Ship (Kristy)

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Name: Kristy

Hair Color: Dyed  Blonde curly

Eye Color: Green

Hobbies: I play drums

Other: I have dimples, I'm Irish, I am loud at times but am an awkward penguin when I first meet people. I love food!

Hi Kristy! You sound loverly!!! :D xx

I ship you with: Luke   

 Luke has never felt this way about anyone before. It's weird and exciting for him at the same time! He tries his hardest to be the best boyfriend he can be, and kisses you, hugs you, and tells you you're beautiful every day. He fell in love with your green eyes and he can't stop staring at them. When you sleep, he's a little sad because he can't see them :( but you look so peaceful and beautiful. When you first met, you were both awkward penguins but that caused a spark, and now that's faded away. You're both comfortable sharing everything and being close. Food is also another thing you bond over. You'll be constantly trying new foods from different places and comparing your favorites. Luke feels like he's known you forever and he calls you his sunshine :) 

Best Friend: Calum   Being loud with Calum is one of your favorite things to do! He can be quite loud himself so you balance each other out! He's also the perfect person for a cuddle! :3 He's really fun and loves you to death.

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Ashton      Ashton is completely floored by your drumming skills! He found it insanely attractive, and can't get over it! He also thinks you're beautiful and subtly hints it to you all the time without outright saying it. He blushes when he's around you but he's still very chirpy :)

The Brotherly One: Michael and Calum        They're a team when it comes to being your older brother. Mikey is especially assertive and protective, while Calum is the laid back and goofy brother. But both of them together make quite the team :)

(Hope you liked it Kristy!!! Love you Irish cutie!!! xx)

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