack and Ben      Jack and Ben were a riot! They were always cracking jokes and making you laugh. But in all seriousness, they care for a lot about you. They constantly check to make sure Luke is in line, and that he's treating you right. They both have your number and text you every once in a while to see how you're doing and you really love that. Luke is somewhat annoyed by it, but he will tell his brothers thank you for looking out for you.

(I  hope  you  liked  it  ShaunaThank  you  for  sending  your  infoI  still  want  to  hug  you  btw. :3)

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