He's Younger Than You

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Yay another request! This one came from aw_kiesxx ! Thank you so much for the sweet message hon! Hope you like it!

Ashton: Being one of the older fans of 5 Seconds of Summer was definitely a bit of a challenge. You felt like you never had a chance with one of the boys. That all changed when you bumped into Ashton Irwin after a concert in New York. You ended up talking with him for hours, joking and laughing. When asked how old you were, you hesitated. "I uh...I'm 22." You expected him to be intimidated or uninterested. "Cool! Older woman! Nice!" He said drawing out the 's'. You laughed and handed him your number. Meeting every few days, you began having a relationship with him. The age difference affected the fans a little bit but it wasn't as bad as you expected. They eventually decided that you two were a lovely couple and let you be. The rest of the boys always teased Ashton by saying you were 'more experienced', making you giggle. The way Ashton looked at you always made you forget the age difference. All that mattered was that you loved each other.

Luke: With Luke, you felt like a kid again. In the best way possible. You were 2 years older than him, and he loved it. You never knew why, but he would always tell you he did. The fans were definitely a bit upset about you being older. You always got complaints about how he should be with someone younger than him. But you didn't care! There were also fans who were extremely supportive of you two. Making jokes and cracking you up happened on a daily basis with the 5SOS fam. Someone made you laugh so hard with a tweet that said "Y/N must be having fun going to R rated movies. She gets to decide if Luke gets to see it or not xD". You showed it to Luke who pouted. You kissed him and told him you'd take him to any movie he wanted. Being with Luke gave you the confidence you needed to stand up for yourself and tell people you loved him no matter what. You will always be thankful for that. He's such a sweetie.

Calum: "How old is she?" Ashton asked. Calum scratched his head waiting for the criticism. "She's 21." The boys just looked at him. "What?" Calum questioned. "She's 3 years older than you." Michael stated. Obviously. "Yeah what's your point?" Luke and Ashton exchanged glances. "Are you sure that's a good idea Cal? I mean, isn't it awkward?" Luke asked. Calum scoffed and set his phone down. "You know what? It's not awkward at all. I really like this girl. Why can't you be supportive?" Michael blinked. "We just don't want to see you get hurt." Calum stood up and left the room to get some air. After a few minutes Michael went after him and talked with him. "Calum do you really like this girl?" He clenched his jaw and nodded. "Yeah. I do. A lot." Mikey nodded and ran a hand through his hair. "When do we get to meet her?" Calums' face turned into a smile. "Tonight." You met the boys and had a lot of fun getting to know your new boyfriends' band mates. Honestly they didn't expect to love you as much as they do :)

Michael: "What's the big deal? It's only one year!" Michael yelled at you. You wiped the tears off of your cheek and faced him. "I know it's only one year! But your parents and your fans! They think it's a huge deal!" You shot back. Michael groaned in frustration and buried his face in his hands. "How are we going to keep dating if we have this fight every week? I can't deal with it Mikey." You said softly. He looked up from his hands and looked at you with watery eyes. "What are you saying? You want to break up?" He asked. You sighed and sat down next to him. "I don't want to. But maybe it's the best way." You said honestly. He didn't say anything. He just rubbed his face with his hands. "Maybe you're right. Maybe we should just break up." Even though you had suggested it, his words stung horribly. You nodded and slowly stood up. Michael's fingers wrapped around your wrist and pulled you down to his lips. He kissed you passionately. You pulled away from him to see the tears on his cheeks. "I'm going to miss you Y/N." You bit your lip and nodded. You left his house, never knowing if you'd ever feel the way you felt about him ever again.

(Michael's was depressing. apologize. On happier note, hope you liked it aw_kiesxx :) thank you so much for the request! Thanks to all of you that have been reading every part and commenting! You're sweet! Love you xx)

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