He's A Superhero (Don't Stop Versions)

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This one was requested by fivesaucethoughIt's  the  perfect  dream  come  true!!!  5SOS  as  their  superherosThanks  for  the  request  hon  xx TRIGGER WARNING on Calum's btw.

AshtonYou backed up against the alley wall with your hands up. The man in front of you had a gun and was asking for your "valuables" and was coming closer. You slowly reached for your purse with a shaky hand and threw it to him. He caught it but didn't bring down his gun. You whimpered and looked around for someone but it was completely dark and empty. "Damn lady. Don't you have some kind of jewelry or something?" He growled at you. You shivered in the cold and shook your head. He turned your bag upside down and shook it, all of your belongings crashing to the ground. You watched as he pocketed your money and dropped the bag. "If you say a word about this to anyone, I'll kill you. Got it?" You nodded silently. "That's a bit rude. Don't you think?" A male voice came from the darkness. Both you and the mugger were looking for the location the voice came from. All of a sudden, the mugger was lifted up into the air and thrown against the dumpster. You gasped and caught sight of the boy who saved you. He was quite muscular and bulky. His hair was slicked back and a red bandana was wrapped around his head. He was in a combination of blue and red with an A on his toned chest. He was stunning. You met his eyes and he gave you a small smile before punching the guy one last time, knocking him unconcious. You were frozen where you stood, in shock of what just happened. The boy knelt down and picked up your belongings and put it all back in your bag. He stood up and walked over to you and handed it to you. "Are you alright love?" He asked, his voice a thick Australian accent. You were too scared to speak so you just nodded. He looked at you with concerned eyes and inspected you. "He didn't touch or hurt you did he?" You shook your head and tears began forming in your eyes. He took notice and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, comforting you and warming you up. "C'mon. Let me walk you home." You stopped and wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your head in his chest. "Thank you." He rubbed your back and hugged you close. "You're safe now. I won't let anything happen to you." You sniffed and looked up at his face. He was very attractive. "W-What does the A stand for?" You asked pointing to the red letter on his chest. (Ha the scarlet letter xD) He smiled a crooked smile. "My alter ego is Smash. But my real name is Ashton." You giggled and wiped the tears off your cheek. "You know you just told me your secret identity right?" He chuckled. "It seems I have. Can I trust you to keep it?" He asked smoothly. You nodded and walked alongside him out of the murky alley. "Thank you Ashton. I want to do something for you. For helping me." You offered. He shook his head and waved his hands. "No. It's not a "you owe me" situation. It's a "I kicked that guys' ass so he wouldn't hurt you" situation." You laughed. "Ok. Well if you change your mind, let me know." He stopped walking and you turned and raised your eyebrows. "I would like it if you'd let me take you on a proper date?" He posed more like a question and bit his lip. You smiled and pushed your hair out of your face. "Alright. How about tomorrow night at 7?" He smiled widely and bowed to you. "As you wish fair maiden. I'll pick you up tomorrow night. As Ashton."

LukeLuke Hemmings. He was a strange guy. You always noticed something different about him every day in class. You felt like you've seen him before but you couldn't put your finger on it. The teacher droned on and on about something mathematical. You weren't really paying attention. You were looking at the boy with the light hair, pale blue eyes, the concentrated look on his face, and the way he bit at his lip ring. You squinted to see if you could figure out where you've seen him, but all that resulted in was a knowing look from your friend. You glared at her as she laughed her ass off, gathering attention from all of your classmates. "Ms. Y/B/F/L/N. Would you like to share with the class?" Your friend shut up and shook her head. "That's what I thought." The teacher went back to the board and started writing more equations that looked like instructions for summoning satan. You looked back over at your friend who was coincidentally sitting right behind Luke. She was still laughing silently and Luke looked back at her. "What's going on?" He whispered with a smile on his face. She shook her head and made the mistake of glancing over at you. His eyes followed hers and his gaze fell upon you. You blushed and looked down at your scribbled on paper. You heard a quiet chuckle followed by the sound of him moving back to face the board. When the bell rang, you started to pack your backpack, when it fell on the floor spilling everything. "Damn it." You muttered and got on the floor and picked up your notebooks and pencils. A second pair of hands started placing items in your bag and collecting more fallen notebooks. You blew the hair out of your face and looked up to see Luke bending down and helping you. He picked up an open notebook and scanned the page and his eyes widened. "Uh. Here's your book." He handed it to you and walked quickly out of the classroom without a thank you. You blinked and found the page he was looking at. It was your drawing of the "superhero" Dr. Fluke. (I'm sorry but I can't take that name seriously! xD) You frowned and looked back up at the door. That's when you pieced it together. You flipped through your several pages of Dr. Fluke and looked at all the details. Tall, blonde, blue eyes,.....black lip ring. How did you not see that before? You slipped your backpack on your shoulders and ran out of the classroom after Luke. You found him at his locker and stopped in front of him, breathing heavily. "L-Luke? C-Can I talk to you?" Wow you needed to run more. (JK!!!!) He shut his locker and turned to you slowly. "About what?" He asked cautiously. You grabbed his arm and pulled him to an empty corridor and looked around to make sure no one was near. "Ok. Be honest with me. Are you him?" You opened your notebook and pointed to the drawing. He swallowed and wrung his hands. "N-No. I'm not." You narrowed your eyes and lifted his head up to look in his eyes. You gasped and let him go. "It is you. Your eyes give it away." He shushed you and looked around. "Ok fine. Yes that's-that's me. But you can't tell anyone." You zipped your lips and threw away the key. He snorted and nodded "Ok that works. Does anyone else know about me?" You shook your head and made a gesture that said "just me". He sighed and ruffled his hair. "Good. You can talk though you know." He said quietly. "Right. sorry. Look Luke? I promise I won't tell anyone. You dont need to worry." He smiled and kissed your cheek. "Thanks Y/N."

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