12 Mini Preferences

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Hello! To make up for the app confusion, I've decided to write you 12 mini preferences! Hope you like em! They're a bit crazy, but you're used to it!

Flavor  of  Ice  Cream  He  Likes  To  Fling  At  Your  Face

AshtonOrange sherbet. He finds it hilarious when you're orange.

LukeMint chocolate chip. Minty fresh. xD

CalumChocolate. He laughs because it looks like he threw poo at you.

MichaelNeapolitan. Taste the rainbow.

His  Favorite  Way  to  Hug  You

AshtonHe loves it when you hug his waist so he can wrap his arms around your shoulders and hold you close. This hug means everything to him. He can kiss the top of your head which is rested against his heart. He's pretty sure you can hear it beating quickly and loudly. But he reminds himself that it only beats like that just for you.

LukeEven though he's a giraffe, he loves it when you wrap your arms around his neck. He'll hook his arms around your waist and his head will be in the crook of your neck. He'll take a deep breath and sigh because you're so relaxing. If he could hold you like this forever, he would.

CalumCal loves hugs from behind. Especially when you do it. He loves the feeling of your smaller arms around his waist. He also loves hugging you from behind. His strong arms hold you tight and his head rests on your shoulder, which gives him perfect access to kiss your cheek multiple times.

MichaelMichael loves hugging you all the time. His style of hug varies from lifting you up and crushing you to his chest to kneeling down and hugging your waist, his head to your stomach. He's just a huggable bear and he loves coming up with new ways to be close to you.

What  You  Dress  Up  As  For  Halloween

AshtonPeter Pan and Wendy. Never grow up.

LukeDanny and Sandy. He likes the spandex.

CalumAladdin and Jasmine. He knows how much you love it.

MichaelJack and Sally. Blink-182 song or the movie? ;)

What  He  Wants  to  Dress  Up  As  For  Halloween

AshtonNutella and toast.

LukeDanny and Sandy. He still likes the spandex.

CalumMario and Yoshi. You being Mario.

MichaelEither Flynn and Rapunzel or Elsa and Olaf.

Song  He  Sings  When  You  Can't  Sleep

AshtonBeside You.


CalumGotta Get Out.

MichaelWrapped Around Your Finger.

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