Ship (Madeline)

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Name: Madeline

Hair Color: Golden brown

Eye Color: I don't even know, hazel? It's like gold and green soooo

Hobbies: Listening to dubstep, drawing, watching scary movies/shows, watching YouTube, laughing, playing piano and violin (I tried teaching myself guitar, but my hands are too small D: ) doing nail art I don't even know why, and I can crochet and knit XD (so punk rock of me, I know)

Other: Um....I'm really shy. And I have a pet snake (ball python to be exact) named Icarus :D

Wow, this was long, I'm sorry. But can we be best friends or...Because you're awesome and that donut preference tho XD

Hi Madeline!!! Thanks for the sweet message :) I'd love to be best friends!!! We can try to find human donuts together! xD

I ship you with: Ashton

Ash loves everything about you. Period. From your golden brown locks, to the way you laugh. He spends as much time with you as possible on and off tour. It always included watching scary movies, looking up funny videos on YouTube, and seeing Ashton's face when he holds Icarus! Whenever you crochet or knit to relieve stress, Ashton watches your small fingers with the yarn and is completely amazed at how well you can knit. You've made him a scarf and he always takes it with him, even when it's hot enough for his face to melt. When you do your nails, he always asks to help you with your right hand because he likes to paint your whole hand. But, as an end result, when your nails are looking fabulous, he gets a little jealous xD Overall, Ashton just wanted to spend time with you, everything you do, just to see your smile.

Best Friend: Calum            Calum was the coolest guy ever. Well besides Ash of course ;) He also loved watching scary movies with you, so if Ashton was too tired to stay up, Calum would always sit and watch with you for hours. His arm would wrap around your shoulder, as if to keep you safe from the movie monsters :)

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Michael     Mikey was beyond sweet to you. He held open doors, he'd give you his hoodie if you were cold, and he'd order your food if you were in the bathroom xD He cared so much for you and would never come between you and Ash, but he still waits, just in case.

The Brotherly One: Luke      Luke was a teaser. He'd tease you about how your hair frizzes up in humidity and stuff like that. It didn't bother you, but sometimes it got quite annoying. You knew he loved you, but he had weird ways of showing it.

(Hope you liked it Madeline xx)

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