Ashton Writes A Preference

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I apologize for Michael. At least I have a gibbon and he doesn't! Kenzie was nice enough to let me write my own preference for you guys! Sorry it's not as long or as 'creative' as Mike's but I hope you like it! I'll also answer comments and questions at the end. :)

His  Favorite  Thing  To  Do  When  You're  Not  Around

Ash: I would be drumming until I hurt myself and you'd have to take care of me when you get back. ;) Get it?

Luke: Probably play with his stuffed penguin collection. Especially Pengy and Fruitcake. Don't ask.

Cal: Calum would definitely dance around in your bras and underwear. He's such a weird kid. Blue looks best on him.

Mike: Michael is the one that would completely trash the house and throw food at the walls just to piss you off. He's done it before.

Sorry if I disappointed you. Oh well! You boys may comment now.

"Did  you  really  have  to  bring  up  FruitcakeHe's  shy  and  likes  his  privacy!"  -Luke

"Entirely  accurate."  -Calum


"I  know  I'm  funnyYou  guys  can't  tell  me  otherwiseOh  yeahCalums'  is  next."  Ashton

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