Pillow Fight

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Thanks for the request Boybandinsanity!!! I love you babe ;) xx

AshtonYou were halfway through your book when you felt a pillow whack the back of your head. You set your jaw and kept reading. Whack! You turned the page. WHACK! You placed your bookmark in your book and glared up at Ashton. He waved and whacked you again. "Seriously?! Do you even remember why I wasn't paying attention to you in the first place?" You snapped. He blinked and hit you with the fluffy pillow. "Ashton I'm serious. Why are you being such a jerk?" He handed you a pillow and whacked you with his. You growled and started wailing on him with your death pillow. Each hit made you feel better and after a while, you started giggling. A smile spread on Ashton's face as he engaged in the pillow fight. Both of you swung your pillows hard and they collided and burst open, the feathers flying everywhere and covering you. Ashton burst out laughing and threw piles of feathers at you. You swatted them away and giggled at his concentrated face. You forgot why you were upset with him in the first place! You layed in the pile of feathers with your hands intertwined. "I love you Y/N." Ashton whispered. You  smiled and faced him. "I love you too Ash." He grinned and kissed your cheek. "Even more than Stiles?" He asked with a smirk. You came to a realization. "Oh. That's why."

Luke: You poked Luke's cheek and he growled at you. You giggled and poked him again. He growled. Again. The last time you poked him, he jumped on you and pinned you to the bed. "If it's a war you want, then a war you shall get!" He declared and picked up a squishy pillow and slammed it against your face. You laughed and reached for the pillow behind you and it swished across his face. He swung and hit your boob and you glared at him before hitting his face again. When you brought the pillow back down he had a smirk on his face. " What are you smiling about?" You asked being cautious of his pillow. "Whack-A-Boob." He snickered. You rolled your eyes and whacked him and he fell back on to the bed. "Now with better reflexes." He added and giggled softly. You spent the next ten minutes hitting him several times with your pillow and he didn't fight back. He just laid there and took it. When you got tired, you lay next to him and breathed heavily. "Why didn't you hit me back?" You asked. He just stared at the ceiling in silence. "Luke?" Nothing. You sighed and looked up at the ceiling too. Luke smirked and reached under the bed and pulled out a giant body pillow and whacked you and laid on top of you with the giant pillow in between. You groaned and tried to move but his freakishly big body weighed you down. "Ugh Luke! Move you giant broccoli!" You yelled, muffled by the pillow. He smiled and hugged you through the pillow. "I win!!!"

Calum: You squealed and ran down the hallway, escaping Calum the Fluff Monster. He ran after you with the pillow held above his head. "Come back here Y/N! No one can escape the Fluff Monster!!!" He yelled and you giggled, turning the corner. He must not have expected that because you heard a loud thud and you stopped to hear if he was ok. He turned the corner and ran towards you. "I'm ok!!! The pillow kept me from bashing my skull in!!! Nothing stops the Fluff Monster!!!" You shreiked and slid across the wooden floors, making your way to the living room. You were standing behind the couch and he was standing in front of it. He grunted and chucked the pillow at you. You ducked and it hit the wall behind you. "Dammit!" Calum yelled and you stuck your tongue out at him. Before you could escape again, he jumped over the couch and wrapped his arms around your waist and dragged you to the ground giggling. You laughed and squirmed in his grip. He reached for the pillow and whacked you lightly and kissed your neck. "I told you you couldn't escape the Fluff Monster."

Michael: You were both hunched over the laptop watching the seasons of Supernatural on Netflix. Michael was wearing his Pikachu onesie and you were wearing his other Pikachu onesie. Yes the boy has two. You both had sweater paws, yours more pronounced than his. Season 3 just ended and you were both staring at the screen. "B-But...what?!" He yelled and clicked the power button on the laptop. "Mike! I thought we were going to start season 4!" You whined. He crossed his arms trying to look upset, but ended up looking like a kitten. You giggled and cuddled into him. "But Dean is in-" You slapped one of your sweater paws over his mouth. "We don't need to live through it again!" You squeaked. He nodded and closed the laptop. You were outside in a makeshift fort of blankets and pillows. It was actually quite romantic when you thought about it. The moon lit up the sky and the stars twinkled clearly. The trees looked magical in the moonlight. "What are you thinking about?" Michael asked. You smiled and pointed to the sky. "Isn't it beautiful?" You said breathily. He nodded and nuzzled your neck. "It's still not as beautiful as you." He said huskily. You giggled and kissed him and he climbed on top of you. You felt something dig into your hip and you raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. He blushed and smiled. "Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read my boner face..." He sang quietly. You burst out laughing and whacked him with one of the various pillows scattered around you. He smirked and grabbed a large blue and white fluffy one and hit you back. You fake gasped and hit him harder. He puffed out his cheeks and climbed off of you and hit your stomach. You groaned and whacked his face, making him laugh. "Pikachu versus Pikachick!!!" He screamed and brought the pillow down on your head. You stood up and jumped on him with your pillow. "Pokemon down!!! We've got a Pokemon down!" He announced and grabbed your waist and tickled you. You laughed and squirmed and he smiled and pulled you down to his chest. "I love you baby girl." He whispered. You poked his nose and pecked his lips. "I love you too perverted Pikachu."

(Oooh. Many much feels. So sorry for the emptiness this induces. I hope you liked it Boybandinsanity!

For those of you asking when your imagines will be finished, patience grasshoppers! I'm writing as much as I can! I'm sorry it's taking so long :/ They will get done! 

Also, sorry I haven't updated in a while! Busy week...of doing nothing. I was in bed for 3 days just coz I couldn't motivate myself to get up. And then of course I get a cold xD So yeah it's been sneezing and crying!!! Yay! But I'm back baby!!! )

"MOVE YOU GIANT BROCCOLI!!!!!!!!!" -Ashton

"Hehehe Whack-A-Boob. I'm hilarious. And body pillows conquer all!!!" -Luke

"The Fluff Monster.....why?" -Calum

"MOVE YOU GIANT BROCCOLI!!!! That was funny enough for it to be repeated twice. Luke you're a giant broccoli." -Michael

"At least I'm not a perverted Pikachu." -Luke

"Not cool." -Michael


"All hail the giant broccoli." -Calum

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