What He Does When You Have To Pee xD

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Oh  my  gosh  this  should  be  funThank  you xx_anna_xx26 for this insanely hilarious request! xD I love you and I hope you like it!!! xx

Ashton: You nudged Ashton awake and looked at him. "Ash. I have to pee." You whispered. He rubbed his eyes and gave you a small smile. "Ok babe. Hold on." He yawned and tried to wake up the man beside him. Being in a cramped row on a plane didn't really help your bladder. "Excuse me? Sir? Sir?" Ashton tapped his shoulder. The man groaned and opened his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked groggily. "Hi sorry to wake you. Would you mind getting up so she can use the restroom?" Ash asked kindly. The man peered around Ashton and scoffed. "It's one more hour. Can't she wait?" Ashton chuckled and tried again. "Um. No sir she cannot. Now would you please move?" The man didn't budge. "Tell her to hold it." You tapped on Ashton's shoulder. "Uh Ash....I'm starting to have cramps." You said looking apologetic. His eyes widened and he looked back at the rude person next to him. "Sir please move." He said sternly. The man closed his eyes again and put in his headphones and ignored Ashton. Ashton got so upset, it got to the point where he ripped out the dude's headphones and screamed at him. "SHE HAS TO PEE GOD DAMN IT!!! MOVE YOUR ASS!!!!!" It worked. You got to pee and Ashton got to frighten a grown man. You came back and the guy never made eye contact with you. You sat back down in the window seat and Ash in the middle. You leaned your head on his shoulder and laced your fingers with his. "Thanks Ash." He smiled and kissed the top of your head. "Your bladder is more important that a rude bald guy any day!"

Luke: Being mobbed by thousands of teenage girls wasn't exactly how you liked spending your day with Luke, but you took it anyways. He had a strong grip on your hand and he pulled you through the growing crowds. Being bigger than you, he could shield you pretty well. He'd stop occasionally to take a few pictures and give hugs and you loved that about him. You never wanted him to ignore his fans. He was in the middle of signing something when you felt it. You crossed your legs and bit your lip. When he came back to you he giggled. "You Ok there? You look like you need to pee." You nodded and he stopped smiling. "Ok c'mon. We'll get you to a bathroom." He looked over the crowd because 8 feet tall, and found a way out of the girls. "Ok here we go Y/N. Will you be alright for a couple minutes?" He asked. You nodded and walked quickly with Luke. His escape plan didn't exactly work. More girls blocked your way and he tried getting through. "Excuse me! Can we get through please?" The screams muffled his voice and he got angry. "Oh for God's sake." He muttered and bent down. "Y/N jump on. We're taking the fast track!" You giggled and jumped on his back and he held your thighs while you put your arms around his neck. "Guys could you move?!? Urine my way!" He yelled and you snorted. He quickly ran with you on his back, through the crowd and into a restaurant where he dropped you off and you waddled to the ladies room. When you came back out, you smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you my stallion!" He grinned and giggled. "Absolutepee!"

Calum: You were on the sideline of the stage and you smiled up at your boyfriend who winked at you. "Ok this next song is called 'Heartbreak Girl'! Sing along if you know it!" Luke said and the crowd went wild. You squealed and clapped your hands because it was one of your favorite songs. Calum looked especially good looking in that blue ombre tank and his black skinny jeans. His hair was in that almost mohawk style that you liked. He smiled and strummed on his bass as they sang their hearts out.

"I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth, that I can take away your hurt heartbreak girl, hold you tight straight through the daylight, I'm right here when you gonna realize that I'm your cure heartbreak girl!" They ended the song with the flourish and the girls screamed. Calum giggled and got ready to announce the next song.

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