Ship (Olivia)

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Name: Olivia

Hair Color: Cinnamon brown, soon to be aqua

Eye Color: dark brown

Hobbies: watching other people play scary video games and possibly tring them, dancing badly, singing badly, eating, volunteering at animal shelters....and laughing.

Other: Loves baby rhinos and octopuses, and has a minor obsession with Pokemon

Olivia. A woman after my own heart xD Haha!

I ship you with: Ashton

He loves the fact that you'll try new things with him. Whether it's playing a new video game or filming your dancing and singing experiences for the world to see! He's always up for eating at any time of the day! Every once in a while you'd wake him up at 2 or 3 am to go to McDonald's and he'd be up and ready within seconds. When you volunteer at the animal shelter, he comes and visits and sees how you light up with the animals. It's something he's admired about you. The laughing situation....let's just say that there's barely ever time for breathing with him!

Best Friend: Michael   The Pokemon obession alone drew him to you! He will stay up for hours arguing about whether a Squirtle or a Vulpix was cuter. He was a fun person to be around all the time. And anytime you wanted a cuddle, MIKE-RO-WAVE TO THE RESCUE! And when you get the aqua hair, he'll be so obsessed and keep touching it to the point where you have to tape his hands together.

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Luke   You thought that Luke hated you because of the way he avoided you. When you confronted him about it, he let it slip that he was in love with you. Things have been a little shaky but they're slowly getting better.

The Brotherly One: Michael   Yes he's your best friend, but he definitely has the brotherly protectiveness over you. He makes sure you're ok after every outing you have with the boys and makes sure you don't get hurt. Softy Mikey.

(Hope you enjoyed it Olivia xx)

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