Thank You, Preferences, and The Big Poetry Bash

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Guys!!!! I just got back from Neverland and I have big news! I just hit 2 million reads on my preferences! I am so amazed by how many of you have been reading frequently. It’s crazy to see the numbers get bigger and bigger. So I wanted to thank you for everything. 2 million reads later….and I’m still broke. What’s wrong with this picture???? xD The 5SOS fam has been so amazing to me and I can’t thank you enough. I wish I could meet every single one of you. That would be quite the party….A CHOCOLATE MILK PARTY THAT IS!!!! So as another thank you, here’s a bunch of preferences for you! Xx

Your Celebrity Best Friend

Ashton: Demi Lovato She loves to laugh and play pranks so she’d be the perfect sidekick to poke a little fun at Ashton! She’d also be the best friend that would listen to everything you have to say and give you amazing advice. She’s such an inspirational person to be around and you can always be yourself around her.

Luke: Ed Sheeran   He can be a bit of a goofball! But in a very kitten-like way. He’ll come over and play his guitar and make drastic lyric changes to make you smile. He’s also the perfect guy to cuddle with if Luke is away. He knows how much you love Luke and will always cheer you up if you’re desperately missing him. Ed is an amazing listener and will make the best of every situation!

Calum: Jesy Nelson  Jesy is so fun and sassy! She’s the perfect best friend for you! She always cracks you up and brings out the wild side in you. When you’re together, Calum can’t control his laughter and tries to escape but he can’t! When Jesy’s on tour, she makes sure to Skype you every night after a show and will talk for hours! She’s a sweetheart :3

Michael: Jack Barakat  Because he spends more and more time with the band, you’ve gotten to know him pretty well! He’s definitely older, but he acts more like a child obviously. He makes you laugh and he’s really outgoing and open. Michael is good friends with him as well so it isn’t as awkward when you all hang out together. Jack believes Michael is the right guy for you and will make sure Michael doesn’t cross any lines.

What He Does For Your Birthday

Ashton: He would arrange a surprise visit and invite all of your friends and family! He’d get your favorite dessert, and drink and bring lots of gifts that you’d try to give back but he won’t let you. When everyone else leaves, he’d pull out a special present and you’d get upset that he spent more money on you. He’d smile and hand you the big black box and cross his arms. “Just open it.” He’d say. Your eyes would widen and you’d look back at him and he’d give you a smirk. “You’re giving me your maroon hoodie?” He’d nod and hug you close. “I was wearing it the first time we went out. You got cold and I wrapped it around your shoulders. I don’t want you to be cold again.”

 Luke: He’d probably forget your birthday. But then he’d remember at like 11:59 that night and call you right away and say Happy Birthday and you’d be silent. “Luke my birthday’s in a month.”

Calum: Calum would take the day off and spend it with you doing whatever you wanted to. He’d even get his nails done to make you giggle. Of course he’d let you pick the restaurant you wanted to eat at. For a present, he knows how much you like music so he’d take you to Target (xD) and let you pick out 5 new albums that you’ve been keeping your eye on. Just to see you smile. He loves you so much and he wants to make sure you have the best day ever. He didn’t care what you did. The only thing that mattered is that he got to be with you on your birthday.

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